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Go-Jek iOS Payment SDK Documentation

The iOS SDK for Go-Jek contains specialized implementation that contain one core class: VTWidget. This VTWidget is a subclass of UITableViewCell. So, it needs to be embedded inside a UITableView.

Release Notes 1.6.13

  • Full screen dialog for 3DS
  • Add close button in dialog
  • Change sandbox clientkey to go-jek's clientkey



source ''

platform :ios, '7.0'

pod 'VTGojek'


Create widget object

self.widget = VTWidgetCell.init(tableView: <table object>, environment: <.Production / .Sandbox>, merchantURL: <merchant server URL>, enableSaveCard: false, token: <token>)

Set headerAuth for request authentication

self.widget.setHeaderAuth(headerAuth as! [NSObject : AnyObject])

Update your UITableView configuration

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    return widget
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    return widget.cellHeight()

Then add this lines of code to your purchase button selector

let itemDetail = VTItemDetail.init(itemID: <random_alphanumeric>, name: <item_name>, price: <item_price>, quantity: <item_quantity>)
let itemDetails: [VTItemDetail] = [itemDetail]
let customerDetails = VTCustomerDetails.init(firstName: <first_name>, lastName: <last_name>, email: <email>, phone: <phone_number>)    
let transactionDetails = VTTransactionDetails.init(orderID: <random_alphanumeric>, andGrossAmount: <total_price_amount>)
widget.payWithTransactionDetails(transactionDetails, customerDetails: customerDetails, itemDetails: itemDetails, tokenCompletion: { (token, error) in
    //transaction token retrieved
}) { (result, error) in
    //transaction finished