This repository is frozen and exists for backward compatibility.
You can use a new version of this library that is being developed and maintained.
The library provides a set of high-level operations with export/import CSV file of the InspectionViewer, the Win32 app for analyzing in-line flaw detection data.
Data can be
- mirrored
- glued together from several CSV files
- stretched/compressed along the distance according to a given set of intermediate points
- interpreted as an iterable sequence of pipes with geodata
pip install oeg-iv
Construct new csv file from scratch.
import os
from oeg_iv import TypeHorWeld, TypeDefekt, DefektSide
from oeg_iv.orientation import Orientation
from oeg_iv.csvfile import File
from oeg_iv.csvfile.row import Row
# create empty csv
csv_file = File()
# define tube at distance 1.0 m
# length = 11.0 m, thick = 10.5 mm
# with one seam with orientation 3 hour 00 minutes = [
Row.as_thick(1010, 105),
Row.as_seam(1020, TypeHorWeld.HORIZONTAL, Orientation(3, 0), None),
# add defect to tube at distance 5.0 m from left tube weld
# length = 20 mm, width = 10 mm, depth = 30% tube wall thickness
# orientation from 4 hours 00 minutes to 5 hours 00 minutes
# maximum depth point at distance 5.01 m from left tube weld,
# orientation 4 hours 30 minutes
# with comment 'metal loss'
'20', '10', '30',
Orientation(4, 0), Orientation(5, 0),
6010, Orientation(4, 30),
'metal loss'
# save csv to file
assert os.path.getsize('example.csv') > 0
Reversing the data.
# create copy from saved file
csv_copy = File.from_file('example.csv')
# check distance of the last object in copy
assert csv_copy.total_length == 12000
assert len( == 5
# check defect orientation
defect_row =[3]
assert defect_row.is_defect
assert defect_row.orient_td == '4,00'
assert defect_row.orient_bd == '5,00'
# reverse copy
# relative position of defekt must change
defect_row =[2]
assert defect_row.is_defect
# defect orientation must be mirrored
assert defect_row.orient_td == '7,00'
assert defect_row.orient_bd == '8,00'
# save reversed copy to file
assert os.path.getsize('reversed.csv') > 0
Append to initial CSV empty pipe with length = 10.0 m and reversed copy from the file.
csv_file.join([10000, 'reversed.csv'])
assert csv_file.total_length == 28000
assert len( == 11
Compress distances and length of all objects in half.
# table of corrections
# each node define as pair 'existing distance', 'new distance'
[[0, 0],
[28000, 14000],
assert csv_file.total_length == 14000
# save file with compress distances
assert os.path.getsize('transformed.csv') > 0
Iterate by pipes and modify data.
csv_trans = File.from_file('transformed.csv')
warnings = []
current_dist = 0
for i in csv_trans.get_tubes(warnings):
assert i.dist >= current_dist
current_dist = i.dist
tube = i
assert not warnings
# set geodata for tube
assert tube.latitude == ''
assert tube.longtitude == ''
assert tube.altitude == ''
tube.set_geo(10, 11, 12)
assert tube.latitude == 10
assert tube.longtitude == 11
assert tube.altitude == 12
assert os.path.getsize('geo.csv') > 0
# load from saved file and check geodata from last pipe
csv_geo = File.from_file('geo.csv')
last_tube = list(csv_geo.get_tubes(warnings))[-1]
assert last_tube.latitude == '10'
assert last_tube.longtitude == '11'
assert last_tube.altitude == '12'
git clone
cd oeg.iv
With Python3
make setup PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3/executable
make tests
With Python2
make setup2 PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python27/executable
make tests2