A clean architecture template for Solidjs with useful packages and strict TypeScript
- axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- @tanstack/solid-query: A simple and powerful way to manage your state in Solid
- awilix: Dependency injection for JavaScript and Node.js apps
- fp-ts: Functional programming in TypeScript
- unplugin-auto-import: Automatically import components, hooks, and utilities
- unplugin-swc: Super-fast javascript to javascript compiler for Vite projects
- tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
- vitest: A test runner for Vite projects
$ git clone https://github.com/victor7w7r/036solidjs
$ cd 036solidjs
$ git checkout blank
$ cd 036solidjs
$ bun install #Install Packages
$ bun run dev #Run develop