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1323 lines (1134 loc) · 64.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1323 lines (1134 loc) · 64.1 KB

New in 1.0-alpha (not released yet)

IMPORTANT: Major API breaking changes might occur between 1.0 pre-releases. As breaking API changes will need to be tested and verified before the final 1.0 release.

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well as recommendations on how to do the migration.

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5001-alpha

  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience, use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext, which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition context during event upgrades
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS vulnerability
  • Fix: UseFilesEventPersistence should no longer throw exception for .NET regarding relative paths

Complete 1.0 change log

  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience, use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext, which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition context during event upgrades
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS vulnerability
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular intervals, but might be one or two releases behind

New in 0.83.4713 (released 2021-09-07)

  • New: Queue name used by HangfireJobScheduler can be overridden:
    eventFlowOptions.UseHangfireJobScheduler(o => o.UseQueueName("myqueue"))
  • Fixed: Do not throw MetadataKeyNotFoundException if there is no meta data on previous_source_ids in snapshots

New in 0.82.4684 (released 2021-08-31)

  • Fix: Allow the use of explicitly implemented interfaces in the read model
  • New: added extension methods to the EventFlow.EntityFramework package that allow us to configure eager loading of related data. Example usage:
    public static IEventFlowOptions Configure(this IEventFlowOptions options)
      return options
        .UseEntityFrameworkReadModel<MyEntity, MyDbContext>(
          cfg => cfg.Include(x => x.SomeProperty)
                    .ThenInclude(y => y.SomeOtherProperty)

New in 0.82.4659 (released 2021-06-17)

  • Fix: Source IDs are now added to snapshots
  • Fix: InMemoryReadStore will not break on unmodified update result

New in 0.81.4483 (released 2020-12-14)

  • Breaking: Elasticsearch NEST Nuget Library updated from v6.1.0 to v7.8.2
  • New: Now possible to implement error handlers for specific sagas using ISagaErrorHandler<TSaga>
  • Fixed: You can now create Id : Identity<Id>

New in 0.80.4377 (released 2020-10-01)

  • Breaking: To support .NET going forward, all EventFlow test have been converted from .NET Framework 4.x to .NET Core 3.1. This however, introduced a set of breaking changes
    • EntityFramework has been updated from 2.2.6 to 3.1.5
    • IHangfireJobRunner.Execute is now IHangfireJobRunner.ExecuteAsync
  • Breaking: Merged AggregateReadStoreManager and SingleAggregateReadStoreManager into one class in order to always guarantee in-order event processing
  • Breaking: Marked the UseReadStoreFor<,,,> configuration methods as obsolete, in favor of the simpler overloads with less type parameters (as those automatically figure out the AggregateRoot and Id types and configure the more reliable SingleAggregateReadStoreManager implementation)
  • Obsolete: The class AsyncHelper and all non-async methods using it have been marked obsolete and will be removed in EventFlow 1.0 (not planned yet). If you rely on these non-async methods, then merely copy-paste the AsyncHelper from the EventFlow code base and continue using it in your transition to async only
  • Fixed: An issue where EntityFrameworkEventPersistence could possibly save aggregate events out of order, which would lead to out-of-order application when streaming events ordered by GlobalSequenceNumber
  • New: FilesEventPersistence now uses relative paths
  • New: A new set of hook-in interfaces are provided from this release, which should make it easier to implement crash resilience (#439) in EventFlow. Please note that this new API is experimentational and subject to change as different strategies are implemented
    • IAggregateStoreResilienceStrategy
    • IDispatchToReadStoresResilienceStrategy
    • IDispatchToSubscriberResilienceStrategy
    • ISagaUpdateResilienceStrategy

New in 0.79.4216 (released 2020-05-13)

  • New: Added .NET Core 3.1 target for the EventFlow and EventFlow.EntityFramework packages
  • Added quoting to the SQL query generator for the column names

New in 0.78.4205 (released 2020-05-11)

