From a1665d64a0ac2d87d922c11990801b11df62c113 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:36:02 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] [WORKFLOW] Updating protos from viamrobotics/api, commit: 382846b26b042de9116851fe2bf49575bca4dedc (#237) Co-authored-by: viambot --- lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pb.dart | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++ lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbenum.dart | 21 +++++ lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbjson.dart | 40 ++++++++- lib/src/gen/component/servo/v1/servo.pb.dart | 4 +- 4 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pb.dart b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pb.dart index 8186c1d0c7..47d90721ae 100644 --- a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pb.dart +++ b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pb.dart @@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ class RobotPartHistoryEntry extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { $core.String? robot, $6.Timestamp? when, RobotPart? old, + AuthenticatorInfo? editedBy, }) { final $result = create(); if (part != null) { @@ -391,6 +392,9 @@ class RobotPartHistoryEntry extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { if (old != null) { $result.old = old; } + if (editedBy != null) { + $result.editedBy = editedBy; + } return $result; } RobotPartHistoryEntry._() : super(); @@ -402,6 +406,7 @@ class RobotPartHistoryEntry extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { ..aOS(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'robot') ..aOM<$6.Timestamp>(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'when', subBuilder: $6.Timestamp.create) ..aOM(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'old', subBuilder: RobotPart.create) + ..aOM(5, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'editedBy', subBuilder: AuthenticatorInfo.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false ; @@ -465,6 +470,95 @@ class RobotPartHistoryEntry extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { void clearOld() => clearField(4); @$pb.TagNumber(4) RobotPart ensureOld() => $_ensure(3); + + @$pb.TagNumber(5) + AuthenticatorInfo get editedBy => $_getN(4); + @$pb.TagNumber(5) + set editedBy(AuthenticatorInfo v) { setField(5, v); } + @$pb.TagNumber(5) + $core.bool hasEditedBy() => $_has(4); + @$pb.TagNumber(5) + void clearEditedBy() => clearField(5); + @$pb.TagNumber(5) + AuthenticatorInfo ensureEditedBy() => $_ensure(4); +} + +class AuthenticatorInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { + factory AuthenticatorInfo({ + AuthenticationType? type, + $core.String? value, + $core.bool? isDeactivated, + }) { + final $result = create(); + if (type != null) { + $result.type = type; + } + if (value != null) { + $result.value = value; + } + if (isDeactivated != null) { + $result.isDeactivated = isDeactivated; + } + return $result; + } + AuthenticatorInfo._() : super(); + factory AuthenticatorInfo.fromBuffer($core.List<$> i, [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) => create()..mergeFromBuffer(i, r); + factory AuthenticatorInfo.fromJson($core.String i, [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) => create()..mergeFromJson(i, r); + + static final $pb.BuilderInfo _i = $pb.BuilderInfo(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'AuthenticatorInfo', package: const $pb.PackageName(_omitMessageNames ? '' : ''), createEmptyInstance: create) + ..e(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'type', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, defaultOrMaker: AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, valueOf: AuthenticationType.valueOf, enumValues: AuthenticationType.values) + ..aOS(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'value') + ..aOB(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'isDeactivated') + ..hasRequiredFields = false + ; + + @$core.Deprecated( + 'Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' + 'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.deepCopy] instead. ' + 'Will be removed in next major version') + AuthenticatorInfo clone() => AuthenticatorInfo()..mergeFromMessage(this); + @$core.Deprecated( + 'Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' + 'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.rebuild] instead. ' + 'Will be removed in next major version') + AuthenticatorInfo copyWith(void Function(AuthenticatorInfo) updates) => super.copyWith((message) => updates(message as AuthenticatorInfo)) as AuthenticatorInfo; + + $pb.BuilderInfo get info_ => _i; + + @$core.pragma('dart2js:noInline') + static AuthenticatorInfo create() => AuthenticatorInfo._(); + AuthenticatorInfo createEmptyInstance() => create(); + static $pb.PbList createRepeated() => $pb.PbList(); + @$core.pragma('dart2js:noInline') + static AuthenticatorInfo getDefault() => _defaultInstance ??