Web-based presentation plugin combining the power of GSAP, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5. Inspired from reveal.js (https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/) and impress.js (https://github.com/impress/impress.js/).
- GSAP (http://greensock.com/gsap)
- jQuery (http://jquery.com)
- Simple and easy to use
- Works on both laptop as well as mobile
- Slide indicator and control are available
- User can customize all the CSS to meet his requirements
- Automatic execution of slides is available
- All the contents of 'class frame' form a slide. 'frame class' must be used inside 'id main'.
- presentMe.js uses HTML5 'data attributes' to control slide animation
- Alter the options object in presentMain.js javascript file to control slide timings
- Please use the source code to know in details.
Visit http://alley.co.in/presentMe.js/
That's all!!