  • New: Updated LibLog provider to support structured logging with NLog 4.5. Reduced memory allocations for log4net-provider
  • New: Made several methods in AggregateRoot<,> virtual to allow easier customization
  • Fixed: Added quoting to the SQL query generator for the column names
  -- query before the fix
    UPDATE [ReadModel-TestAttributes]
    SET UpdatedTime = @UpdatedTime
    WHERE Id = @Id
  -- query after the fix
    UPDATE [ReadModel-TestAttributes]
    SET [UpdatedTime] = @UpdatedTime
    WHERE [Id] = @Id
  • Fixed: Do not log about event upgraders if none is found for an event
  • Fixed: Add default null predicate to AddCommands and AddJobs

New in 0.77.4077 (released 2019-12-10)

  • New: The EventFlow.AspNetCore NuGet package now has ASP.NET Core 3 support

New in 0.76.4014 (released 2019-10-19)

  • New: Mongo DB read model store Queryable:
    MongoDbReadModelStore readModelStore;
    IQueryable<TReadModel> queryable = readModelStore.AsQueryable();
  • New: Moved publish of messages in RabbitMqPublisher to a new virtual method to ease reuse and customization
  • Fixed: MongoDB read models no longer has the new() generic requirement, which aligns read model requirements with the rest of EventFlow

New in 0.75.3970 (released 2019-09-12)

  • Fix: When deserializing the JSON value "null" into a struct value like int, the SingleValueObjectConverter threw an exception instead of merely returning null representing an absent SingleValueObject<int> value

New in 0.74.3948 (released 2019-07-01)

  • Breaking: Renamed AspNetCoreEventFlowOptions.AddMetadataProviders() to AddDefaultMetadataProviders() and made AddUserClaimsMetadata opt-in in order to prevent policy issues.
  • Fix: Allow explicit implementations of IEmit<> in aggregate roots
  • Fix: Using .AddAspNetCore() with defaults now doesn't throw a DI exception.

New in 0.73.3933 (released 2019-06-11)

  • New: Configure JSON serialization:
      .ConfigureJson(json => json
  • New: ASP.NET Core enhancements:
    • New fluent configuration API for ASP.NET Core components: services.AddEventFlow(o => o.AddAspNetCore(c => {...})); (old syntax AddAspNetCoreMetadataProviders is now deprecated).
    • .RunBootstrapperOnHostStartup() runs bootstrappers together with ASP.NET host startup. Previously, this was done in AddAspNetCoreMetadataProviders and led to some confusion.
    • .UseMvcJsonOptions() adds EventFlow JSON configuration (see below) to ASP.NET Core, so you can accept and return Single Value Objects as plain strings for example.
    • .Add{Whatever}Metadata() configures specific metadata provider.
    • .AddUserClaimsMetadata(params string claimTypes) configures the new claims metadata provider (for auditing or "ChangedBy" in read models).
    • .UseLogging() configures an adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
    • .UseModelBinding() adds model binding support for Single Value Objects:
          public async Task<IActionResult> SingleValue(CustomerId id)
              if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                  return BadRequest(ModelState);
  • Fix: ASP.NET Core AddRequestHeadersMetadataProvider doesn't throw when HttpContext is null.
  • Fix: ReadModelRepopulator now correctly populates IAmAsyncReadModelFor

New in 0.72.3914 (released 2019-05-28)

  • New: EventFlow.TestHelpers are now released as .NET Standard as well
  • Fix: Upgrade EventStore.Client to v5.0.1 and use it for both .NET Framework and .NET Core
  • Fix: Storing events in MS SQL Server using MsSqlEventPersistence now correctly handles non-ANSI unicode characters in strings.
  • Fix: Source link integration now works correctly

New in 0.71.3834 (released 2019-04-17)

