This is a list of ideas to help bring VegasJS to the next level.
Food arrives at 6:00 PM and people are encouraged to grab their food. 6:15 the first talk starts.
At every meeting we should identify who the new people are so they can find each other later. We should also thank them so that they feel welcome from the get-go.
Someone should be running point for each meeting, announce the agenda, and handle transitions
Transitions should be tighter and smoother so there aren't awkward bits in between.
Each meeting will have a little time for open mic / lighting talks / show and tell / announcements. Members may choose to go up and do show and tell, ask the audience a question about something they're having trouble with, or do a lightning talk. We will time these and limit them to 5 minutes.
We will acquire a book or something similar from time to time and raffle it off.
Bring back the topic requestor and be able to request speakers also.
Bring back t-shirts as a bonus for giving a talk
Always post agenda at least a week in advance
Create a promotional poster for each meeting with speakers and topics
Send a wedgies poll with each announcements to slowly improve the group (for example: do you want pizza)
Always define unfamiliar vocabulary and technologies. Some people don't know what 'node' or 'promises' are. Let's always define them before talks, or call on the speaker to do in the middle if the speaker didn't introduce it properly due to tech bias.
Thank the sponsors, organizers and promote the chat