Title |
Release notes v5.1.0 |
This document provides information on the Alfresco Application Development Framework v5.1.0.
You can find release artifacts on GitHub.
Name | Version |
@alfresco/adf-content-services | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-process-services | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-core | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-insights | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-extensions | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-testing | 5.1.0 |
@alfresco/adf-cli | 5.1.0 |
This is a major release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework containing upgrade to Angular 14. With the current upgrade of the Angular framework, the suggested stack has also being updated:
Name | Version |
Node | 14.15.0 |
npm | 6.14.8 |
Angular | 14 |
Typescript | 4.6 |
For a complete list of changes, supported browsers and new feature please refer to the official documentation
- 388ca411a [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 387 (#7918)
- 2d57ca31c [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-378 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 378 (#7905)
- 122aa805a [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-369 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 369 (#7897)
- 405ad3d81 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-364 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 98 (#7879)
- 746d8031c Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.30.0 to 5.38.1 (#7875)
- 1b48ce6d6 Bump ng-mocks from 10.5.4 to 14.2.3 (#7876)
- ba8b3c7d8 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-350 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 350 (#7878)
- 865b86498 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-349 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 349 (#7874)
- 46da01fe1 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-343 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 343 (#7834)
- 0b12cbca5 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-322 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 322 (#7828)
- 356a6dc6d Bump karma-jasmine-html-reporter from 1.7.0 to 2.0.0 (#7809)
- ed002577e [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-317 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 317 (#7826)
- 446828833 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-316 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 316 (#7825)
- 79b5cd49b Bump css-loader from 5.2.7 to 6.7.1 (#7806)
- 4db08e3d3 Bump graphql-request from 3.7.0 to 5.0.0 (#7810)
- 7a797d3ae Bump @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin from 14.0.2 to 14.0.4 (#7820)
- 541737d8e Bump @playwright/test from 1.25.0 to 1.25.2 (#7821)
- 88beaf353 [ci:force][auto-commit] Update JS-API to 5.1.0-313 for branch: update-js-api originated from JS-API PR: 313 (#7743)