  • Breaking: Commands published from AggregateSaga which return false in IExecutionResult.IsSuccess will newly lead to an exception being thrown. For disabling all new changes just set protected property AggregateSaga.ThrowExceptionsOnFailedPublish to false in your AggregateSaga constructor. Also an Exception thrown from any command won't prevent other commands from being executed. All exceptions will be collected and then re-thrown in SagaPublishException (even in case of just one Exception). The exception structure is following:
    • SagaPublishException : AggregateException
      • .InnerExceptions
        • CommandException : Exception
          • .CommandType
          • .SourceId
          • .InnerException # in case of an exception thrown from the command
        • CommandException : Exception
          • .CommandType
          • .SourceId
          • .ExecutionResult # in case of returned false in IExecutionResult.IsSuccess You need to update your ISagaErrorHandler implementation to reflect new exception structure, unless you disable this new feature.
  • Fix: MongoDB read store no longer throws an exception on non-existing read models (#625)

New in 0.70.3824 (released 2019-04-11)

  • Breaking: Changed target framework to to .NET Framework 4.5.2 for the following NuGet packages, as Microsoft has discontinued support for .NET Framework 4.5.1
    • EventFlow
    • EventFlow.TestHelpers
    • EventFlow.Autofac
    • EventFlow.Elasticsearch
    • EventFlow.Examples.Shipping
    • EventFlow.Examples.Shipping.Queries.InMemory
    • EventFlow.Hangfire
    • EventFlow.MongoDB
    • EventFlow.MsSql
    • EventFlow.Owin
    • EventFlow.PostgreSql
    • EventFlow.RabbitMQ
    • EventFlow.Sql
    • EventFlow.SQLite
  • New: Added SourceLink support
  • Fix: DispatchToSagas.ProcessSagaAsync use EventId instead of SourceId as SourceId for delivery of external event to AggregateSaga
  • Fix: Identity<T>.NewComb() now produces string values that doesn't cause too much index fragmentation in MSSQL string columns

New in 0.69.3772 (released 2019-02-12)

  • New: Added configuration option to set the "point of no return" when using cancellation tokens. After this point in processing, cancellation tokens are ignored: options.Configure(c => c.CancellationBoundary = CancellationBoundary.BeforeCommittingEvents)
  • New: Added EventFlowOptions.RunOnStartup<TBootstrap> extension method to register IBootstrap types that should run on application startup.
  • New: Support for async read model updates (IAmAsyncReadModelFor). You can mix and match asynchronous and synchronous updates, as long as you don't subscribe to the same event in both ways.
  • Fix: Added the schema dbo to the eventdatamodel_list_type in script 0002 - Create eventdatamodel_list_type.sql for EventFlow.MsSql.
  • Fix: LoadAllCommittedEvents now correctly handles cases where the GlobalSequenceNumber column contains gaps larger than the page size. This bug lead to incomplete event application when using the ReadModelPopulator (see #564).
  • Fix: IResolver.Resolve<T>() and IResolver.Resolve(Type) now throw an exception for unregistered services when using EventFlow.DependencyInjection.
  • Minor fix: Fixed stack overflow in ValidateRegistrations when decorator components are co-located together with other components that are registed using Add*-methods

New in 0.68.3728 (released 2018-12-03)

  • Breaking: Changed name of namespace of the projects AspNetCore EventFlow.Aspnetcore to EventFlow.AspNetCore
  • Fix: Ignore multiple loads of the same saga

New in 0.67.3697 (released 2018-10-14)

  • New: Expose Lifetime.Scoped through the EventFLow service registration interface
  • New: Upgrade NEST version to 6.1.0 and Hangfire.Core to 1.6.20 Now Elasticsearch provide one index per document. If ElasticsearchTypeAttribute is used the index is map with the Name value as an alias. When ElasticsearchReadModelStore delete all documents, it will delete all indexes linked to the alias.
  • Fix: Internal IoC (remember its just for testing) now correctly invokes IDisposable.Dispose() on scope and container dispose

New in 0.66.3673 (released 2018-09-30)

  • Critical fix: - fix issue where the process using EventFlow could hang using 100% CPU due to unsynchronized Dictionary access, See #541.

