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Started Draco Vim is a customizable Vim configuration designed to boost productivity and coding efficiency. Integrating popular plugins like NERDTree, fzf, coc.nvim, and vim-airline, it offers a powerful and streamlined editing environment with features like easy motion navigation.


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Vim Installation and Configuration Guide

Plug Installation

On Windows

  1. Install Vim:

    • Make sure you have Vim installed. You can download it from or install it via Chocolatey using the command choco install vim.
  2. Install Plug:

    • Open a terminal (cmd or PowerShell).
    • Run the following command to download Plug and place it in the appropriate directory:
      curl -fLo %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\autoload\plug.vim --create-dirs \
  3. Configure Plug in Vim:

    • Create or edit the _vimrc file in %USERPROFILE%.
    • Add the following content to initialize Plug:
      call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
      " List of plugins here
      call plug#end()

On Linux

  1. Install Vim:

    • Make sure you have Vim installed. You can install it using your package manager, for example:
      sudo apt-get install vim
  2. Install Plug:

    • Open a terminal.
    • Run the following command to download Plug:
      curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
  3. Configure Plug in Vim:

    • Create or edit the .vimrc file in your home directory.
    • Add the following content to initialize Plug:
      call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
      " List of plugins here
      call plug#end()

Custom Configuration

This .vimrc file configures various aspects of your Vim environment. Here's a description of each section:


Plugins are managed by Plug and are initialized with:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" List of plugins here
call plug#end()

General Settings

set relativenumber
set showcmd
set showmatch
set tabpagemax=10
set showtabline=2
set laststatus=2
set timeoutlen=500
  • relativenumber: Shows relative line numbers.
  • showcmd: Displays the current command in the status line.
  • showmatch: Highlights matching parentheses or brackets.
  • tabpagemax: Maximum number of tab pages.
  • showtabline: Always show the tab line.
  • laststatus: Always show the status line.
  • timeoutlen: Timeout for key sequences.

Plugin Settings

  • NERDTree: File explorer.
  • Airline: Status line with custom themes.
  • which-key: Displays available key mappings.
  • coc.nvim: Autocompletion and LSP support.

Key Mappings

  • : Opens the which-key menu.
  • e: Toggles NERDTree.
  • /: Navigates between tabs.
  • : Saves the current file.

coc.nvim Configuration

let g:coc_global_extensions = [
  \ 'coc-json',
  \ 'coc-tsserver',
  \ 'coc-html',
  \ 'coc-css',
  \ 'coc-eslint',
  \ 'coc-prettier',
  \ ]

Installs extensions for language support and development tools.

Best Workflow

Start Vim:

  • Open Vim and use :PlugInstall to install all the listed plugins.

  • Open Files Using Startify:

  • Use Startify to quickly open recent files, directories, and sessions if available. Create New Buffers: Use Shift + n to create a new buffer. Open Files:

  • Use Space Space to open any file you need at the moment. Explore and Use Plugins: Use :NERDTreeToggle to explore files. Use :Files to quickly search for files. Use :Gstatus to manage Git status. Customize Your Environment:

Adjust key mappings and settings according to your workflow. Keep Updated:

Update your plugins with :PlugUpdate. Follow these steps to set up and customize your Vim environment. Enjoy an efficient and productive workflow.


Started Draco Vim is a customizable Vim configuration designed to boost productivity and coding efficiency. Integrating popular plugins like NERDTree, fzf, coc.nvim, and vim-airline, it offers a powerful and streamlined editing environment with features like easy motion navigation.





