- Node.js Install Node first
- Grunt npm install -g grunt-cli
- Sass gem install sass
- Compass gem install compass
- sass -v
- npm -v
- compass -v
- cd into the themes' app directory, where the gruntfile.js and the package.json files are 2. run 'npm install' to install the node_modules (including grunt and compass, as defined on the package.json in themes' app directory) 2. run 'grunt' (default task for grunt, as defined on gruntfile.js in themes' app directory) 3. run 'grunt dev' (task setup to run the watch task, as defined on gruntfile.js in themes' app directory)
- cd into the themes' app directory, where the gruntfile.js and the package.json files are a. inside the themes' app directory 2. on _/scss/main.scss, comment out the @include 'compass' on main.scss 3. run 'sass --watch /scss/main.scss:/css/main.css'