type | name | declared value | means |
int | N | 5 | number of philosophers |
int | LEFT | (i + N - 1) % N | philosopher left-side of (i+1)th philosopher |
int | RIGHT | i + 1) % N | philosopher right-side of (i+1)th philosopher |
int [] | state | an array of N elements | state[i]= state of (i+1)th philosopher |
int | THINKING | 0 | state of a philosopher is thinking |
int | HUNGRY | 1 | state of a philosopher is hungry |
int | EATING | 2 | state of a philosopher is eating |
int | MAXTURN | 100 | limit of eating turn (for testing purpose) |
pthread_mutex_t | mutex | 1 | semaphore protect critical section |
pthread_mutex_t[] | s | an array of N mutex elements | s[i] = semaphore project critical section of (i+1)th philosopher |
pthread_t philosophers[N], pthread_attr_t attributes[N] : For multi-threading in linux.