Over the next several months I'm going to learn Go and a bunch of cloud infrastructure stuff by building a banking app.
I will make a ton of mistakes and bad judgement calls, but I'll leave it all in here as a complete history. We should celebrate our failures as normal growing pains.
I imagine this will grow to include CQRS, micro-services, event streaming etc., but for now I've got a simple ERD and Postgres database. I'll scale it up as I go.
I don't have a balance on the account entity, I'm presuming that's a calculated value based on a transaction history. I'll figure out how to cache that or something later.
Open Banking Spec: https://openbankinguk.github.io/read-write-api-site3/v3.1.10/resources-and-data-models/aisp/Accounts.html
Make a new migration: migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq init_schema