New in 0.65.3664 (released 2018-09-22)

  • New: Entity Framework Core support in the form of the new EventFlow.EntityFramework NuGet package. It has been tested with the following stacks.
    • EF Core In-Memory Database Provider
    • SQLite
    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
  • Minor: Performance improvement of storing events for EventFlow.PostgreSql

New in 0.64.3598 (released 2018-08-24)

  • New: Added .NET standard support for SQLite

New in 0.63.3581 (released 2018-08-07)

  • New: PostgreSQL support in the form of the new EventFlow.PostgreSql NuGet package

New in 0.62.3569 (released 2018-07-05)

  • New: Created AggregateReadStoreManager<,,,> which is a new read store manager for read models that have a 1-to-1 relation with an aggregate. If read models get out of sync, or events are applied in different order, events are either fecthed or skipped. Added extensions to allow registration.
    • UseInMemoryReadStoreFor<,,>
    • UseElasticsearchReadModelFor<,,>
    • UseMssqlReadModelFor<,,>
    • UseSQLiteReadModelFor<,,>
  • New: Added ReadModelId and IsNew properties to the context object that is available to a read model inside the Apply methods in order to better support scenarios where a single event affects multiple read model instances.
  • Minor: Applying events to a snapshot will now have the correct Version set inside the Apply methods.
  • Minor: Trying to apply events in the wrong order will now throw an exception.

New in 0.61.3524 (released 2018-06-26)

  • New: Support for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (IServiceProvider and IServiceCollection) using the EventFlow.DependencyInjection NuGet package.

    Add it to your ASP.NET Core 2.0 application:

      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      	services.AddEventFlow(o => o.AddDefaults(MyDomainAssembly));

    Or use it explicitly:

  • New: Package EventFlow.Autofac now references Autofac 3.5.2 for .NET framework 4.5.1 (down from Autofac v4.5.0)

  • Fixed: Constructor injection of scoped instances into query handlers

New in 0.60.3490 (released 2018-06-18)

  • New: Implemented optimistic concurrency checks for MSSQL, SQLite and Elasticsearch read models
  • New: Added .NET standard support for EventStore
  • New: Delete read models by invoking context.MarkForDeletion() in an Apply method
  • Minor: Removed unnecessary transaction in EventStore persistance
  • Fixed: Read model SQL schema is no longer ignored for Table attribute

New in 0.59.3396 (released 2018-05-23)

  • Fix: Commands are now correctly published when no events are emitted from a saga after handling a domain event
  • Minor fix: Updated name of Primary Key for MSSQL Snapshot Store to be different from MSSQL Event Store, so both can be used in the same database without conflicts

New in 0.58.3377 (released 2018-05-15)

  • Minor fix: Corrected log in CommandBus regarding events emitted due to command

New in 0.57.3359 (released 2018-04-30)

  • Fixed: AggregateException/InvalidOperationException when reading and updating an aggregate from different threads at the same time using InMemoryEventPersistence
  • New: .NET standard 1.6 and 2.0 support for EventFlow.MsSql package

New in 0.56.3328 (released 2018-04-24)

  • New: Allow enums to be used in SingleValueObject<T> and protect from undefined enum values

New in 0.55.3323 (released 2018-04-24)

  • Fixed: Re-populating events to read models that span multiple aggregates now has events orderd by timestamp instead of sequence numbers, i.e., events from aggregates with higher sequences numbers isn't forced last
  • New: Trigger sagas without the need of any domain events by using ISagaStore.UpdateAsync(...)
  • New: .NET standard 2.0 (still supports 1.6) support added to these NuGet packages
    • EventFlow
    • EventFlow.Autofac
    • EventFlow.Elasticsearch
    • EventFlow.Hangfire
    • EventFlow.Sql

New in 0.54.3261 (released 2018-02-25)

  • Critical fix: SagaAggregateStore was incorrectly putting an object reference into its memory cache causing an object already disposed exception when working with sagas
  • New: Added LibLog, enable by calling the IEventFlowOptions.UseLibLog(...) extension

New in 0.53.3204 (released 2018-01-25)

  • New: Allow events to have multiple EventVersion attributes
  • Fixed: ReflectionHelper.CompileMethodInvocation now recognises private methods.

