- using a terminal, navigate to the project's root folder
- cd to "scripts" subfolder and enter "chmod 755 compile.sh"
- followed by "./compile.sh"
- through Command Prompt, navigate to root project folder
- cd to "scripts" subfolder and enter "compile.bat"
- navigate to the project's "src" folder
- through the terminal type: "rmiregistry &" to start the RMI registry process
- in the same terminal, or other pointing to the same directory, type:
"java peer.Peer <protocolVersion> <serverID> <accessPoint> <MC>:<MCPort> <MCB>:<MCBPort> <MCR>:<MCRestore>"
example: java peer.Peer 1.0 1 remote
- open Comand Prompt, navigate to project's "src" folder
- enter "start rmiregistry" to start the RMI registry process
- in the same Command Prompt, or other pointing to the same directory, type:
"java peer.Peer <protocolVersion> <serverID> <accessPoint> <MC>:<MCPort> <MCB>:<MCBPort> <MCR>:<MCRestore>"
example: java peer.Peer 1.0 1 remote
- navigate to the project's "src" folder
- through the terminal type:
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> BACKUP <filepath> <replication_degree>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> RESTORE <filepath>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> DELETE <filepath>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> RECLAIM <space>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> STATE"
backup example: java test.TestApp remote backup ../testfiles/nature.jpg 1
- open Comand Prompt, navigate to project's "src" folder
- through the Comand Prompt type:
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> BACKUP <filepath> <replication_degree>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> RESTORE <filepath>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> DELETE <filepath>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> RECLAIM <space>" or
"java test.TestApp <peer_access_point> STATE"
backup example: java test.TestApp remote backup ..\testfiles\nature.jpg 1
Inside 'peers' folder, each peer creates a new folder, which is the name's Peer identifier and creates also a:
- 'backup' folder: Saves every backup initiated by other peers.
- 'local' folder: Saves every information related to local initiated backups.
- 'restore' folder: Saves every restored file.