You can configure the bot by setting the text channel where all the tasks will be sent, for example a #tasks
text channel
You can optionally send a role picker embed message in a chat where users will be able to self-assign the @tasks
role. This role will be pinged each time a new task is published
You can add tasks by giving them a title and description, by default tasks are sent in the tasks text channel that is set up with the /configure command
Each server has its own leaderboards based on the number of completed tasks
If you'd like to host this bot you can create a
file in the root directory with the structure down below. If you don't want backups of the database you can set enable_backups as False
# Discord bot config
discord_bot_token: str = "" # Your bot's discord token
# Google drive config
enable_backups: bool = False # Whether to enable google drive backups every 24h | REQUIRES A SERVICE ACCOUNT
service_account_file_path: str = "service_account_key.json" # Path of the .json file containing the service account key file
backups_folder_id: str = "" # ID of your google drive backups folder. Make sure that the service account can see it
backups_frequency_hours: int = 24 # How often to perform backups.