PI-SeBE is a small python library that lets you create Selenium-Browser-Extension (SeBE) projects and tests from within Python
Links: Selenium Selenium-Browser-Extension
Basic usage is shown below
import pisebe
# Create a project object. Assign the project a new test
p = pisebe.Project()
test = p.add_test("Test 1")
# Add instructions for the test to do
# Export the project as a .side file (which can then be executed by SeBE)
Another good use case is with webscraping. For example, you can use PI-SeBE to make a SeBE test that webscrapes a set of documentation pages from python.org. Below is an example implementation of this.
import pisebe
# Write a javascript snippet that will download the entire html of a webpage when ran
snippet = '''
const txt = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(txt));
element.setAttribute('download', 'page.html');
element.style.display = 'none';
# Create a SeBE project to download a set of pages
p = pisebe.Project()
main = p.add_test("main")
for library in ["random","fractions","math","pickle","csv","os","time","re"]:
main.add("open", f"https://docs.python.org/3/library/{library}.html")
main.add("runScript", snippet)
I made PI-SeBE while working on a data science project in which I needed to webscrape a website using Selenium. The problem I encountered was that the Selenium-WebDriver needs an internet browser, but I was working from a remote headless server (no internet browser and no graphical interface installed). My solution was to use the Selenium-Browser-Extension (SeBE) from my local desktop and then upload the webscraped data to where it was needed. SeBE already has a built-in IDE, but PI-SeBE connects the two so that you can make your SeBE projects all from within Python.