Releases: vanjarosoftware/Vanjaro.Platform
What's Changed
- Upgrade to latest GrapesJS by @Gaganbird in #2327
- Disable registration email notification to user when email verificati… by @Gaganbird in #2329
- Upgrade Font Awesome Icons by @Gaganbird in #2332
Bug fixes
- Section custom permission removes and revert back to inherit f… by @Gaganbird in #2326
- Unable to add/update button text by @Gaganbird in #2331
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
What's Changed
- Verify user email address before registration by @mksmanish79 in #2187
- Upgrade to latest GrapesJS by @Gaganbird in #2203
- Converting headings tags into h1, h2, etc instead of text block by @Gaganbird in #2181
- Add search in Language extensions by @nikhilmandeeps in #2198
- Improved Asset Manager by @nikhilmandeeps in #2189
- Implement Vanjaro Events by @nikhilmandeeps in #2207
- Showing hamburger menu instead of dropdown menu on iPads (Landscape Mode) by @Gaganbird in #2260
Bug fixes
- Carousel not working with more than 5 images by @Gaganbird in #2180
- Custom styling not working in list block by @Gaganbird in #2184
- Rendering incorrect anchor link in link control (Pages) by @Gaganbird in #2212
- Action menu not working with 2SXC by @Gaganbird in #2239
- Show After Registration setting in pages is not working correctly by @Gaganbird in #2306
- Profile settings not showing with valid profile required by @Gaganbird in #2297
- Hard Delete Delay option does not binds by @Gaganbird in #2272
- Profile settings fails to fully display when valid profile req… by @Gaganbird in #2293
- Unable to create a site using uppercase site URL by @Gaganbird in #2295
- Action menu displays outside viewport on page scroll by @Gaganbird in #2183
Other Changes
- Improved section CSS by @ishitagupta94 in #2200
- Redirect to registration page instead login after updating pro… by @Gaganbird in #2308
- Third party apps preview link error by @Gaganbird in #2241
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
We're re-introducing Vanjaro Slack Channel for Open Source Platform users. We will use Slack for announcements and conversations. Please join at:
- Integrated Vanjaro App Store
- Bulk Import Users via CSV by @hshimanshusharma in #2096, #2099, #2108
- Added support for Google Analytics UA by @narensingh008 in #2112
- Improved payload and performance on auto save @mksmanish79 in #2151
- Improved Image Optimization Function by @ishitagupta94 in #2153
- Created GetFriendlyURL method for Manage link of apps of Vanjaro by @hshimanshusharma in #2162
Bug fixes
- Installer not working with version 1.3.0 by @mksmanish79 in #2093, #2101
- Hybrid mode with Vanjaro Apps showing Persona Bar by @hshimanshusharma in #2094
- Background video doesn't play (iPhone, iPad) on sections by @Gaganbird in #2100
- Can not create or migrate to a Vanjaro page on portals by @pankajmandeeps in #2116
- Clear client cache on app install from store by @mksmanish79 in #2122
- Notification dismiss is not clearing cache immediately by @pankajmandeeps in #2128
- Search Result Block "Show More" button not working. by @pankajmandeeps in #2137
- Fixed Edit Mode not loading with languages by @narensingh008 in #2142
- Fixed CKEditor browse server url by @narensingh008 in #2150
Other Changes
- Change Default Messages by @pankajmandeeps in #2120
- Improved install package UI by @Gaganbird in #2127
- Update notification count in Mobile mode by @pankajmandeeps in #2129
- Object Qualifier missing inside Install query by @pankajmandeeps in #2130
- Improved third party modules css by @pankajmandeeps in #2139
- Remove special page its taking on Error Page by @pankajmandeeps in #2141
- Redirect to theme settings if only one theme is available by @mksmanish79 in #2165
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
Refer to Wiki to get started.
A total of 96 issues were resolved in this release.
