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event-manager modular service

event-manager is a Viam module that provides eventing capabilities using the sensor component API through the viam:event-manager:eventing model.

The event manager is can be used in conjunction with a mobile app or web app, which provides a user interface for configuring and managing events.

The event manager can be configured with rules to evaluate, based on:

  • Time of day
  • Computer vision detections
  • Computer vision classifications
  • Computer vision tracker events (new person seen that is not an approved person)

When a rule is triggers, configured notification actions can occur of type:

  • SMS (with media, e.g. MMS)
  • Email
  • GET push notification

Video of any triggered event is captured and stored in Viam data management via a video storage camera (configured as a dependency).

Actions can also be configured that occur either:

  • X seconds after an event is triggered
  • Based on an SMS response

Configured actions are methods and payloads on other configured Viam resources. Currently only generic components/services and vision services are supported. Example action: An end user that receives an alert SMS can respond responds with '1', which activates a Kasa switch via a component do_command() call.

Triggered events can be queried and deleted with this module.

Sensor API

The event-manager resource implements the rdk sensor component API.



await em.do_command({"get_triggered": {"number": 5}}) # get 5 most recent triggered across all configured events
await em.do_command({"get_triggered": {"number": 5, "event": "Pets out at night"}}) # get 5 most recent triggers for event "Pets out at night"

await em.do_command({"delete_triggered": {"id": "FRgcwnOTZl4FEXiLG7p1KLcpmSX", "location_id": "dsafadad", "organization_id": "adasdsadasw"}}) # delete triggered event based on ID


Return details for triggered events in the following format:

{ "triggered": 
            "event": "Unexpected person",
            "time": 1703172467,
            "video_id": "edc519e5-85fe-42ab-af3c-506fcc827948",
            "organization_id": "72ff9713-adc7-4b15-a95b-2174468bde19",
            "location_id": "x7ahxaMJEfF"

Note that video_id is the ID of the corresponding video in Viam's Data Management, if one was saved.

The following arguments are supported:

number integer

Number of triggered to return - default 5

event string

Name of configured event name to return triggered for. If not specified, will return triggered across all events.


Delete a triggered event by video ID

  "id": "<event_id",
  "location_id": "<location_id>",
  "organization_id": "<org_id>"

The following arguments are supported and required:

id string

The event video ID.

location_id string

Location ID for the event to delete.

organization_id string

Organization ID for the event to delete.


get_readings() JSON returns the current state of events:

        "a person camera 1": {
            "state": "actioning",
            "last_triggered": "2024-10-04T19:59:45Z",
            "triggered_label": "Person",
            "triggered_resource": "cam1",
            "actions_taken": [
                    "resource": "kasa_plug_1",
                    "method": "do_command",
                    "sms_match": "2",
                    "when": "2024-10-04T19:59:46Z",
                    "payload": "{'action' : 'toggle_on'}"

Note that if Viam data capture is enabled for the Readings() method, tabular data will be captured in this format for any triggered events. This is required in order to use the do_command() get_triggered command.

If "include_dot": true is passed as an "extra" parameter, a DOT string representing a state diagram will be returned with the key "dot".

Viam event-manager Service Configuration

The service configuration uses JSON to describe rules around events. The following example configures two events:

  • The first triggers when the system is "active" and a configured detector Vision service sees a "Person", sending an SMS and email, and turning on a kasa plug immediately.
  • The second triggers when the system is "active" and a configured tracker Vision service sees a "new-object-detected", sending an SMS and email, then turning on a kasa plug in 30 seconds or if an SMS response '1' is received. If an SMS reponse of 2 is received, the kasa plug is turned off and the person detected is labeled. If an SMS response of '3' is received, the kasa switch is turned off. Video is captured starting 10 seconds before the event (ending 10 seconds after).
    "mode": "active",
    "app_api_key": "daifdkaddkdfhshfeasw",
    "app_api_key_id": "weygwegqeyygadydagfd",
    "email_module": "shared-alerting:email",
    "sms_module": "shared-alerting:sms",
    "resources": {
        "kasa_plug_1": {"type": "component", "subtype": "generic"},
        "kasa_plug_2": {"type": "component", "subtype": "generic"},
        "cam1": {"type": "component", "subtype": "camera"},
        "vcam1": {"type": "component", "subtype": "camera"},
        "tracker1": {"type": "service", "subtype": "vision"},
    "events": [
            "name": "a person camera 1",
            "modes": ["active"],
            "pause_alerting_on_event_secs": 300,
            "detection_hz": 5,
            "rule_logic_type": "AND",
            "rules": [
                    "type": "detection",
                    "confidence_pct": 0.6,
                    "class_regex": "Person",                    
                    "camera": "cam1",
                    "detector": "person_detector"
            "notifications": [{"type": "sms", "to": ["123-456-7890"], "preset": "alert"}, {"type": "email", "to": [""], "preset": "alert"}],
            "actions": [
                    "when_secs": 0, 
                    "resource": "kasa_plug_1",
                    "method": "do_command",
                    "payload": "{'action' : 'toggle_on'}"
            "name": "a new person camera 2",
            "modes": ["active"],
            "capture_video" : true,
            "video_capture_resource": "vcam1",
            "event_video_capture_padding_secs": 10,
            "detection_hz": 2,
            "pause_alerting_on_event_secs": 120,
            "rule_logic_type": "AND",
            "rules": [
                    "type": "tracker",
                    "camera": "tracker1"
            "notifications": [{"type": "sms", "to": [""], "preset": "alert"}],
            "actions": [
                    "sms_match": "1",
                    "when_secs": 60, 
                    "resource": "kasa_plug_2",
                    "method": "do_command",
                    "payload": "{'action' : 'toggle_on'}"
                    "sms_match": "(2|3)",
                    "when_secs": -1, 
                    "resource": "kasa_plug_2",
                    "method": "do_command",
                    "payload": "{'action' : 'toggle_off'}"
                    "sms_match": "2",
                    "when_secs": -1, 
                    "resource": "vcam1",
                    "method": "do_command",
                    "payload": "{'relabel' : {'<<triggered_label>>': 'Known person'}}"


