👍🎉 Thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to the template website on GitHub. These are just guidelines, not rules, so use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
- Steps to contribute
- Issues and Pull Requests
- Commit Messages
- Pull Request Title
- Styles
- Labels
- Raise a new issue here
- Wait for the maintainer to reach out and assign the issue to you
- Fork the repo and clone it on your local machine
- Get the issue solved
- Read the complete CONTRIBUTING.md file to make sure you follow similar convention
- Create a new branch and open a new pull request with proper convention
- Wait for the maintainer to review or merge it
- Issue Title should be :
VOVOCA - Issue Number
- Make sure to add description about issue in the section below the issue to get more clear picture, try adding screenshots/gifs for better clearance
- If you're not sure about adding something, open an issue to discuss it.
- Feel free to open a Pull Request early so that a discussion can be had as changes are developed.
- Include screenshots and animated gifs of your changes whenever possible.
We use the Conventional Commits specification to standardize our commit history. To enforce this convention on commit messages and/or pull request titles, we use the Semantic Pull Requests bot.
The commit message summary (or pull request title) is constructed by prepending the type of change being made (e.g., feat, fix, refactor), followed by an imperative, present tense sentence (without a period).
Example: fix: make header bold
Same as commit messages, prepend the type of change being made (refactor, fix, chore, feat, etc.)
Example: docs: add linux setup instructions
Please do follow naming convention for new classes (if added) and try to kee similar to other pre-existing styles
If any of this information confusing, incorrect, or incomplete, feel free to open an issue for help.
Labels are very important to categorize the PR, make sure to use/change labels as necessary Following are the mentioned labels with their usecase
- Bug
- Enhancement
- WIP (work in progress)
- Testing
- Ready for Review
- In Review
- Done