What's Changed
- Migrated to Invisible ReCaptcha v2 from v3 scoring model for reliability and manual captcha challenge by @nikhilmandeeps in #1989
- Implemented image editor option in background image by @ishitagupta94 in #1938
- Improved performance of link block by @ishitagupta94 in #1882
- Improved performance by removing jQuery UI from anonymous view by @mksmanish79 in #1991
Developer Enhancements
- Added optimize option for third party blocks to selectively optimize images by @ishitagupta94 in #1863
- Improved Image Editor integration for third party modules by @ishitagupta94 in #1866
- Implemented setting title option for 3rd party apps by @Gaganbird in #1868
- Created Interface IPortalDelete by @pankajmandeeps in #1956
- Implemented async and defer by @mksmanish79 in #1998
- Notification add position along with width by @hshimanshusharma in #2000
- Added an option to enable responsive styling for third party apps by @Gaganbird in #2074
Bug fixes
- Email queued but not sending by @mksmanish79 in #1860
- Image editor not visible on carousel image by @ishitagupta94 in #1873
- Toolbar icons tooltip not appearing by @Gaganbird in #1886
- Submenu UI breaks in case of fullwidth menu by @Gaganbird in #1896
- All popup closes after clicking Manage Slug by @pankajmandeeps in #1909
- Text option in styling tab missing in case of Text Inner block by @Gaganbird in #1918
- Error when importing template or creating site by @hshimanshusharma in #1926
- Image updates only for first time after that it does not change by @mksmanish79 in #1931
- Dragging app using image drops image block by @Gaganbird in #1940
- Dragging library block drops image block by @Gaganbird in #1946
- Enter key behavior in search by @Gaganbird in #1951
- Always showing localization key in url manage render by @pankajmandeeps in #1961
- Popups (Page Settings, etc) closes when clicking outside it by @Gaganbird in #1981
- After Sign Up user not redirecting to set page by @pankajmandeeps in #2004
- Incorrect grid options by @Gaganbird in #2009
- Image editor not working with section background by @mksmanish79 in #2012
- Unable to change link text in text block by @Gaganbird in #2018
- Reset Password link not working by @pankajmandeeps in #2028
- Can't select Folder-type page within Menu settings by @hshimanshusharma in #2032
- Link option binding issue by @ishitagupta94 in #2034
- Icon block title binding issue by @ishitagupta94 in #2037
- After Sign Up user not redirecting to set page by @pankajmandeeps in #2035
- Member profile property value not binding by @pankajmandeeps in #2039
- Linking bold text removes bold tag from text and heading block issue… by @diipakx in #2044
- Profile property is visible even if is set to false by @pankajmandeeps in #2047
- Select image default folder by @pankajmandeeps in #2045
- Button set to page redirect link doesn't work and page data length check by @mksmanish79 in #2049
- Unable to type comments when using workflow by @Gaganbird in #2058
- Unable to change link text in text block by @ishitagupta94 in #2059
- Icon breaks inside button block by @ishitagupta94 in #2065
- Return URL doesn't work with Sign Up block by @hshimanshusharma in #2067
- Not redirect set page of Terms & Privacy on Sign Up block by @hshimanshusharma in #2071
- Background video not visible in Responsive Mode by @ishitagupta94 in #2076
Other Changes
- Improve toggle option for blocks by @ishitagupta94 in #1864
- validate cannot add child domain like this https://domain-name/xyz using Sites Extension by @pankajmandeeps in #1854
- Css Improved in Toggle Trait by @diipakx in #1884
- Portal ID missing in mailQueue object by @pankajmandeeps in #1894
- Link options added to theme by @diipakx in #1916
- Fixed localization issues on Angular JS file by @nikhilmandeeps in #1929
- Update moment Js plugin v2.18.1 to v2.29.0 by @pankajmandeeps in #1965
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Vanjaro DNN Version Upgrade to 9.10.1 by @pankajmandeeps in #1739
- Upgrade to Latest Bootstrap 5.x by @Gaganbird in #1719
- Implement srcset in carousel images by @ishitagupta94 in #1581
- Implement link option in Icon & Image block by @ishitagupta94 in #1612
- Added absolute link option in image and link for 3rd party app by @Gaganbird in #1659
- New Style options added and theme builder issues fixed by @diipakx in #1666
- Added 'rem' as a unit choice for padding/margin etc by @ishitagupta94 in #1708
- Show Style Letter (A / B / C) for each style in each block such as Heading, Text, etc by @ishitagupta94 in #1709
- Need to be able to select the .row element of a grid by @Gaganbird in #1747
- Implement image editor option in background image by @swanandpachode94 in #1748
- Improved Terms and Privacy page content by @swanandpachode94 in #1765
- Added Next and previous buttons in pagination by @ashishpachauriap in #1768
- Implement link in Image gallery items by @diipakx in #1782
- Added search in Sites grid by @ashishpachauriap in #1788
Bug fixes
- Email Service Provider not working with new created portals #1565 by @hshimanshusharma in #1566
- Icon component break in link block while copying by @swanandpachode94 in #1578
- Image gallery modal proportions are incorrect by @Gaganbird in #1585
- Folders not visible to superuser by @mksmanish79 in #1601
- Submenu link border bottom option not working by @diipakx in #1610
- Sign In page logo not visible by @mksmanish79 in #1608
- Youtube video not visible in edit mode by @swanandpachode94 in #1606
- My Account style options not working properly by @diipakx in #1616
- Console error vjFonts is undefined in third party app by @Gaganbird in #1670
- Ignore image url formatting by @pankajmandeeps in #1677
- Fixed responsive menu issue by @Gaganbird in #1679
- Notification bell icon not working when login as normal user by @Gaganbird in #1681
- Reorder scss compilation by @Gaganbird in #1714
- Profile link not hiding in mobile even if setting is disabled by @ashishpachauriap in #1738
- Duplicate BS5 CSS when editing the page by @Gaganbird in #1746
- View slugs history not binding by @hshimanshusharma in #1761
- User Registration set to Verified doesn't appear into verify registration by @pankajmandeeps in #1779
- Unable to Get Vanjaro to Work with DNN 9.9.1 by @hshimanshusharma in #1773
- Required profile fields not enforced during registration by @hshimanshusharma in #1781
- Unable to copy page permission while copy the page by @ashishpachauriap in #1786
- Required profile fields ui change by @pankajmandeeps in #1791
- Root menu does not show as selected when its child page is selected by @ashishpachauriap in #1794
- Page breaks after app install by @mksmanish79 in #1808
- Updated delete font confirmation message by @mksmanish79 in #1809
- Removed fonts from basic theme json by @Gaganbird in #1812
- Poppins fonts missing after upgrade by @mksmanish79 in #1820
- Dropdown menu not working in custom and global blocks by @swanandpachode94 in #1831
- Migrating the page first time, page changes not saving as draft by @hshimanshusharma in #1838
- Migrated page reloading multiple time when all component deleted from page by @hshimanshusharma in #1839
- Header and Footer break by @hshimanshusharma in #1844
Applies to DNN Extension Only
- App removing from page after reloading the page without publish by @hshimanshusharma in #1753
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
Our first official release! Refer to Wiki to get started.