enum active|inactive (default: "inactive")

Event manager mode, which is used in event evaluation based on configured event modes


object (required)

An object containing configured physical camera component names as keys, and object values with:

video_capture_camera - The name of the associated configured video capture camera for the physical camera.

vision_service - The name of the associated configured vision service to use.



These are the associated resources to import and dependencies to use with the action and event rules. The key is the name of the configured resource, with object containing:

type - the resource type: component or service. subtype - the resource subtype - currently only 'generic' and 'vision' are supported for actions, for rules the types are context-specific by rule type.


string (required)

Used to interface with Viam data management for triggered event management


string (required)

Used to interface with Viam data management for triggered event management


string (optional)

The name of an email sending service configured as part of this machine that uses the API format of this module If email notifications are configured, this is required.


string (optional)

The name of an SMS sending service configured as part of this machine that uses the API format of this module If SMS notifications are configured, this is required.



Any number of events can be configured, and will be repeatedly evaluated as long as pause_alerting_on_event_secs is not currently being enforced. If an event evaluates to true, a video save request occurs and any configured notifications will occur.


string (required)

Label for the configured event. Used in logging and notifications.


list[enum home|away] (required)

The list of modes in which this event will be evaluated.


boolean (default false)

If enabled and a video_capture_resource is configured, video will be captured for triggered events.



The name of a video capture resource, must also be specified in resources


integer (default 300)

How long to pause after triggered event before rules for the event are again evaluated.


integer (default 10)

For stored video, how many seconds before and after the event should be saved (for example, a value of 10 would mean 20 seconds of video would be stored).


integer (default 5)

How often rules are evaluated, best effort.



The logic gate to use with configured rules. For example, if NOR was set and there were two rules configured that both evaluated false, the event would trigger.



Notifications types when an event triggers.

"type" is one of sms|email.

"preset" is a string specifying the name of the preset message to send.

"to" is a list of phone numbers or email addresses.



A list of objects containing:

"resource" - The name of a configured action resource. Currently only "generic" components and services, as well as vision services are supported.

"method" - The resource method to call

"payload" - The JSON payload to pass to the method. Pass as a string that will be decoded to JSON. Single quotes will get translated to double quotes so as to validate as proper JSON. The following can variables be included enclosed in<<>> (for example <<triggered_label>>) and replaced with the corresponding value:

  • event_name: The name of the event that was triggered.
  • triggered_label: If the event was triggered via a computer vision service, this is the label/class that triggered the event.

"sms_match" - if a phone number that was notified when this event was triggered sends an SMS response and the response matches "sms_match" (regex), then this and any other matching actions will be taken. Any other actions that could later be taken will be ignored until the event triggers again.

"when_secs" - How many seconds after the event triggers should the action occur. If not specified or set to 0, will happen immediately. If set to -1, will not happen unless sms_match causes it to occur.



Rules define what is evaluated in order to trigger event logging and notifications. Any number of rules can be configured for a given event.

rule type

enum detection|classification|tracker|time

If type is detection, camera (configured cameras included in resources), confidence_pct (percent confidence threshold out of 1), and class_regex (regular expression to match detection class, defaults to any class) must be defined.

If type is classification, camera (configured cameras included in resources), confidence_pct (percent confidence threshold out of 1), and class_regex (regular expression to match detection class, defaults to any class) must be defined.

If type is tracker, cameras (list of configured cameras) must be defined.

If type is time, ranges must be defined, which is a list of start_hour and end_hour, which are integers representing the start hour in UTC.


  • Support other rule types like sensor readings
  • Support other types of webhooks
  • Make event subprocesses fault tolerant