This repository contains my configuration files (Dotfiles) to personalize and configure my development environment. It includes configurations for various programs and tools I use.
- .bashrc: Custom configuration for the Bash shell.
- nvim/: Configurations for Neovim.
- wezterm/: Configurations for the WezTerm terminal emulator.
- zellij/: Configurations for the Zellij terminal multiplexer.
- .git/: Git configuration.
- .github/: Configuration for GitHub Actions and other GitHub-related files.
- .gitmodules: Configuration for Git submodules.
To use these Dotfiles, ensure the following tools are installed:
- git: To clone this repository.
- GNU Stow: To manage configurations across different directories.
- Neovim, WezTerm, Zellij: The corresponding tools for their configurations.
Clone this repository to your home directory:
git clone --recursive ~/dotfiles
Navigate to the Dotfiles directory:
cd ~/dotfiles
Use GNU Stow to create symlinks in your home directory for the configurations of each tool. For example:
stow bash stow nvim stow wezterm stow zellij
The Neovim configuration submodule is automatically updated from the vicenteroa/neovim-setup
repository. You can either visit that repository for the latest configuration or run the following script to install it:
curl -o
To update submodules to the latest version from vicenteroa/neovim-setup
, use the following command:
git submodule update --remote --merge
For a personalized touch, I use this wallpaper from Wallpaper Engine:
Wallpaper Engine Desktop Wallpaper
If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or make a pull request.