New in 0.52.3178 (released 2017-11-02)

  • Fixed: .UseFilesEventStore now uses a thread safe singleton instance for file system persistence, making it suitable for use in multi-threaded unit tests. Please don't use the files event store in production scenarios
  • New: Support for unicode characters in type names. This simplifies using an ubiquitous language in non-english domains
  • Fixed: Include hyphen in prefix validation for identity values. This fixes a bug where invalid identities could be created (e.g. ThingyId.With("thingyINVALID-a41e..."))

New in 0.51.3155 (released 2017-10-25)

  • New: Removed the new() requirement for read models
  • New: If ISagaLocator.LocateSagaAsync cannot identify the saga for a given event, it may now return Task.FromResult(null) in order to short-circuit the dispatching process. This might be useful in cases where some instances of an event belong to a saga process while others don't
  • Fixed: StringExtensions.ToSha256() can now be safely used from concurrent threads

New in 0.50.3124 (released 2017-10-21)

  • New: While EventFlow tries to limit the about of painful API changes, the introduction of execution/command results are considered a necessary step towards as better API.

    Commands and command handlers have been updated to support execution results. Execution results is meant to be an alternative to throwing domain exceptions to do application flow. In short, before you were required to throw an exception if you wanted to abort execution and "return" a failure message.

    The introduction of execution results changes this, as it allows returning a failed result that is passed all the way back to the command publisher. Execution results are generic and can thus contain e.g. any validation results that a UI might need. The ICommandBus.PublishAsync signature has changed to reflect this.


        Task<ISourceId> PublishAsync<TAggregate, TIdentity, TSourceIdentity>(
          ICommand<TAggregate, TIdentity, TSourceIdentity> command)
          where TAggregate : IAggregateRoot<TIdentity>
          where TIdentity : IIdentity
          where TSourceIdentity : ISourceId


        Task<TExecutionResult> PublishAsync<TAggregate, TIdentity, TExecutionResult>(
          ICommand<TAggregate, TIdentity, TExecutionResult> command,
          CancellationToken cancellationToken)
          where TAggregate : IAggregateRoot<TIdentity>
          where TIdentity : IIdentity
          where TExecutionResult : IExecutionResult

    Command handler signature has changed from

        Task ExecuteAsync(
            TAggregate aggregate,
            TCommand command,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken);


        Task<TExecutionResult> ExecuteCommandAsync(
            TAggregate aggregate,
            TCommand command,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)

    Migrating to the new structure should be seamless if your current code base inherits its command handlers from the provided CommandHandler<,,> base class.

  • Breaking: Source IDs on commands have been reworked to "make room" for execution results on commands. The generic parameter from ICommand<,,> and ICommandHandler<,,,> has been removed in favor of the new execution results. ICommand.SourceId is now of type ISourceId instead of using the generic type and the ICommandBus.PublishAsync no longer returns Task<ISourceId>

    To get code that behaves similar to the previous version, simply take the ISourceId from the command, i.e., instead of this

    var sourceId = await commandBus.PublishAsync(command);

    write this

    await commandBus.PublishAsync(command);
    var sourceId = command.SourceId;

    (CancellationToken and .ConfigureAwait(false) omitted fromt he above)

  • Breaking: Upgraded NuGet dependency on RabbitMQ.Client from >= 4.1.3 to >= 5.0.1

New in 0.49.3031 (released 2017-09-07)

  • Breaking: Upgraded EventStore.Client dependency to version 4.0
  • Breaking: Changed target framework for EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore to .NET 4.6.2 as required by EventStore.Client NuGet dependency
  • Fix: EventFlow.Hangfire now depends on Hangfire.Core instead of Hangfire
  • New: Added an overload to IDomainEventPublisher.PublishAsync that isn't generic and doesn't require an aggregate ID
  • New: Added IReadModelPopulator.DeleteAsync that allows deletion of single read models
  • Obsolete: IDomainEventPublisher.PublishAsync<,> (generic) in favor of the new less restrictive non-generic overload

New in 0.48.2937 (released 2017-07-11)

