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"testfunc" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/bbolt/option.go": [ + "Freelist" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/bbolt/option_test.go": [ + "Freelist" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/pogreb/options.go": [ + "deafult" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/pogreb/pogreb.go": [ + "deafult" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/delete.go": [ + "Deleter" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/hook.go": [ + "Cmder" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/option_test.go": [ + "defult" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/redis.go": [ + "Deleter", + "Pipeliner" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/redis_mock.go": [ + "Cmder", + "Pipeliner" + ], + "internal/db/kvs/redis/redis_test.go": [ + "cslots", + "gotc" + ], + "internal/db/nosql/cassandra/cassandra.go": [ + "Queryx", + "cmps", + "configuation", + "wlhf" + ], + "internal/db/nosql/cassandra/cassandra_test.go": [ + "Debouncer", + "Queryx", + "cmps", + "dchf", + "selete", + "unavilable", + "wlhf" + ], + "internal/db/nosql/cassandra/delete.go": [ + "Deleter" + ], + "internal/db/nosql/cassandra/option.go": [ + "TLSCA", + "eachquorum", + "localone", + "localquorum", + "localserial" + ], + "internal/db/nosql/cassandra/option_test.go": [ + "TLSCA" + ], + "internal/db/rdb/mysql/mysql_test.go": [ + "insertbysql", + "loadcontext" + ], + "internal/db/rdb/mysql/option_test.go": [ + "valddb", + "valdmysql" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/cloudstorage/cloudstorage.go": [ + "iblob" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/cloudstorage/cloudstorage_test.go": [ + "iblob" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/cloudstorage/option.go": [ + "urlstr" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/s3/reader/reader_test.go": [ + "roop" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/s3/sdk/s3/s3manager/s3manager.go": [ + "mngr" + ], + "internal/db/storage/blob/s3/session/session_test.go": [ + "btop", + "forcepathstyle", + "httpclient", + "itop", + "maxretries" + ], + "internal/errors/benchmark.go": [ + "benchjob", + "benchscenario", + "tbenchjob", + "tbenchscenario" + ], + "internal/errors/cassandra.go": [ + "consistetncy", + "tcql" + ], + "internal/errors/cassandra_test.go": [ + "consistetncy", + "tcql" + ], + "internal/errors/circuitbreaker.go": [ + "errstr" + ], + "internal/errors/compressor.go": [ + "registerers" + ], + "internal/errors/compressor_test.go": [ + "leve", + "registerers" + ], + "internal/errors/errors_test.go": [ + "Unwarp", + "uncomparable", + "unwrapd" + ], + "internal/errors/file.go": [ + "fitos" + ], + "internal/errors/file_test.go": [ + "fitos" + ], + "internal/errors/lb.go": [ + "Insuffcient" + ], + "internal/errors/mysql_test.go": [ + "vaef" + ], + "internal/errors/redis.go": [ + "KVVK" + ], + "internal/errors/redis_test.go": [ + "KVVK" + ], + "internal/errors/vald_test.go": [ + "tvald" + ], + "internal/file/file_test.go": [ + "utiltest" + ], + "internal/info/info.go": [ + "procs", + "strs" + ], + "internal/k8s/client/client.go": [ + "applyconfigurations", + "applycorev", + "clientgoscheme", + "snapshotv", + "volumesnapshot" + ], + "internal/k8s/job/job.go": [ + "batchv" + ], + "internal/k8s/option.go": [ + "mertics" + ], + "internal/k8s/reconciler.go": [ + "mertics", + "mserver" + ], + "internal/k8s/reconciler_test.go": [ + "mertics" + ], + "internal/k8s/types.go": [ + "appsv", + "batchv", + "snapshotv", + "volumesnapshot" + ], + "internal/k8s/vald/benchmark/api/v1/job_types.go": [ + "deepcopy" + ], + "internal/k8s/vald/benchmark/api/v1/scenario_types.go": [ + "deepcopy" + ], + "internal/k8s/vald/mirror/api/v1/target_types.go": [ + "deepcopy" + ], + "internal/log/glg/glg.go": [ + "DEBG", + "dstr" + ], + "internal/log/glg/glg_test.go": [ + "DEBG" + ], + "internal/log/level/level.go": [ + "DEBG", + "ERRO", + "FATA" + ], + "internal/log/logger/iface.go": [ + "finalizer" + ], + "internal/log/logger/type.go": [ + "Atot" + ], + "internal/log/logger/type_test.go": [ + "Atot", + "ZEROL" + ], + "internal/log/nop/nop.go": [ + "finalizer" + ], + "internal/log/option.go": [ + "Atot" + ], + "internal/log/retry/retry_test.go": [ + "foramt", + "gotr", + "wantr" + ], + "internal/net/control/control.go": [ + "boolint" + ], + "internal/net/control/control_test.go": [ + "boolint" + ], + "internal/net/control/control_unix.go": [ + "uapi" + ], + "internal/net/dialer.go": [ + "nport", + "tconnectionstate", + "tder" + ], + "internal/net/dialer_test.go": [ + "Nums", + "copylocks", + "govet" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/client.go": [ + "gbackoff", + "parseable", + "rebalancing" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/client_test.go": [ + "gbackoff" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/errdetails/errdetails.go": [ + "iobjs" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/logger/logger.go": [ + "Errorln", + "Infoln", + "Warningf", + "Warningln", + "grpclog" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/logger/logger_test.go": [ + "Errorln", + "Infoln", + "Warningf", + "Warningln", + "grpclog" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/option.go": [ + "gbackoff", + "metricinterceptor", + "traceinterceptor" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/pool/pool.go": [ + "tdelay" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/proto/proto.go": [ + "protoiface" + ], + "internal/net/grpc/server_test.go": [ + "channelz" + ], + "internal/net/http/client/option.go": [ + "Alives", + "Keepalives" + ], + "internal/net/http/client/option_test.go": [ + "Alives", + "Keepalives" + ], + "internal/net/http/dump/dump_test.go": [ + "hoge" + ], + "internal/net/http/metrics/pprof.go": [ + "felixge", + "fgprof", + "godeltaprof", + "pyprof", + "threadcreate" + ], + "internal/net/http/middleware/timeout_test.go": [ + "extermemly" + ], + "internal/net/http/transport/roundtrip.go": [ + "roundtripper" + ], + "internal/net/net.go": [ + "hostport" + ], + "internal/net/net_test.go": [ + "hostport" + ], + "internal/observability/exporter/otlp/otlp.go": [ + "otlpmetric", + "otlpmetricgrpc", + "otlptracegrpc", + "semconv" + ], + "internal/observability/metrics/grpc/grpc.go": [ + "Desctiption" + ], + "internal/observability/metrics/mem/index/index.go": [ + "mstats" + ], + "internal/observability/metrics/mem/mem.go": [ + "Memstats", + "Shmem", + "buckhash", + "mcache", + "mspan", + "oinsts", + "shmem", + "toal", + "vmdata", + "vmexe", + "vmlck", + "vmlib", + "vmpin", + "vmpte", + "vmstk", + "vmswap" + ], + "internal/observability/metrics/mem/mem_test.go": [ + "Memstats" + ], + "internal/observability/trace/status.go": [ + "RPCGRPC", + "ocodes", + "semconv" + ], + "internal/params/params.go": [ + "commnad" + ], + "internal/runner/runner.go": [ + "maxprocs", + "mfunc", + "timelocation" + ], + "internal/safety/safety.go": [ + "revcover", + "runtimer" + ], + "internal/servers/option.go": [ + "strg" + ], + "internal/servers/option_test.go": [ + "gsrv", + "strg" + ], + "internal/servers/server/option.go": [ + "accesslog", + "accessloginterceptor", + "metricinterceptor", + "recoverinterceptor", + "traceinterceptor" + ], + "internal/servers/server/server_test.go": [ + "prestart" + ], + "internal/servers/servers_test.go": [ + "strg" + ], + "internal/strings/strings_benchmark_test.go": [ + "tstr" + ], + "internal/sync/errgroup/group_test.go": [ + "acquireings", + "goroutne" + ], + "internal/sync/semaphore/semaphore.go": [ + "cancelation" + ], + "internal/sync/semaphore/semaphore_example_test.go": [ + "Collatz", + "collatz", + "nonpositive" + ], + "internal/sync/semaphore/semaphore_test.go": [ + "Doesnt", + "unacquired" + ], + "internal/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go": [ + "chans", + "dups" + ], + "internal/sync/singleflight/singleflight_test.go": [ + "DOCHAN", + "unparam" + ], + "internal/test/data/hdf5/hdf5.go": [ + "Keepalives", + "Neighors" + ], + "internal/test/data/hdf5/option.go": [ + "dataname" + ], + "internal/test/data/vector/gen.go": [ + "irand" + ], + "internal/test/mock/grpc_testify_mock.go": [ + "losm", + "usecases" + ], + "internal/test/mock/k8s/client.go": [ + "crclient" + ], + "internal/timeutil/rate/rate.go": [ + "ratelimit" + ], + "internal/timeutil/rate/rate_test.go": [ + "ratelimit" + ], + "internal/timeutil/time_test.go": [ + "dummystring", + "hoge" + ], + "internal/unit/unit.go": [ + "bytefmt", + "cloudfoundry" + ], + "internal/version/version.go": [ + "curv" + ], + "internal/worker/worker_test.go": [ + "testname" + ], + "k8s/external/minio/deployment.yaml": [ + "ACCESSKEY", + "SECRETKEY" + ], + "k8s/external/minio/mb-job.yaml": [ + "ACCESSKEY", + "SECRETKEY" + ], + "k8s/metrics/grafana/dashboards/00-vald-cluster-overview.yaml": [ + "Misscheduled", + "Qxya", + "misscheduled" + ], + "k8s/metrics/grafana/dashboards/02-vald-discoverer.yaml": [ + "Jkemc", + "Versin" + ], + "k8s/metrics/grafana/dashboards/05-vald-index-manager.yaml": [ + "jowe" + ], + "k8s/metrics/grafana/dashboards/10-vald-benchmark-operator.yaml": [ + "Versin", + "fdewjfx", + "jkxz" + ], + "k8s/metrics/grafana/dashboards/99-vald-agent-memory.yaml": [ + "Memstats", + "buckhash", + "mcache", + "mspan", + "vmdata", + "vmexe", + "vmlck", + "vmlib", + "vmpin", + "vmpte", + "vmstk", + "vmswap" + ], + "k8s/metrics/jaeger/jaeger.yaml": [ + "jaegertracing" + ], + "k8s/metrics/loki/loki.yaml": [ + "boltdb", + "ingester", + "inmemory", + "kvstore", + "lifecycler" + ], + "k8s/metrics/loki/promtail.yaml": [ + "labelmap", + "promtail", + "varlibdockercontainers", + "varlog" + ], + "k8s/metrics/prometheus/configmap.yaml": [ + "cadvisor", + "labelmap" + ], + "k8s/metrics/pyroscope/README.md": [ + "mafests" + ], + "k8s/metrics/pyroscope/base/configmap.yaml": [ + "labelmap" + ], + "k8s/metrics/pyroscope/base/daemonset.yaml": [ + "ebpfspy" + ], + "k8s/metrics/pyroscope/base/kustomization.yaml": [ + "clusterrolebinding" + ], + "k8s/metrics/tempo/jaeger-agent.yaml": [ + "jaegertracing" + ], + "k8s/metrics/tempo/tempo.yaml": [ + "blocklist", + "ingester", + "inmemory", + "kvstore", + "lifecycler" + ], + "k8s/operator/helm/clusterrole.yaml": [ + "clusterrolebindings", + "clusterroles", + "customresourcedefinitions", + "horizontalpodautoscalers", + "networkpolicies", + "persistentvolumeclaims", + "poddisruptionbudgets", + "priorityclasses", + "serviceaccounts", + "statefulsets" + ], + "k8s/operator/helm/crds/valdhelmoperatorrelease.yaml": [ + "vhors" + ], + "k8s/operator/helm/operator.yaml": [ + "readyz" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/job/clusterrolebinding.yaml": [ + "rolebinding" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/job/serviceaccount.yaml": [ + "Versoin" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/operator/clusterrole.yaml": [ + "deletecollection" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/operator/crds/valdbenchmarkjob.yaml": [ + "vbjs" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/operator/crds/valdbenchmarkoperatorrelease.yaml": [ + "valdbenchmarkoperator", + "valdbenchmarkoperatorreleases", + "vbor", + "vbors" + ], + "k8s/tools/benchmark/operator/crds/valdbenchmarkscenario.yaml": [ + "vbss" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/faiss/handler/grpc/search.go": [ + "createing" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/faiss/service/faiss.go": [ + "Voronoi", + "ntotal", + "saveindex", + "subquantizers", + "tpath", + "tvald" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/faiss/service/option.go": [ + "bdbs", + "brnd" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/faiss/usecase/agentd.go": [ + "faissmetrics" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/flush.go": [ + "cnts" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/index_test.go": [ + "exteneral" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/insert.go": [ + "vmap" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/insert_test.go": [ + "Testingcase", + "joind", + "nonexistid", + "pushinsert" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/object_test.go": [ + "testfunc", + "tmock" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/update.go": [ + "idis", + "vmap" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/update_test.go": [ + "Testint" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt.go": [ + "Nopvq", + "nkvs", + "nobic", + "nopvq", + "saveindex", + "toid", + "tvald" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt_test.go": [ + "additionaldigits", + "kvald", + "metafile", + "nobic", + "nopvq", + "testfunc" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/option.go": [ + "bdbs", + "brnd" + ], + "pkg/agent/core/ngt/usecase/agentd.go": [ + "memmetrics", + "ngtmetrics" + ], + "pkg/agent/internal/vqueue/queue.go": [ + "uninserted" + ], + "pkg/agent/internal/vqueue/stateful_test.go": [ + "getvector" + ], + "pkg/agent/sidecar/service/restorer/restorer.go": [ + "Typeflag" + ], + "pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/handler.go": [ + "ngroup", + "pgroup", + "sgroup" + ], + "pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/handler_test.go": [ + "ngroup", + "pgroup", + "sgroup" + ], + "pkg/discoverer/k8s/service/discover.go": [ + "mnode", + "mpod", + "reconciation", + "svcsmap" + ], + "pkg/discoverer/k8s/service/discover_test.go": [ + "mnode", + "mpod" + ], + "pkg/discoverer/k8s/usecase/discovered.go": [ + "unbackupped" + ], + "pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/aggregation.go": [ + "Insuffcient", + "fdist", + "fmax", + "timeoutage" + ], + "pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/handler.go": [ + "cnts", + "indegrees", + "outdegrees" + ], + "pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/handler_test.go": [ + "Cnts" + ], + "pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/pairing_heap_test.go": [ + "gids" + ], + "pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/search_benchmark_test.go": [ + "datas" + ], + "pkg/gateway/mirror/handler/grpc/handler_test.go": [ + "clientmock", + "cmap" + ], + "pkg/gateway/mirror/service/discovery.go": [ + "ctgt", + "ptgt" + ], + "pkg/gateway/mirror/service/discovery_option.go": [ + "datacenter" + ], + "pkg/gateway/mirror/service/mirror_test.go": [ + "grpcmock" + ], + "pkg/gateway/mirror/usecase/vald.go": [ + "mirrormetrics" + ], + "pkg/index/job/creation/service/indexer_test.go": [ + "clientmock", + "grpcmock" + ], + "pkg/index/job/save/service/indexer_test.go": [ + "clientmock", + "grpcmock" + ], + "pkg/manager/index/usecase/indexer.go": [ + "indexmetrics" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/config/config.go": [ + "JOBNAME", + "JOBNAMESPACE" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/insert.go": [ + "Prometeus" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/job.go": [ + "Neighors", + "benchjob" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/option.go": [ + "Concurency", + "bjns" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/option_test.go": [ + "Concurency", + "bjns" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/job/usecase/benchmarkd.go": [ + "Concurency", + "gcli", + "unbackupped", + "usecases", + "vcli" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/operator/service/operator.go": [ + "Progation", + "benchjob", + "benchjobs", + "benchmarkjob", + "benchscenario", + "bjob", + "cbjl", + "cbsl", + "cjobs", + "rcticker", + "wating" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/operator/service/operator_test.go": [ + "benchjobs", + "minsit", + "scneario" + ], + "pkg/tools/benchmark/operator/usecase/benchmarkd.go": [ + "benchmarkmetrics", + "unbackupped", + "usecases" + ], + "pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/assets/dataset.go": [ + "kosarak", + "nytimes" + ], + "pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/assets/hdf5_loader.go": [ + "dset", + "npoints" + ], + "pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/assets/hdf5_loader_test.go": [ + "dset", + "npoints" + ], + "pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/config/config.go": [ + "streaminsert" + ], + "rust/libs/ngt-rs/Cargo.toml": [ + "miette" + ], + "rust/libs/ngt-rs/build.rs": [ + "BFLOAT", + "DNGT", + "dylib", + "fopenmp", + "gomp", + "miette", + "rustc" + ], + "rust/libs/ngt-rs/src/input.cpp": [ + "cpath", + "ngtresults", + "vquery" + ], + "rust/libs/ngt-rs/src/lib.rs": [ + "repr" + ], + "rust/libs/observability/Cargo.toml": [ + "reqwest", + "scopeguard", + "serde" + ], + "rust/libs/observability/src/macros.rs": [ + "Updown" + ], + "rust/libs/proto/src/payload.v1.rs": [ + "repr" + ], + "tests/chaos/chart/README.md": [ + "kbps", + "minburst", + "peakrate" + ], + "tests/chaos/chart/templates/network/bandwidth.yaml": [ + "minburst", + "peakrate" + ], + "tests/chaos/chart/values.yaml": [ + "kbps", + "minburst", + "peakrate" + ], + "tests/e2e/crud/crud_test.go": [ + "ECRUD" + ], + "tests/e2e/kubernetes/client/client.go": [ + "Clientset", + "clientcmd", + "clientset" + ], + "tests/e2e/kubernetes/kubectl/kubectl.go": [ + "rollouts", + "subcmds" + ], + "tests/e2e/kubernetes/portforward/portforward.go": [ + "genericclioptions", + "portforwarder", + "spdy", + "upgrader" + ], + "tests/e2e/operation/stream.go": [ + "evalidator", + "svalidator" + ] + } +} diff --git a/hack/cspell/main.go b/hack/cspell/main.go index 9c2cea84ec7..31e9f16161c 100644 --- a/hack/cspell/main.go +++ b/hack/cspell/main.go @@ -2,277 +2,335 @@ package main import ( "bufio" + "cmp" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "os" "regexp" - "sort" + "slices" "strings" + "sync" ) -type Override struct { - Filename string `json:"filename"` - IgnoreWords []string `json:"ignoreWords,omitempty"` +type CSpellConfig struct { + Version string `json:"version"` + Language string `json:"language"` + Import []string `json:"import"` + IgnorePaths []string `json:"ignorePaths"` + Patterns []PatternEntry `json:"patterns,omitempty"` + IgnoreRegExpList []string `json:"ignoreRegExpList,omitempty"` + IgnoreWords []string `json:"ignoreWords,omitempty"` + IgnoreWordsMap map[string][]string `json:"ignoreWordsMap,omitempty"` } -type CspellConfig struct { - Import []string `json:"import"` - IgnorePaths []string `json:"ignorePaths"` - IgnoreWords []string `json:"ignoreWords,omitempty"` - IgnoreRegExpList []string `json:"ignoreRegExpList,omitempty"` - Overrides []Override `json:"overrides"` +type PatternEntry struct { + Name string `json:"name"` + Pattern string `json:"pattern"` } -func main() { - var cspellOutputFile string - var configFile string - var wordThreshold int - - flag.StringVar(&cspellOutputFile, "output", "", "Path to the cspell output file") - flag.StringVar(&configFile, "config", ".cspell.json", "Path to the cspell config file") - flag.IntVar(&wordThreshold, "threshold", 10, "Word frequency threshold for adding to ignoreWords") - - flag.Parse() +type Override struct { + Files []string `json:"files"` + Words []string `json:"words"` +} - if cspellOutputFile == "" || configFile == "" { - flag.Usage() - os.Exit(1) +var ( + mandatoryImports = []string{ + "@cspell/dict-cpp/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-docker/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-en_us/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-fullstack/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-git/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-golang/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-k8s/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-makefile/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-markdown/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-npm/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-public-licenses/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-rust/cspell-ext.json", + "@cspell/dict-shell/cspell-ext.json", } - // デフォルトの設定 - config := CspellConfig{ - Import: []string{ - "@cspell/dict-cpp/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-docker/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-en_us/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-fullstack/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-git/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-golang/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-k8s/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-makefile/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-markdown/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-npm/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-public-licenses/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-rust/cspell-ext.json", - "@cspell/dict-shell/cspell-ext.json", - }, - IgnorePaths: []string{ - "**/*.ai", - "**/*.drawio", - "**/*.hdf5", - "**/*.key", - "**/*.lock", - "**/*.log", - "**/*.md5", - "**/*.pack", - "**/*.pdf", - "**/*.pem", - "**/*.png", - "**/*.sum", - "**/*.svg", - "**/.git/objects/**", - "**/cmd/agent/core/faiss/faiss", - "**/cmd/agent/core/ngt/ngt", - "**/cmd/agent/sidecar/sidecar", - "**/cmd/discoverer/k8s/discoverer", - "**/cmd/gateway/filter/filter", - "**/cmd/gateway/lb/lb", - "**/cmd/gateway/mirror/mirror", - "**/cmd/index/job/correction/index-correction", - "**/cmd/index/job/creation/index-creation", - "**/cmd/index/job/readreplica/rotate/readreplica-rotate", - "**/cmd/index/job/save/index-save", - "**/cmd/index/operator/index-operator", - "**/cmd/manager/index/index", - "**/cmd/tools/benchmark/job/job", - "**/cmd/tools/benchmark/operator/operator", - "**/cmd/tools/cli/loadtest/loadtest", - "**/internal/core/algorithm/ngt/assets/index", - "**/internal/test/data/agent/ngt/validIndex", - }, + mandatoryIgnorePaths = []string{ + "**/*.ai", + "**/*.drawio", + "**/*.hdf5", + "**/*.key", + "**/*.lock", + "**/*.log", + "**/*.md5", + "**/*.pack", + "**/*.pdf", + "**/*.pem", + "**/*.png", + "**/*.sum", + "**/*.svg", + "**/.cspell.json", + "**/.git/objects/**", + "**/cmd/agent/core/faiss/faiss", + "**/cmd/agent/core/ngt/ngt", + "**/cmd/agent/sidecar/sidecar", + "**/cmd/discoverer/k8s/discoverer", + "**/cmd/gateway/filter/filter", + "**/cmd/gateway/lb/lb", + "**/cmd/gateway/mirror/mirror", + "**/cmd/index/job/correction/index-correction", + "**/cmd/index/job/creation/index-creation", + "**/cmd/index/job/readreplica/rotate/readreplica-rotate", + "**/cmd/index/job/save/index-save", + "**/cmd/index/operator/index-operator", + "**/cmd/manager/index/index", + "**/cmd/tools/benchmark/job/job", + "**/cmd/tools/benchmark/operator/operator", + "**/cmd/tools/cli/loadtest/loadtest", + "**/hack/cspell/**", + "**/internal/core/algorithm/ngt/assets/index", + "**/internal/test/data/agent/ngt/validIndex", + } + suffixes = []string{ + "addr", + "addrs", + "buf", + "cancel", + "cfg", + "ch", + "cnt", + "conf", + "conn", + "ctx", + "dim", + "dur", + "env", + "err", + "error", + "errors", + "errs", + "idx", + "len", + "mu", + "opt", + "opts", + "pool", + "req", + "res", + "size", + "vec", } - // 既存の.cspell.jsonが存在する場合は読み込む - if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); err == nil { - data, err := os.ReadFile(configFile) - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Error reading existing cspell config file: %v\n", err) - os.Exit(1) - } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &config); err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Error parsing existing cspell config file: %v\n", err) - os.Exit(1) - } + sufReg = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(%s)$", strings.Join(suffixes, "|"))) + + prexp = regexp.MustCompile(`Unknown word \((.*?)\) Suggestions`) +) + +func extractLine(line string) (filePath, word string, ok bool) { + filePath, line, ok = strings.Cut(line, ":") + if !ok || len(filePath) == 0 { + return "", "", false + } + _, s, ok := strings.Cut(line, " - ") + if ok { + line = s } + matches := prexp.FindStringSubmatch(line) + if len(matches) > 1 { + return filePath, matches[1], true + } + return "", "", false +} - file, err := os.Open(cspellOutputFile) +func parseCspellResult(filePath string, th int) (map[string][]string, map[string]bool, error) { + file, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Error opening cspell output file: %v\n", err) - os.Exit(1) + return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open file: %w", err) } defer file.Close() - wordRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Unknown word \(([^)]+)\)`) - fileWordsMap := make(map[string]map[string]struct{}) - wordFrequency := make(map[string]int) - wordVariations := make(map[string]map[string]struct{}) - suffixes := []string{ - "addr", "addrs", "buf", "cancel", "cfg", "ch", "cnt", "conf", "conn", "ctx", - "dim", "dur", "env", "err", "error", "errors", "errs", "group", "idx", - "len", "mu", "opt", "opts", "pool", "req", "res", "size", "vec", - } - + var ( + wg sync.WaitGroup + mu sync.Mutex + ) + wordsByFile := make(map[string][]string) + filesByWord := make(map[string][]string) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() - parts := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2) - if len(parts) < 2 { - continue - } - filename := parts[0] - wordMatch := wordRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line) - if len(wordMatch) == 2 { - word := wordMatch[1] - wordLower := strings.ToLower(word) // 大文字小文字を無視するため小文字に変換 + wg.Add(1) + go func() { + defer wg.Done() + // Extract the unknown word + if path, word, ok := extractLine(line); ok { + if sufReg.MatchString(word) { + return + } + lword := strings.ToLower(word) + mu.Lock() + w, ok := wordsByFile[path] + if !ok || w == nil { + w = make([]string, 0, 2) + } + wordsByFile[path] = append(w, word) - if _, exists := fileWordsMap[filename]; !exists { - fileWordsMap[filename] = make(map[string]struct{}) - } - if _, alreadyCounted := fileWordsMap[filename][wordLower]; !alreadyCounted { - wordFrequency[wordLower]++ - } - fileWordsMap[filename][wordLower] = struct{}{} + f, ok := filesByWord[word] + if !ok || f == nil { + f = make([]string, 0, 2) + } + filesByWord[word] = append(f, path) - // 大文字小文字のバリエーションを記録 - if _, exists := wordVariations[wordLower]; !exists { - wordVariations[wordLower] = make(map[string]struct{}) + if word != lword { + f, ok = filesByWord[lword] + if !ok || f == nil { + f = make([]string, 0, 2) + } + filesByWord[lword] = append(f, path) + } + mu.Unlock() } - wordVariations[wordLower][word] = struct{}{} - } + }() } - globalIgnoreWords := map[string]struct{}{} - globalIgnoreRegExpList := map[string]struct{}{} + wg.Wait() - for wordLower, count := range wordFrequency { - if count >= wordThreshold { - matchedSuffix := false - for _, suffix := range suffixes { - if strings.HasSuffix(wordLower, suffix) && len(wordLower) > len(suffix) { - globalIgnoreRegExpList[fmt.Sprintf("/\\w*%s$/", suffix)] = struct{}{} - matchedSuffix = true - break - } - } - if !matchedSuffix { - // バリエーションに基づき、登録するignoreWordsを決定 - for variation := range wordVariations[wordLower] { - globalIgnoreWords[variation] = struct{}{} + globalWords := make(map[string]bool) + for word, files := range filesByWord { + lword := strings.ToLower(word) + if word != lword { + lfiles, ok := filesByWord[lword] + if ok { + files = append(files, lfiles...) + slices.Sort(files) + files = slices.Compact(files) + if len(files) >= th { + globalWords[lword] = true + globalWords[word] = true } } + } else if len(files) >= th { + globalWords[word] = true } } - // ファイルごとにignoreWordsの設定 - for filename, words := range fileWordsMap { - wordList := []string{} - for wordLower := range words { - matchedSuffix := false - for _, suffix := range suffixes { - if strings.HasSuffix(wordLower, suffix) && len(wordLower) > len(suffix) { - matchedSuffix = true - break - } - } - // パターンにマッチする単語は個別のignoreWordsには登録しない - if !matchedSuffix { - for variation := range wordVariations[wordLower] { - if _, isGlobal := globalIgnoreWords[variation]; !isGlobal { - wordList = append(wordList, variation) - } - } - } - } + if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading file: %w", err) + } - if len(wordList) == 0 { - continue - } + return wordsByFile, globalWords, nil +} - overrideFound := false - for i, override := range config.Overrides { - if override.Filename == filename { - config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords = append(config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords, wordList...) - config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords = unique(config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords) - sort.Strings(config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords) - overrideFound = true - break - } - } - if !overrideFound { - config.Overrides = append(config.Overrides, Override{ - Filename: filename, - IgnoreWords: unique(wordList), - }) - } +func loadConfig(path string) (config *CSpellConfig, err error) { + file, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + return nil, err } + defer file.Close() - // 空のIgnoreWordsを持つオーバーライドを削除 - filteredOverrides := []Override{} - for _, override := range config.Overrides { - if len(override.IgnoreWords) > 0 { - filteredOverrides = append(filteredOverrides, override) - } + config = new(CSpellConfig) + err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(config) + if err != nil { + return nil, err } - config.Overrides = filteredOverrides - - // OverridesをFilenameでソート - sort.Slice(config.Overrides, func(i, j int) bool { - return config.Overrides[i].Filename < config.Overrides[j].Filename - }) + return config, nil +} - // 重複するIgnoreWordsを削除し、ソート - for i := range config.Overrides { - config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords = unique(config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords) - sort.Strings(config.Overrides[i].IgnoreWords) +func saveConfig(path string, config *CSpellConfig) error { + file, err := os.Create(path) + if err != nil { + return err } + defer file.Close() - // グローバルignoreWordsとignoreRegExpListも同様に処理 - for word := range globalIgnoreWords { - config.IgnoreWords = append(config.IgnoreWords, word) + encoder := json.NewEncoder(file) + encoder.SetIndent("", " ") + return encoder.Encode(config) +} + +func addPatterns(config *CSpellConfig) { + if config.Patterns == nil { + config.Patterns = make([]PatternEntry, 0, len(suffixes)) } - for pattern := range globalIgnoreRegExpList { - config.IgnoreRegExpList = append(config.IgnoreRegExpList, pattern) + if config.IgnoreRegExpList == nil { + config.IgnoreRegExpList = make([]string, 0, len(suffixes)) } - config.IgnoreWords = unique(config.IgnoreWords) - sort.Strings(config.IgnoreWords) - config.IgnoreRegExpList = unique(config.IgnoreRegExpList) - sort.Strings(config.IgnoreRegExpList) + for _, suffix := range suffixes { + pat := fmt.Sprintf("/\\b\\w*%s\\b/", suffix) + name := fmt.Sprintf("Ignore_%s_suffix", suffix) + config.Patterns = append(config.Patterns, PatternEntry{ + Name: name, + Pattern: pat, + }) + config.IgnoreRegExpList = append(config.IgnoreRegExpList, name) + } + slices.SortFunc(config.Patterns, func(left, right PatternEntry) int { + return cmp.Compare(left.Name, right.Name) + }) + config.Patterns = slices.CompactFunc(config.Patterns, func(left, right PatternEntry) bool { + return left.Name == right.Name + }) + slices.Sort(config.IgnoreRegExpList) + config.IgnoreRegExpList = slices.Compact(config.IgnoreRegExpList) +} - // ファイルに出力 - outputData, err := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", " ") - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Error marshaling cspell config to JSON: %v\n", err) +func main() { + configPath := flag.String("config", ".cspell.json", "Path to the existing .cspell.json file") + outputPath := flag.String("output", "", "Path to the cspell output log") + threshold := flag.Int("threshold", 5, "Threshold for declaring global words") + + flag.Parse() + + if *outputPath == "" { + fmt.Println("Error: output path is required") os.Exit(1) } - if err := os.WriteFile(configFile, outputData, 0644); err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Error writing cspell config file: %v\n", err) - os.Exit(1) + config, err := loadConfig(*configPath) + if err != nil || config == nil { + config = new(CSpellConfig) } + config.Import = mandatoryImports + config.IgnorePaths = mandatoryIgnorePaths + config.Version = "0.2" + config.Language = "en" - fmt.Printf("cspell configuration updated successfully and saved to %s\n", configFile) -} + addPatterns(config) + + wordsByFile, globalWords, err := parseCspellResult(*outputPath, *threshold) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println("Error:", err) + return + } -// unique は文字列のスライスから重複を取り除きます -func unique(slice []string) []string { - seen := map[string]struct{}{} - result := []string{} - for _, item := range slice { - if _, found := seen[item]; !found { - seen[item] = struct{}{} - result = append(result, item) + if config.IgnoreWords == nil { + config.IgnoreWords = make([]string, 0, len(globalWords)) + } + for word := range globalWords { + config.IgnoreWords = append(config.IgnoreWords, word) + fmt.Println(config.IgnoreWords) + } + slices.Sort(config.IgnoreWords) + for _, word := range config.IgnoreWords { + globalWords[word] = true + } + if config.IgnoreWordsMap == nil { + config.IgnoreWordsMap = make(map[string][]string, len(wordsByFile)) + } + for filePath, words := range wordsByFile { + words = slices.DeleteFunc(words, func(word string) bool { + return globalWords[strings.ToLower(word)] + }) + if len(words) > 0 { + im, ok := config.IgnoreWordsMap[filePath] + if !ok || im == nil { + slices.Sort(words) + config.IgnoreWordsMap[filePath] = words + } else { + words = append(im, words...) + slices.Sort(words) + config.IgnoreWordsMap[filePath] = slices.Compact(words) + } } } - return result + + if err := saveConfig(*configPath, config); err != nil { + fmt.Println("Error: output path is required") + os.Exit(1) + } } diff --git a/hack/cspell/output.log b/hack/cspell/output.log deleted file mode 100644 index a4d0f08ed8a..00000000000 --- a/hack/cspell/output.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -.gitfiles:272:25 - Unknown word (japansearch) Suggestions: [] -.gitfiles:1300:24 - Unknown word (errgroup) Suggestions: [regroup, regroups, eardrop] -.gitfiles:1953:10 - Unknown word (PROTOBUF) Suggestions: [PROOF, PROTO, PROTON, PRONOUN, PROTEUS] -.github/workflows/e2e-max-dim.yml:84:19 - Unknown word (maxdim) Suggestions: [maxim, Maxim, maim, maxi, mxim] -.golangci.yml:64:7 - Unknown word (maintidx) Suggestions: [mantid, mantids, mantic, mantis, minted] -.golangci.yml:84:7 - Unknown word (tenv) Suggestions: [tend, tenn, tens, tent, Tenn] -.golangci.yml:102:9 - Unknown word (goerr) Suggestions: [goer, goers, gore, gored, goren] -apis/grpc/v1/payload/payload_vtproto.pb.go:7420:7 - Unknown word (pksize) Suggestions: [prize, size, csize, resize, SIZE] -apis/grpc/v1/payload/payload.pb.go:1250:43 - Unknown word (protobuf) Suggestions: [proof, proto, proton, protos, pronoun] -CHANGELOG.md:570:10 - Unknown word (vtpool) Suggestions: [vtol, VTOL, pool, tool, spool] -CHANGELOG.md:652:27 - Unknown word (poolsize) Suggestions: [poolside, poopsie, poolsides, plosive, police] -cmd/tools/cli/benchmark/core/main.go:48:3 - Unknown word (vmsize) Suggestions: [mize, size, csize, maize, resize] -go.mod:92:13 - Unknown word (docopt) Suggestions: [dcopy, dicot, dropt, dacoit, decoct] -go.mod:168:25 - Unknown word (hostpool) Suggestions: [hotpot, hostel, hotfoot, hotpots] -go.mod:176:19 - Unknown word (pgconn) Suggestions: [pocono, pkgconf, Pocono, pinon, pennon] -go.mod:189:18 - Unknown word (godotenv) Suggestions: [goodmen, godot, godown, gotten, godot's] -go.mod:312:15 - Unknown word (xerrors) Suggestions: [errors, error, error's, exmoors, extrorse] -hack/benchmark/internal/operation/util.go:30:14 - Unknown word (tserror) Suggestions: [terror, stertor, termor, terrors, error] -hack/gorules/testdata/tests.go:47:2 - Unknown word (ireq) Suggestions: [iraq, ired, ires, Iraq, ire] -internal/client/v1/client/discoverer/discover_test.go:255:6 - Unknown word (autoconn) Suggestions: [autoconf, autozone, AutoZone, altoona, autocue] -internal/core/algorithm/ngt/ngt_test.go:46:26 - Unknown word (epool) Suggestions: [pool, spool, zpool, Pool, ZPool] -internal/core/algorithm/ngt/ngt.go:490:2 - Unknown word (rsize) Suggestions: [resize, size, csize, SIZE, CSIZE] -internal/core/algorithm/ngt/ngt.go:604:2 - Unknown word (cvec) Suggestions: [cvc, cve, CVC, CVE, hevc] -internal/db/kvs/pogreb/pogreb_test.go:65:37 - Unknown word (pogres) Suggestions: [pores, pogges, pogies, ogres, pagers] -internal/db/rdb/mysql/dbr/dbr.go:49:19 - Unknown word (occures) Suggestions: [occurs, colures, ochres, accrues, accurse] -internal/db/storage/blob/cloudstorage/cloudstorage.go:27:15 - Unknown word (gcerrors) Suggestions: [errors, gerry's, guerdons, guerra's, guerrero] -internal/k8s/job/job.go:27:4 - Unknown word (serrors) Suggestions: [errors, serous, serows, senors, servos] -internal/net/dialer.go:341:4 - Unknown word (tconn) Suggestions: [conn, Conn, tenon, tron, ton] -internal/net/dialer.go:385:9 - Unknown word (tcancel) Suggestions: [cancel, trance, tranced, trances, cancer] -internal/net/dialer.go:398:11 - Unknown word (ttcancel) Suggestions: [cancel, trance, tranced, trances] -internal/net/grpc/client.go:204:3 - Unknown word (reconn) Suggestions: [recon, recoin, recons, racon, redon] -internal/net/grpc/client.go:958:2 - Unknown word (sconn) Suggestions: [scone, scorn, conn, Conn, cson] -internal/servers/server/server.go:422:9 - Unknown word (scancel) Suggestions: [spancel, cancel, scarce, sconce, seance] -internal/servers/servers_test.go:168:6 - Unknown word (gerrs) Suggestions: [gers, Gers, gears, ger's, germs] -internal/servers/servers_test.go:173:6 - Unknown word (werrs) Suggestions: [wears, weirs, errs, ewers, wrens] -internal/servers/starter/starter.go:162:7 - Unknown word (hopt) Suggestions: [holt, hoot, hope, hopi, hops] -internal/test/data/vector/gen.go:182:3 - Unknown word (fvec) Suggestions: [fec, face, hevc, f1ac, fave] -Makefile.d/tools.mk:188:62 - Unknown word (aarch) Suggestions: [arch, anarch, Arch, larch, march] -pkg/agent/core/faiss/service/faiss_test.go:124:6 - Unknown word (icnt) Suggestions: [int, INT, cnt, CNT, cine] -pkg/agent/core/faiss/service/faiss.go:92:3 - Unknown word (cimu) Suggestions: [chimu, Chimu, gimu, chum, icmp] -pkg/agent/core/faiss/service/faiss.go:119:3 - Unknown word (cowmu) Suggestions: [colum, coma, comb, come, comm] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/index_test.go:2251:5 - Unknown word (rreq) Suggestions: [req, freq, reqs, reb, rec] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/insert_test.go:213:4 - Unknown word (ivec) Suggestions: [idec, ives, iovec, Idec, Ives] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/object_test.go:1403:6 - Unknown word (testvec) Suggestions: [tested, testee, tester, testes, testbed] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/upsert.go:261:4 - Unknown word (ures) Suggestions: [rues, ukes, ur's, urbs, urds] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt.go:1481:6 - Unknown word (dcnt) Suggestions: [dent, dint, dunt, DENT, cnt] -pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt.go:1884:2 - Unknown word (ovec) Suggestions: [opec, oven, over, OPEC, iovec] -pkg/agent/internal/vqueue/queue.go:79:2 - Unknown word (didx) Suggestions: [dido, didy, Dido, did, dix] -pkg/agent/internal/vqueue/queue.go:88:2 - Unknown word (oidx) Suggestions: [oidc, OIDC, idx, iotx, odic] -pkg/agent/internal/vqueue/queue.go:246:3 - Unknown word (iidx) Suggestions: [idx, idex, idxx, dix, ida] -pkg/gateway/filter/handler/grpc/handler.go:2437:88 - Unknown word (tvec) Suggestions: [tver, Tver, tace, hevc, tael] -pkg/gateway/filter/usecase/vald.go:78:6 - Unknown word (iaddrs) Suggestions: [aiders, addr, caddis, laders, nadirs] -pkg/gateway/filter/usecase/vald.go:118:6 - Unknown word (eaddrs) Suggestions: [eads, ears, eagers, easers, eaters] -pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/handler.go:3355:9 - Unknown word (ecancel) Suggestions: [cancel, emanuel, evangel, ecanceled, Emanuel] -pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/job.go:306:2 - Unknown word (lres) Suggestions: [lees, lies, lues, lyes, lares] -pkg/tools/benchmark/job/service/job.go:307:2 - Unknown word (sres) Suggestions: [sees, shes, sr's, sues, seres] -pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/assets/large_dataset.go:50:3 - Unknown word (tdim) Suggestions: [trim, tim, Tim, dim, tami] -pkg/tools/cli/loadtest/assets/large_dataset.go:51:3 - Unknown word (qdim) Suggestions: [dim, hdmi, qadi, qaid, qcom] -tests/e2e/operation/stream.go:532:9 - Unknown word (linearsearch) Suggestions: []