= $pb.GeneratedMessage.$_defaultFor(create); + static AuthenticatorInfo? _defaultInstance; + + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + AuthenticationType get type => $_getN(0); + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + set type(AuthenticationType v) { setField(1, v); } + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + $core.bool hasType() => $_has(0); + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + void clearType() => clearField(1); + + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + $core.String get value => $_getSZ(1); + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + set value($core.String v) { $_setString(1, v); } + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + $core.bool hasValue() => $_has(1); + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + void clearValue() => clearField(2); + + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + $core.bool get isDeactivated => $_getBF(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + set isDeactivated($core.bool v) { $_setBool(2, v); } + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + $core.bool hasIsDeactivated() => $_has(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + void clearIsDeactivated() => clearField(3); } class ListOrganizationsRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { diff --git a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbenum.dart b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbenum.dart index 398139498f..fe16419127 100644 --- a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbenum.dart +++ b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbenum.dart @@ -13,6 +13,27 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; +class AuthenticationType extends $pb.ProtobufEnum { + static const AuthenticationType AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = AuthenticationType._(0, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED'); + static const AuthenticationType AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_WEB_OAUTH = AuthenticationType._(1, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_WEB_OAUTH'); + static const AuthenticationType AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_API_KEY = AuthenticationType._(2, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_API_KEY'); + static const AuthenticationType AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ROBOT_PART_SECRET = AuthenticationType._(3, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ROBOT_PART_SECRET'); + static const AuthenticationType AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_LOCATION_SECRET = AuthenticationType._(4, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_LOCATION_SECRET'); + + static const $core.List values = [ + AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, + AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_WEB_OAUTH, + AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_API_KEY, + AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ROBOT_PART_SECRET, + AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_LOCATION_SECRET, + ]; + + static final $core.Map<$, AuthenticationType> _byValue = $pb.ProtobufEnum.initByValue(values); + static AuthenticationType? valueOf($ value) => _byValue[value]; + + const AuthenticationType._($ v, $core.String n) : super(v, n); +} + class FragmentVisibility extends $pb.ProtobufEnum { static const FragmentVisibility FRAGMENT_VISIBILITY_UNSPECIFIED = FragmentVisibility._(0, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'FRAGMENT_VISIBILITY_UNSPECIFIED'); static const FragmentVisibility FRAGMENT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = FragmentVisibility._(1, _omitEnumNames ? '' : 'FRAGMENT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE'); diff --git a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbjson.dart b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbjson.dart index 9ad611cf2f..c8cf54d8d1 100644 --- a/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbjson.dart +++ b/lib/src/gen/app/v1/app.pbjson.dart @@ -13,6 +13,25 @@ import 'dart:convert' as $convert; import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'dart:typed_data' as $typed_data; +@$core.Deprecated('Use authenticationTypeDescriptor instead') +const AuthenticationType$json = { + '1': 'AuthenticationType', + '2': [ + {'1': 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED', '2': 0}, + {'1': 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_WEB_OAUTH', '2': 1}, + {'1': 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_API_KEY', '2': 2}, + {'1': 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ROBOT_PART_SECRET', '2': 3}, + {'1': 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_LOCATION_SECRET', '2': 4}, + ], +}; + +/// Descriptor for `AuthenticationType`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto`. +final $typed_data.Uint8List authenticationTypeDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode( + 'ChJBdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvblR5cGUSIwofQVVUSEVOVElDQVRJT05fVFlQRV9VTlNQRUNJRklFRB' + 'AAEiEKHUFVVEhFTlRJQ0FUSU9OX1RZUEVfV0VCX09BVVRIEAESHwobQVVUSEVOVElDQVRJT05f' + 'VFlQRV9BUElfS0VZEAISKQolQVVUSEVOVElDQVRJT05fVFlQRV9ST0JPVF9QQVJUX1NFQ1JFVB' + 'ADEicKI0FVVEhFTlRJQ0FUSU9OX1RZUEVfTE9DQVRJT05fU0VDUkVUEAQ='); + @$core.Deprecated('Use fragmentVisibilityDescriptor instead') const FragmentVisibility$json = { '1': 'FragmentVisibility', @@ -133,6 +152,7 @@ const RobotPartHistoryEntry$json = { {'1': 'robot', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 9, '8': {}, '10': 'robot'}, {'1': 'when', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.google.protobuf.Timestamp', '8': {}, '10': 'when'}, {'1': 'old', '3': 4, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '', '8': {}, '10': 'old'}, + {'1': 'edited_by', '3': 5, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '', '8': {}, '10': 'editedBy'}, ], }; @@ -142,7 +162,25 @@ final $typed_data.Uint8List robotPartHistoryEntryDescriptor = $convert.base64Dec 'Bqc29uOiJwYXJ0IlIEcGFydBI0CgVyb2JvdBgCIAEoCUIemoSeAxlic29uOiJyb2JvdCIganNv' 'bjoicm9ib3QiUgVyb2JvdBJMCgR3aGVuGAMgASgLMhouZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlRpbWVzdG' 'FtcEIcmoSeAxdic29uOiJ3aGVuIiBqc29uOiJ3aGVuIlIEd2hlbhJECgNvbGQYBCABKAsyFi52' - 'aWFtLmFwcC52MS5Sb2JvdFBhcnRCGpqEngMVYnNvbjoib2xkIiBqc29uOiJvbGQiUgNvbGQ='); + 'aWFtLmFwcC52MS5Sb2JvdFBhcnRCGpqEngMVYnNvbjoib2xkIiBqc29uOiJvbGQiUgNvbGQSYw' + 'oJZWRpdGVkX2J5GAUgASgLMh4udmlhbS5hcHAudjEuQXV0aGVudGljYXRvckluZm9CJpqEngMh' + 'YnNvbjoiZWRpdGVkX2J5IiBqc29uOiJlZGl0ZWRfYnkiUghlZGl0ZWRCeQ=='); + +@$core.Deprecated('Use authenticatorInfoDescriptor instead') +const AuthenticatorInfo$json = { + '1': 'AuthenticatorInfo', + '2': [ + {'1': 'type', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 14, '6': '', '10': 'type'}, + {'1': 'value', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'value'}, + {'1': 'is_deactivated', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 8, '10': 'isDeactivated'}, + ], +}; + +/// Descriptor for `AuthenticatorInfo`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`. +final $typed_data.Uint8List authenticatorInfoDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode( + 'ChFBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9ySW5mbxIzCgR0eXBlGAEgASgOMh8udmlhbS5hcHAudjEuQXV0aGVudG' + 'ljYXRpb25UeXBlUgR0eXBlEhQKBXZhbHVlGAIgASgJUgV2YWx1ZRIlCg5pc19kZWFjdGl2YXRl' + 'ZBgDIAEoCFINaXNEZWFjdGl2YXRlZA=='); @$core.Deprecated('Use listOrganizationsRequestDescriptor instead') const ListOrganizationsRequest$json = { diff --git a/lib/src/gen/component/servo/v1/servo.pb.dart b/lib/src/gen/component/servo/v1/servo.pb.dart index f57faf28e3..fa99c907c5 100644 --- a/lib/src/gen/component/servo/v1/servo.pb.dart +++ b/lib/src/gen/component/servo/v1/servo.pb.dart @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class MoveRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearName() => clearField(1); - /// the degrees by which to rotate the servo. Accepted values are between 0 and 180 + /// the degrees by which to rotate the servo. @$pb.TagNumber(2) $ get angleDeg => $_getIZ(1); @$pb.TagNumber(2) @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class GetPositionResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { static GetPositionResponse getDefault() => _defaultInstance ??= $pb.GeneratedMessage.$_defaultFor(create); static GetPositionResponse? _defaultInstance; - /// the degrees from neutral by which the servo is currently rotated. Values are between 0 and 180 + /// the degrees from neutral by which the servo is currently rotated. @$pb.TagNumber(1) $ get positionDeg => $_getIZ(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1)