  • Breaking: Moved non-async methods on IReadModelPopulator to extension methods
  • New: Added non-generic overloads for purge and populate methods on IReadModelPopulator
  • New: Provided EventFlow.TestHelpers which contains several test suites that is useful when developing event and read model stores for EventFlow. The package is an initial release and its interface is unstable and subject to change
  • New: Now possible to configure retry delay for MSSQL error 40501 (server too busy) using IMsSqlConfiguration.SetServerBusyRetryDelay(RetryDelay)
  • New: Now possible to configure the retry count of transient exceptions for MSSQL and SQLite using the ISqlConfiguration.SetTransientRetryCount(int)
  • Fixed: Added MSSQL error codes 10928, 10929, 18401 and 40540 as well as a few native Win32Exception exceptions to the list treated as transient errors, i.e., EventFlow will automatically retry if the server returns one of these

New in 0.47.2894 (released 2017-06-28)

  • New: To be more explicit, IEventFlowOpions.AddSynchronousSubscriber<,,,> and IEventFlowOpions.AddAsynchronousSubscriber<,,,> generic methods
  • Fix: IEventFlowOpions.AddSubscriber, IEventFlowOpions.AddSubscribers and IEventFlowOpions.AddDefaults now correctly registers implementations of ISubscribeAsynchronousTo<,,>
  • Obsolete: IEventFlowOpions.AddSubscriber is marked obsolete in favor of its explicite counterparts

New in 0.46.2886 (released 2017-05-29)

  • Fix: EventFlow now uses a Autofac lifetime scope for validating service registrations when IEventFlowOpions.CreateResolver(true) is invoked. Previously services were created but never disposed as they were resolved using the root container

New in 0.45.2877 (released 2017-05-28)

  • Breaking: Asynchronous subscribers are now disabled by default, i.e., any implementations of ISubscribeAsynchronousTo<,,> wont get invoked unless enabled
    eventFlowOptions.Configure(c => IsAsynchronousSubscribersEnabled = true);
    the ITaskRunner has been removed and asynchronous subscribers are now invoked using a new scheduled job that's scheduled to run right after the domain events are emitted. Using the ITaskRunner led to unexpected task terminations, especially if EventFlow was hosted in IIS. If enabling asynchronous subscribers, please make sure to configure proper job scheduling, e.g. by using the EventFlow.Hangfire NuGet package. The default job scheduler is InstantJobScheduler, which executes jobs synchronously, giving a end result similar to that of synchronous subscribers
  • Breaking: InstantJobScheduler, the default in-memory scheduler if nothing is configured, now swallows all job exceptions and logs them as errors. This ensure that the InstantJobScheduler behaves as any other out-of-process job scheduler

New in 0.44.2832 (released 2017-05-12)

  • New: .NET Standard 1.6 support for the following NuGet packages
    • EventFlow
    • EventFlow.Autofac
    • EventFlow.Elasticsearch
    • EventFlow.Hangfire
    • EventFlow.RabbitMQ
  • Fixed: Removed dependency Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener from EventFlow.Owin as it doesn't need it

New in 0.43.2806 (released 2017-05-05)

  • Breaking: Updated all NuGet package dependencies to their latest versions
  • New: EventFlow now embeds PDB and source code within the assemblies using SourceLink (GitLink now removed)

New in 0.42.2755 (released 2017-05-02)

  • Fixed: The deterministic IDomainEvent.Metadata.EventId is now correctly based on the both the aggregate identity and the aggregate sequence number, instead of merely the aggregate identity
  • Fixed: GitLink PDB source URLs

New in 0.41.2727 (released 2017-04-27)

  • New: NuGet packages now contain PDB files with links to GitHub (thanks to GitLink). Be sure to check Enable source server support to be able to step through the EventFlow source code. See GitLink documentation for details
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug in how EventFlow registers singletons with Autofac that made Autofac invoke IDisposable.Dispose() upon disposing lifetime scopes

New in 0.40.2590 (released 2017-03-30)

  • New: Updated EventFlow logo (thanks @olholm)
  • Fixed: Corrected logo path in NuGet packages

