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64 lines (54 loc) · 3.23 KB

Migration from IP Messaging

This new package contains breaking changes from it's predecessor, react-native-twilio-ip-messaging, mainly due the nature of how Twilio updated their SDKs with the product change from IP Messaging to Programmable Chat.

I believe this is complete -- but if you come across any issues please let us know so we can update!



  • In your Podfile, remove reference to TwilioIPMessagingClient, TwilioCommon, and RCTTwilioIPMessaging.
  • Add reference to TwilioChatClient: pod 'TwilioChatClient', '~> 0.16.0'
  • Add reference to TwilioAccessManager, if desired: pod 'TwilioAccessManager', '~> 0.1.1'
  • Add reference to RCTTwilioChat: pod 'RCTTwilioChat', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-twilio-ip-messaging/ios'
  • Update your pod repositories with: pod repo update
  • Run pod install to perform the installation. This will remove the previous TwilioIPMessagingClient and TwilioCommon components and add the TwilioChatClient, RCTTwilioChat and optionally TwilioAccessManager.


  • Update your gradle imports to compile "com.twilio:chat-android:0.11.0"
  • Remove import of twilio-common-android if you had it previously
  • Update gradle.settins to use new Chat package:
  include ':RCTTwilioChat', ':app'
  project(':RCTTwilioChat').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-twilio-ip-messaging/android')
  • Update build.gradle to compile new package: compile project(':RCTTwilioChat')
  • Update to include new Chat package:
  import com.bradbumbalough.RCTTwilioChat.RCTTwilioChatPackage;
  new RCTTwilioChatPackage()
  • Remove any references to RCTTwilioIPMessaging

Access Manager

  • AccessManager is now optional, as you can directly construct a Client with the token. However, if you want lifecycle events such as when the token will expire, you will need the AccessManager.
  • The properties isExpired and identity are no longer part of an AccessManager instance.
  • A new event, onTokenWillExpire, has been added and is fired ~3 minutes before the current token will expire.
  • The event, onError, has been renamed to onTokenInvalid.


  • Public channels not joined now contain membersCount and messagesCount.


  • Client is no longer constructed with an instance of AccessManager. Instead, you pass your auth_token into it.
  • New event onClientConnectionStateChanged added.
  • Channels are now obtained with getUserChannels and getPublicChannels. They return an instance of a Paginator that you use to iterate through the results.
  • getChannels has been removed.
  • getChannel now takes an sid or uniqueName.
  • getChannelByUniqueName and getChannelBySid were removed.
  • A register method was added to link the Client instance with an AccessManager.
  • deregister was removed. Use unregister instead.


  • All constants were previously prefixed with TWM, and are now begun with TCH.
  • TCHChannelOption
  • TCHChannelStatus
  • TCHChannelSynchronizationStatus
  • TCHChannelType
  • TCHClientSynchronizationStatus
  • TCHClientSynchronizationStrategy
  • TCHLogLevel

Member, Message, UserInfo

  • No changes