This is the basic ITU_MiniTwit application (Python 3 and SQLite) with added support for monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana as a Dashboard.
The application is Dockerized. To build the application and a client which simulates users clicking around the front page you have to:
- Build the application:
$ docker build -f docker/minitwit/Dockerfile -t <youruser>/webserver .
- Build the test client:
$ docker build -f docker/minitwit_client/Dockerfile -t <youruser>/minitwitclient .
- Start the application:
$ docker-compose up
Alternatively, you can build and run the application in one step:
$ docker-compose up --build
To stop the application again run:
$ docker-compose down -v
After starting the entire application, you can reach:
- ITU-MiniTwit at http://localhost:5000
- ITU-MiniTwit metrics for this node at http://localhost:5000/metrics
- The Prometheus web-client at http://localhost:9090
- Grafana at http://localhost:3000 (default login and password:
Navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000 and login with the default credentials admin
. Remember later to change the password for your projects!
Now, do the following:
Add data source
- Set the
to a name that you deem suitable - Under
choose theType
- Under
Http settings
set theUrl
- Finally, click
Now, Create your first dashboard
Add a SingleStat
click on the Panel Title
and choose Edit
Keep Data Source
as default
and add the PromQL query minitwit_http_responses_total
to the field below.
Now, play and customize the dashboard a bit to your liking and add some other metrics.
In case you need another panel type for example a gauge for the CPU load and in case you are running Grafana via Docker follow the steps below.
- Navigate to
- Choose a panel of your liking, e.g.,
- Copy the installation command, which has to be run on the Grafana server (machine)
$ docker exec -it itu-minitwit-monitoring_grafana_1 /bin/bash
root@9c17c8757ffb:/# grafana-cli plugins install briangann-gauge-panel
installing briangann-gauge-panel @ 0.0.6
from url:
into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
✔ Installed briangann-gauge-panel successfully
Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>
root@9c17c8757ffb:/# exit
$ docker restart itu-minitwit-monitoring_grafana_1
application was adapted to be monitored with Prometheus with the help of this blog post.