Deploy a Kubernetes cluster to AWS or Virtualbox using Terraform and Ansible on top of CoreOS.
Install docker toolbox, or just docker-machine and docker client separately.
git clone
cd kraken
Create a terraform.tfvars file under the kraken/terraform/cluster_type/cluster_name
For example, for AWS cluster named "my_neato_cluster", the file will be:
The contents of the file consists of variable-value pairs. For example:
variable_name = "variable_value"
As described here. For a local cluster you must provide:
cluster_name=<name of your cluster>
For an AWS cluster you must provide:
cluster_name = "<name of your cluster>"
aws_user_prefix = "<prefix to use for named resources>"
For an AWS cluster you must configure an AWS credentials file as documented here
If the profile in your credential file is not named "default", you can specify different profile name as follows:
aws_profile = "<profile name>"
The following are some of the other optional parameters which may be specified:
apiserver_count = "<apiserver pool size>"
node_count = "<number of kubernetes nodes>"
For better performance, you should consider adding and modifing the following configuration items:
aws_etcd_type = "<aws instance type for etcd>"
aws_storage_type_etcd = "<ephemeral>"
Looking to create a ludicrous cluster? Use the following terraform.tfvars
aws_user_prefix="<prefix to use for named resources>"
apiserver_count = "10"
node_count = "1000"
aws_etcd_type = "i2.8xlarge"
aws_storage_type_etcd = "ephemeral"
aws_apiserver_type = "m4.4xlarge"
All available variables to override and set are under
terraform/<cluster type>/
Kraken supports turnkey deployment of a number of useful cluster services, via the kraken-services repository. Don't see a service you want in our repo? You can use your own!
kraken_services_repo = "git://"
kraken_services_branch = "your-branch"
kraken_services_dirs = "your-service1 your-service2"
Kraken supports optionally deploying a third-party scheduler as a set of Kubernetes resources, and using that instead of the default kube-scheduler
process. The third party scheduler is assumed to be a service available for deployment from the services repo specified by kraken_services_repo
kraken_services_repo = "git://"
kraken_services_branch = "your-branch"
thirdparty_scheduler = "custom-scheduler"
Easiest way to create a non-local kraken cluster is to use /bin scripts that let you create a kraken cluster from a remote docker container. Another benefit that these tools offer is allowing you to create a kraken cluster from any OS that is capable of running docker-machine (OSX, Windows, Linux)
First, the script creates a docker-machine instance in the cloud provider of your choice.
Then it builds a docker container on that instance, with all the tools required to build a kraken cluster.
Then the docker container is used to create a Kraken cluster.
cd bin
On a system with a Bash shell:
./ --dmname DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME --clustertype aws --clustername KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME --dmopts "--driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-vpc-id ID_OF_VPC --amazonec2-region EC2_REGION"
The '--dmopts/-dmopts' parameter is a string of driver parameters for docker-machine. You can use any driver you want - info on supported drivers is available in docker-machine help. Also, '--dmopts/-dmopts' is only required the first time you start up a cluster, after that as long as docker-machine is running you don't need to provide the option string again.
If you prefer to store your AWS credentials file in a directory other than ~/.aws, you can pass --provider-credential-directory path, however note that if you are using docker-machine, then you will need to add the appropriate --dmopts as docker-machine can not generally determine atypical credential directory locations. For example, for AWS, you would add "--amazonec2-access-key AWS_KEY_ID --amazonec2-secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY" to --dmopts.
Running kraken-up with '--clustertype/-clustertype aws' should leave you with a kraken aws cluster running, using variables from the terraform.tfvars file you just created.
On a system with a Bash shell:
To control your cluster use:
kubectl --kubeconfig=clusters/ec2/kube_config --cluster=<cluster name> <kubectl commands>
$ kubectl --kubeconfig=clusters/ec2/kube_config --cluster=KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME get nodes
Follow the instructions in script output.
On a system with a Bash shell:
- First, create an account on
- Create a new log in your Logentries account by clicking + Add New Log.
- Next, select Manual Configuration.
- Give your log a name of your choice, select Token TCP, and then click the Register new log button. A token will be displayed in green.
- Override logentries_token variable for your cluster type with the token value - either through a tfvars file or -var switch.
- Create an account on
- Populate the terraform variable sysdigcloud_access_key with your sysdig cloud access key either in your terraform.tfvars file or via the -var switch
- SysdigCloud is only included in your cluster if you supply the above key value.
Limitations: Currently only works with sysdigcloud, not on premises. Only works with a single apiserver running, not multiple.
- kubectl user documentation can be found here
- Kubernetes FAQ
- Kubernetes conformance test logs run after a PR is merged to this repo located at
Alternative setup readme is here