A wrapper component for working with distributed cache
- Ready with .NET Core 2.0+/.NET Framework 4.6.1+
- Supported: Redis & Memcached
- Redis: StackExchange.Redis
- Memcached: VIEApps.Enyim.Caching
Add the configuration settings into your app.config/web.config file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="memcached" type="Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfigurationSectionHandler,Enyim.Caching" />
<section name="redis" type="net.vieapps.Components.Caching.RedisClientConfigurationSectionHandler,VIEApps.Components.Caching" />
<add address="" port="11211" />
<add address="" port="11211" />
<socketPool minPoolSize="10" maxPoolSize="512" deadTimeout="00:01:00" connectionTimeout="00:00:05" receiveTimeout="00:00:05" />
<add address="" port="6379" />
<add address="" port="6379" />
<options abortConnect="false" allowAdmin="false" connectTimeout="5000" syncTimeout="2000" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="cache" type="net.vieapps.Components.Caching.CacheConfigurationSectionHandler,VIEApps.Components.Caching" />
<cache provider="Redis" expirationTime="30">
<add address="" port="11211" type="Memcached" />
<add address="" port="11211" type="Memcached" />
<add address="" port="6379" type="Redis" />
<add address="" port="6379" type="Redis" />
<socketPool minPoolSize="10" maxPoolSize="512" deadTimeout="00:01:00" connectionTimeout="00:00:05" receiveTimeout="00:00:05" />
<options abortConnect="false" allowAdmin="false" connectTimeout="5000" syncTimeout="2000" />
public class CreativeService
using net.vieapps.Components.Caching;
Cache _cache;
Cache _memcached;
Cache _redis;
public CreativeService()
this._cache = new Cache("Region-Name"); // with default caching provider is 'Redis'
this._memcached = new Cache("Region-Name", "memcached");
this._redis = new Cache("Region-Name", "redis");
public async Task<IList<CreativeDTO>> GetCreativesAsync(string unitName)
return await this._cache.GetAsync<IList<CreativeDTO>>($"creatives_{unitName}");
public async Task<IList<CreativeDTO>> GetMemcachedCreativesAsync(string unitName)
return await this._memcached.GetAsync<IList<CreativeDTO>>($"creatives_{unitName}");
public async Task<IList<CreativeDTO>> GetRedisCreativesAsync(string unitName)
return await this._redis.GetAsync<IList<CreativeDTO>>($"creatives_{unitName}");
bool Set(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
bool Set(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
bool Set(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
Task<bool> SetAsync(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
Task<bool> SetAsync(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
Task<bool> SetAsync(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
void Set(IDictionary<string, object> items, string keyPrefix = null, int expirationTime = 0);
void Set<T>(IDictionary<string, T> items, string keyPrefix = null, int expirationTime = 0);
Task SetAsync(IDictionary<string, object> items, string keyPrefix = null, int expirationTime = 0);
Task SetAsync<T>(IDictionary<string, T> items, string keyPrefix = null, int expirationTime = 0);
bool SetFragments(string key, List<byte[]> fragments, int expirationTime = 0);
Task<bool> SetFragmentsAsync(string key, List<byte[]> fragments, int expirationTime = 0);
bool SetAsFragments(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
Task<bool> SetAsFragmentsAsync(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
bool Add(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
bool Add(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
bool Add(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
Task<bool> AddAsync(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
Task<bool> AddAsync(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
Task<bool> AddAsync(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
bool Replace(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
bool Replace(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
bool Replace(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
Task<bool> ReplaceAsync(string key, object value, int expirationTime = 0);
Task<bool> ReplaceAsync(string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor);
Task<bool> ReplaceAsync(string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt);
object Get(string key);
T Get<T>(string key);
Task<object> GetAsync(string key);
Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string key);
IDictionary<string, object> Get(IEnumerable<string> keys);
Task<IDictionary<string, object>> GetAsync(IEnumerable<string> keys);
IDictionary<string, T> Get<T>(IEnumerable<string> keys);
Task<IDictionary<string, T>> GetAsync<T>(IEnumerable<string> keys);
Tuple<int, int> GetFragments(string key);
Task<Tuple<int, int>> GetFragmentsAsync(string key);
List<byte[]> GetAsFragments(string key, List<int> indexes);
Task<List<byte[]>> GetAsFragmentsAsync(string key, List<int> indexes);
List<byte[]> GetAsFragments(string key, params int[] indexes);
Task<List<byte[]>> GetAsFragmentsAsync(string key, params int[] indexes);
bool Remove(string key);
Task<bool> RemoveAsync(string key);
void Remove(IEnumerable<string> keys, string keyPrefix = null);
Task RemoveAsync(IEnumerable<string> keys, string keyPrefix = null);
void RemoveFragments(string key);
Task RemoveFragmentsAsync(string key);
bool Exists(string key);
Task<bool> ExistsAsync(string key);
void Clear();
Task ClearAsync();
HashSet<string> GetKeys();
Task<HashSet<string>> GetKeysAsync();