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022 Global Settings of Component Builder

Amigo edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 25 revisions


Options Button For Global Configurations

Concerning the options area of Component Builder.00:00:19 Open Component Builder Dashboard: It's accessible through the 'options' button. Only users with permission will be able to see this button'options', if they are in a different group than that global administrator the 'options' button will not be visible.00:00:41 Those permissional structures can be changed as needed. Click on options and this will open 'Component Builder configurations'. Here are some important switches. These areas(See video) could added to your own details if you would like to have it displayed in the components front-end. 00:01:13<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,

Check In Timer

Then there is a switch here at check in timer. We build it into component builder the option to check in the items every so often. And here you can check if an item have been locked out for 5 hours, it brings it back in, 12 hours, 24 hours, every second day, once a week, or never. The check in timer is set here(see video). And you can change it to whatever is best suited to your system. 00:01:47

Enable Version

Then enabling version, version control, is what this area is all about. You can disable it by simply saying no, or enable it by yes. You can say how many versions should be kept of the item. If 0 all versions will be saved, so 0 means everything. You can limit it 00:02:17 to prevent your system from of being overloaded with data in the database.

Minify JS

Then you have minify JS feature. Basically all the JS that is being built in a component builder can be changed to be minified. 00:02:40 While you are in production, you can export your components without minifying the JS. In the files and in the footers of the documents. But the moment you feel that you've reached the place where minification is necessary and you want to use it, then you'd simply trip the switch here(click yes), that would minify JS, which is your JavaScript in the component 00:03:07 while it's being complied.

Contributor Info

And then just some details my wife being involved in discussing, she is a Java developer, helping me look at some of the implementations, as well as my own details. Like I said you can add more contributors here and they will show up 00:03:32 in the dashboard underneath contributors.

UiKit Settings

Then the UiKit settings. This is primarily for the back end at the moment being implemented in certain areas. This is only needed most of the time in the front-end framework of your component. I've added it to component builder simply that if 00:04:00 at some point I decide to start adding a front end shop for the components that's being developed. That's part of what we possibly would design eventually is a front end distributing software, that was built by component builder. You could install this and then run it from your, it's like factory with a front end basically. That is still in planning. We still looking at some of the security risks since so far we've been encouraging people to use the 00:04:35 component builder offline and not online. So we not even sure how this will work. Possibly we might end up with two components.

Encryption Settings Key Important

Then the encryption settings. Component Builder has a few places where it encrypts some of the data in the database. We are using a basic encryption which means we are using this key(Basic Key) that you enter here(se video). Once you've entered this key, I think because it ships without a key in it, so it look like that. So once you've entered the key, please ensure that you don't change it. 00:05:13 Because this key locks the data and it's the only key that can unlock it. So if you remove this key you cannot unlock it. You could remove it if you wanted to prevent people from knowing the data in those fields. Then you need to save it somewhere else because if you don't have it, then you can't retrieve the data and encrypt it.

Folder Paths

The next up is folder paths. 00:05:42 There are two folder paths that you already can make use of in the backup folder and the git folder path. Please read related notation here. Where as the custom folder path and the compiler folder path, I would suggest at this stage that you don't make any changes to them. I added these fields because I envisioned the possibility that we want to move these folders out of our web area of developing. 00:06:14 Since these are part of the security concerns we have, that these files and this folders might be targeted. I haven't fully implemented this all cross the compiler infrastructure. Currently it's best to leave that folders the way they are by not adding any data in here. 00:06:50


