A new Flutter project.
This is me with 0 flutter experience improvising an app as a bday present for a dear friend.
So I'm literally starting from 0 but thought this could be useful for other not-been-coding-since-12 like me!
I'm using a macbook, vscode and want to make a simple app that runs on an iphone.
I literally started by installing two Flutter extentions, running the command "flutter doctor" to see if the environemnt was ready and of course, it was not. So first things first, you want to run the cmd brew install flutter then run flutter doctor again and see what else you have to do.
In my case, I just had to run brew install cocoapods and I was ready.
So I made the mistake of thinking I would have to create all the files and repos myself and was I pleased to find out that flutter basically does it for you and also puts a demo in the main. So in VSCode I did the following
- cmd + shift + p
- typed "flutter"
- selected new project then selected application
- then i chose where to put the project and what to call it (keep in mind flutter projects need to be all lower case, use _ , and numbers so in my case: JANAPP, Jana_app and Jana were fails because I'm stupid and I don't read resources with as much attention as I should).
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.