gorillaradix is a gorilla sessions.Store
using radix as its persistence layer.
It supports vanilla redis and redis cluster
To use this library you'd need to do something like:
store, err := gorillaradix.NewStore(gorillaradix.PoolConfiguration{
Host: "my-redis-host:6379",
ConnectionOptions: gorillaradix.ConnectionOptions{
Password: "terriblePassword",
PingTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
}, gorillaradix.SessionOptions{
Secret: "terribleSecret",
store, err := gorillaradix.NewStoreCluster(gorillaradix.PoolConfiguration{
Hosts: []string{"my-cluster-host-1:6379", "my-cluster-host-2:6379"},
ConnectionOptions: gorillaradix.ConnectionOptions{
Password: "terriblePassword",
PingTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
}, gorillaradix.SessionOptions{
Secret: "terribleSecret",
While there are reasonable defaults provided by the library, there are a number of variables to customize this session store.
Variable | Description | Default |
KeyPrefix |
Start session keys in redis with this string | session_ |
MaxAge |
How long session data should be retained in seconds | 86400 |
MaxLength |
How much data should a session be able to store in bytes | 32768 |
Path |
What path should the cookie be set to | / |
Secret |
Secret (as a string) to validate session cookies | notAGreatSecret |
It is one of the two client libraries recommended by the redis project