Vi Language Documentation
overview v is a very simple cross_platform app development focused language code.v + transpiler -> code.c++ code.c++ -> cross platform executable
the v transpiler is a python software that converts the code written in v,into one of c++
Comments <# this, is a multi-line comment in v #>
#this is a single line comment in v
Naming conventions generally,it closely resembles python (ie snake case), however,containers start with an underscore ie _containerName1
**containers ** v is all about containers.each container is styled by giving it attributes Each container in V is styled using the syntax below when nested,the inner container is called a child while the outer is called parent. the child container inherits some properties from the parent (except specifically told not to)
_screen1: { color: red, draw_hide:draw, shape: square, height: 128, width: 72, position_xy: [20,20], }
Two containers can have the same style when separated using a coma
_container1, _container2 = { color: red, draw_hide:draw, shape: square, height: 128, width: 72, position_xy: [20,20], }
** functions** a user defined function is defined like this do_as_user_says(){code logics}
greet_user(_container){ for (child in _container.children){ child = { color: rgb(120,7,7), width: child.width + 12 } } }
and is called like this do_as_user_says()
while inbuilt functions are used directly. ie visit(url),play(url),etc this is because the action to be performed when the function is called has already been pre_specified. the event listner attribute of a container usually houses functions (using keywords for specific events). some keywords are on_collide,on_click
main _screen = {
color: green,
height: 1280,
width: 720,
children: [
event_listner: {
on_click: greet_user(),
on_long_press: [
visit(url to webpage),
on_swipe_down: play(url to item)
on_swipe_left: change_color(),
on_collide: {
[object1, object2, objectn]: [play(url),greet_user()],
[object1, object2]: [action]
main the main container is the first container to be parsed. the main container is defined using the main keyword followed by the container id. all auxiliary containers are drawn directly or indirectly inside the main container the main container is to be in a main.v file. all other containers and functions are imported into this main.v file
attributes (keywords and values) no units are needed when working with attributes of a default the main container is given a width and height of the videowport while other containers drawa wn in it are given relative height and width to the parent container. instead of specifying unit(if needed),the developer can just specify a different parent for that container Note: when containers are styled and there is conflict, the program crashes rather than infer
model of an attribute key: value key1,key2: value1, value2
key value type default NOTE
scrollable bool determines if the container is scrollable or not
draw_hide draw / hide used to set if the container is displayed or not.
shape square others are sqircle,circle,cube(3d shape),etc
width 10 value must be specified except if styled to scroll. A fixed page(ie game or app) must have definite width and height
color it can also be rgb()
position can be right, left, top, bottom, right, bottom and right, middle, coordinate(X,Y),coordinate(X,Y,Z) when using coordinate position,the x, y and optional z arguments specify percentage of height and width,not pixel thus the higest value of x,y or z is 100 e.t.c z_index z_index allows for one container to be drawn over another. a container with z_index of 1 would draw over an container with z_index of 0.
content_align not center due to British English confusion. it is used to center text
content_padding use this to shrink content into the middle.
content_padding_top shrink the content smaller and towards a single side (to the bottom)
type style can be button, link, search bar scroller,icon button and link e.t.c
text_content: example -> "Hello {concatenated_var}
text written in v can span multiple lines,
however the text can be wrapped by the editor"
other types of content are audio_content and video_content
background_image takes a url ie \url\to\image
repeat_by int,int this is used to repeat items it repeats the given item in x, y (ie making a grid of containers without explicitly creating each container). it creates numerous containers.each,take the parent container name, an underscore and its coordinate,as its own nmae. ie _parent_container_name_X1Y1 it can alqso be uqsed to create 3d containerqs uqsing type int,int,int and each are acceqsqsed uqsing xyz coordinateqs
example uqsing repeat_by attribute
_scree: { color: red, draw_hide:draw, shape: square, height: 128, width: 72, position_xy: [20,20], repeat_by: 4,4 }
then each of the children can be accessed thus
change_color(){ _scree.children.X1Y1: new_style }
wait_sec(3) tells program to delay action for some seconds
updating the static page a static page is drawn usually the main container. after changes are made to any of the visible screen containers, the container is automatically redrawn