Next up we can look at the permissions. Now the permissional structure in component builder is not that intense, but as you can see there are a lot of permission switches. With the latest Joomla release of Joomla 3.5, this permissional structure updating construct is made much easier. In the past we had a problem were the data set of your permissions is to big, that when you save it, it just freezes up your browser and even the server doesn't want to receive the data set it's to big. 00:07:26 Now they have added ajax per field. Which makes this so much easier. That means that currently without clicking save and close, you can make changes to the permissional structure and immediately will be stored to the data base. That's from version 3.5 Joomla. We still have these areas(Global UiKit Settings, Encryption Settings, Folder Paths) that we also want to store. So what I have thought might work, 00:07:58 possibly my implementation isn't that accurate, but you have here configurations only as a permission. I would say take a certain group, give them that configuration only access, and then log out of this user, login to a user that is in that group. Then this permissional tab won't show. 00:08:26 They will only see these(Global UiKit Settings, Encryption Settings, Folder Paths) settings which are in these tabs. They can make changes to these and save them without any browser latency or overload. Where as you can come in and you can just tweak the permissions when you are in the global or super administrator build. So you can come in here and you can tweak the permissions accordingly. So as you saw previously, when I was here in the manager area, I could just change this and it does a ajax storing of the value in the database. 00:09:02 Which is really smart. I am very grateful that they've done that search for the main reason that this set of the permissions became so huge, that I had in some places had to do server adjustments on some of my components to ensure that the user could still save and change the permissions. You have your global create, delete, edit, edit state, edit own, edit created by, and edit created date. 00:09:39 Then you get the per view permission structure. Here is the admin view then the custom admin view, the dynamic get, and they all have their own different areas that you can change permissions for groups to be able to do this or that.

Example Preacher Permissions

The same permission implementation options and 00:10:05 structures are available to all components build by component builder, as you trip the switches for the fields as well as for your certain views. First we look at components, 00:10:30 sermon distributor, in the admin views you have access control. This is not the only place of implementation. If you go to the admin views, and let's say we open preacher, 00:11:28 you have the permissional structure for edit. Now if select view, it is going to use the view name. If you select core, you will fall back on the core edit and delete features corresponding. So if you use the word view.edit you will see in the permissional structure an edit 00:11:51 switch with this views name preacher.edit. Where as you use the word core.edit you would only see edit or delete or create whatever one of these you will select. This in relation to its record means that it will be added to the record itself. You can tweak the edit structure. This is only the global setting or this is for both. That is party how you control some of the permissional switches we just looked at. The other area is in fields itself. 00:12:25

Field Permission Switch

You have here a permissional structure, where you can say this specific field, let say the preacher name, I want to control that permission 'who can edit it?'. Is what you would add a 'who edit?' button. Currently we are not yet implementing 'who can view?'. Since we were having problems with a tremendous overload of switches being added to the permissional structure. Since Joomla now has made this change we might possibly add that in. 00:12:58 Then you can even have a view, 'who can view that field?'. Where as this is currently just who can edit it. This is how you get the fields permissional switch.

  • Example See Video

Let me give you this as an example. Let's make that one for now. Name, 00:13:23 say that it must be permission, save and close. Here I have sermon distributor open. I will open it's options. Go to the permissional tab. Then scroll down. I see first here is the help documents. And here's preacher. Preacher has site access and access to preacher itself, and batch, create, 00:13:49 dashboard add, dashboard list, delete, edit, edit created by, edit created date, edit own, edit state, edit version, export, import, submenu, and then it starts with series. So as you can see it doesn't show name here yet. What we'll do is now will go back to component builder, go to compiler, and we will select sermon distributor, and compile it. Once it's completed I'll just click on the install button to do a quick install. 00:14:27 Now that is completed let's go back to the configuration and just refresh the page. I'll just click on the refresh here at the top. Now if we scroll down again it we'll get here(preacher edit name) we set, you will see it got a new field called preacher edit name. Now I can decide, can this group edit that name or is it denied or should it be inherited? So the permissional structure per field can be added in this way. I'm going to go back and revert that because I don't want that area to be monitored. Go back 00:15:07 open preacher. Back to the fields. Say no. Save and close. Compiler. Select sermon distributor, compiling it. Then installing it. Going back refresh. And we will see that the field is gone. So it's no longer being controlled by the permission 00:15:41 infrastructure. That is how you can tell which group is able to access which fields. Even in which views are accessible through the permissional structures. This is an amazing advantage of component builder in its ability to integrate the permissions, not only per view, but also 00:16:07 per field in a view. Your normal control also related to a specific view. Not only that, it also adds these permissions to every item. So you could override an item, and say ok this item I don't want that group to actually access this field. This is one of the advantages that component builder has above other similar applications out there. Its ability to implement some of the most advanced concepts that are currently accessed or available at Joomla. 00:16:50 That's a quick look at the global configuration options for component builder.

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