Make sure you have cppmm built/working.
Build usd 21.11
Then run bash
- You need to make sure all the
environment variables is set to the install location of usd 21.11. - You need to make sure astgen and asttoc are in your PATH.
Finally build the rust bindings.
You should be good to go after this.
You can create and open/save/export a stage.
You can define a prim and get/set attributes on it.
All 30 basic types are supported + arrays of those types.
You can create references under prims or as layers.
You can traverse the prims in a stage.
Edit Targets
Variant Sets
Get/Set default root prim
Asset resolver
Some types have scalar support but no array, those are marked as not done.
- bool bool
- uchar uint8_t 8 bit unsigned integer
- int int32_t 32 bit signed integer
- uint uint32_t 32 bit unsigned integer
- int64 int64_t 64 bit signed integer
- uint64 uint64_t 64 bit unsigned integer
- half GfHalf 16 bit floating point
- float float 32 bit floating point
- double double 64 bit floating point
- timecode SdfTimeCode double representing a resolvable time
- string std::string stl string
- token TfToken interned string with fast comparison and hashing
- asset SdfAssetPath represents a resolvable path to another asset
- matrix3d GfMatrix3d 3x3 matrix of doubles
- matrix4d GfMatrix4d 4x4 matrix of doubles
- matrix3f GfMatrix3f 3x3 matrix of floats
- matrix4f GfMatrix4f 4x4 matrix of floats
- quatd GfQuatd double-precision quaternion
- quatf GfQuatf single-precision quaternion
- quath GfQuath half-precision quaternion
- double2 GfVec2d vector of 2 doubles
- float2 GfVec2f vector of 2 floats
- half2 GfVec2h vector of 2 half's
- int2 GfVec2i vector of 2 ints
- double3 GfVec3d vector of 3 doubles
- float3 GfVec3f vector of 3 floats
- half3 GfVec3h vector of 3 half's
- int3 GfVec3i vector of 3 ints
- double4 GfVec4d vector of 4 doubles
- float4 GfVec4f vector of 4 floats
- half4 GfVec4h vector of 4 half's
- int4 GfVec4i vector of 4 ints -v 2 --namespace pxrInternal_v0_20__pxrReserved__ --namespace-internal PXR_INTERNAL_NS --namespace-public pxr -a "-I/home/anders/packages/usd/20.05/include" -a "-I/home/anders/packages/boost/1.70.0/include" -a "-I/usr/include/python2.7" -a "-Wno-deprecated-register" -o bind -f /home/anders/packages/usd/20.05/include/pxr/usd/usdGeom/sphere.h