A total of 32 issues were resolved in this release.
Noteworthy Changes in v1.1.0
- Bootstrap 5 upgraded to v5.0.1
Enhancements & New Features
Bug Fixes
- Reset password link fails #1252
Breaking Changes in v1.1.0
- In previous versions of Vanjaro, duplicate CSS was generated by Styling Tab that caused unexpected behavior. This issue has been resolved by cleaning the CSS after publishing the page. If you're upgrading from a previous version then be sure to review the page styling after publishing each page.
v1.0.5 (RC 2)
Refer to Wiki to get started.
A total of 91 issues were resolved in this release.
Noteworthy Changes in v1.0.5 RC 2
Enhancements & New Features
- Google Fonts Integration #991
- Mobile Admin Experience #1068
- New Mobile Landscape option in Responsive Design #920
- Membership Settings #1048
- Multi Language Global Blocks #848
- Flex Layout Options in Styling Tab #570
- Google Analytics 4 & Google Tag Manager Extensions #712 #711
- Custom Classes on any block via Styling Tab #381
- Responsive Font Sizes #1071
Bug Fixes
- Email Provider not working #1014
- Menu block disappearing when moved to Global Block #941
- Styling Sub Menu Items #948
- Editing text with editor bar for bold or any choice in a list causes bad formatting #1021
- Replace Tokens not working in Global Block #889
- Can't edit text after adding link #888
Breaking Changes in v1.0.5 RC 2
- x86 Builds are no longer supported. Make sure you're running on a 64 Bit App Pool #903
- Combined "Sign In & Out" block functionality with "Sign Up & My Account" block #869
- Existing localization values such as page names will be removed #1184
Mitigation Steps - Combined "Sign In & Out" with "Sign Up & My Account"
After upgrade, Sign In link will appear as a static non-functional "Login Link".
- Navigate to the page that hosts the "Sign In & Out" block. By default, "Sign In & Out" block appears on all pages and will be in a Global Header. Edit the Global Header.
- Use the Navigator to locate the "Sign In & Out" block and delete it using the Keyboard Delete key.
- Publish Page
v1.0.4 (RC)
Refer to Wiki to get started.
A total of 225 issues were resolved in this release.
Noteworthy Changes in v1.0.4 RC
DNN Platform upgraded to v9.8.1
Enhancements & New Features
- Bootstrap 5
- Template Library
- Section Block Permissions
- Improved styling tab w/Individual Sliders for Margin, Padding, Size, Borders, and many new options.
- Vanjaro Improvement Program
- Migrated to Dart Sass
Breaking Changes in v1.0.4 RC
Even though it was not recommended, some of us are using Vanjaro BETA for production sites. Please be aware of following breaking changes before upgrading:
- All Existing Custom Blocks will be removed
- All Existing Global Blocks will be removed
- Bootstrap has been upgraded to v5 BETA 2 and may break your custom HTML Markup/CSS
Mitigation Steps - Custom Blocks
Create a new page and add all custom blocks to it; each custom block in its own Section Block. After upgrading to RC, your existing custom blocks will be removed. You may create your existing blocks from the new page using the "Save as Block" option of Section Block.
Mitigation Steps - Global Blocks
- Remove all global blocks from each page. Be sure to publish the page. After upgrading to RC, your existing Global Blocks will be removed.
- Rebuild your global block inside a Section Block and "Save as Block"
- Add the newly created global block to all pages from which it was removed.
v0.5.3 (BETA)
v0.5.2 (BETA)
Refer to Wiki to get started.
A total of 35 issues were processed for this release.
Noteworthy Changes in v0.5.2 BETA
DNN Platform upgraded to v9.7.2
Vanjaro Installer
A new desktop application to quickly install or upgrade to the latest version of Vanjaro.
Bug Fixes
- Unable to install a new extension #135 #108
- Unable to save changes to theme editor #113
- Unable to configure Maps block zoom #120
Enhancements & New Features
- Support IsEditable to make Vanjaro 100% compatible with all existing DNN Modules #64