New in 0.39.2553 (released 2017-01-16)

  • New: Autofac is no longer IL merged into the EventFlow core NuGet package. This is both in preparation for .NET Core and to simplify the build process. EventFlow now ships with a custom IoC container by default. The Autofac based IoC container is still available via the EventFlow.Autofac and will continue to be supported as it is recommended for production use
  • New: An IoC container based aggregate root factory is now the default aggregate factory. The old implementation merely invoked a constructor with the aggregate ID as argument. The new default also checks if any additional services are required for the constructor making the distinction between the two obsolete
  • New: Command<,,> now inherits from ValueObject
  • Obsolete: UseResolverAggregateRootFactory() and UseAutofacAggregateRootFactory() are marked as obsolete as this is now the default. The current implementation of these methods does nothing
  • Obsolete: All IEventFlowOptions.AddAggregateRoots(...) overloads are obsolete, the aggregate factory no longer has any need for the aggregate types to be registered with the container. The current implementation of the method does nothing

New in 0.38.2454 (released 2016-12-02)

  • Fix: Single aggregate read models can now be re-populated again

New in 0.37.2424 (released 2016-11-08)

  • Breaking: Remove the following empty and deprecated MSSQL NuGet packages. If you use any of these packages, then switch to the EventFlow.MsSql package
    • EventFlow.EventStores.MsSql
    • EventFlow.ReadStores.MsSql
  • Breaking: ITaskRunner.Run(...) has changed signature. The task factory now gets an instance of IResolver that is valid for the duration of the task execution
  • Fixed: The resolver scope of ISubscribeAsynchronousTo<,,> is now valid for the duration of the domain handling
  • New: Documentation is now released in HTML format along with NuGet packages. Access the ZIP file from the GitHub releases page

New in 0.36.2315 (released 2016-10-18)

  • New: Documentation is now hosted at and and while documentation is still kept along the source code, the documentation files have been converted from markdown to reStructuredText
  • New: Added ISubscribeAsynchronousTo<,,> as an alternative to the existing ISubscribeSynchronousTo<,,>, which allow domain event subscribers to be executed using the new ITaskRunner
  • New: Added ITaskRunner for which the default implementation is mere a thin wrapper around Task.Run(...) with some logging added. Implemting this interface allows control of how EventFlows runs tasks. Please note that EventFlow will only use ITaskRunner in very limited cases, e.g. if there's implantations of ISubscribeAsynchronousTo<,,>

New in 0.35.2247 (released 2016-09-06)

  • Fixed: IAggregateStore.UpdateAsync and StoreAsync now publishes committed events as expected. This basically means that its now possible to circumvent the command and command handler pattern and use the IAggregateStore.UpdateAsync directly to modify an aggregate root
  • Fixed: Domain events emitted from aggregate sagas are now published

New in 0.34.2221 (released 2016-08-23)

  • New core feature: EventFlow now support sagas, also known as process managers. The use of sagas is opt-in. Currently EventFlow only supports sagas based on aggregate roots, but its possible to implement a custom saga store. Consult the documentation for details on how to get started using sagas
  • New: Added IMemoryCache for which the default implementation is a thin wrapper for the .NET built-in MemoryCache. EventFlow relies on extensive use of reflection and the internal parts of EventFlow will move to this implementation for caching internal reflection results to allow better control of EventFlow memory usage. Invoke the UsePermanentMemoryCache() extension method on IEventFlowOptions to have EventFlow use the previous cache behavior using ConcurrentDictionary<,,> based in-memory cache
  • New: Added Identity<>.With(Guid) which allows identities to be created based on a specific Guid
  • New: Added Identity<>.GetGuid() which returns the internal Guid

New in 0.33.2190 (released 2016-08-16)

New in 0.32.2163 (released 2016-07-04)

  • Breaking: This release contains several breaking changes related to Elasticsearch read models
    • Elasticsearch NuGet package has been renamed to EventFlow.Elasticsearch
    • Upgraded Elasticsearch dependencies to version 2.3.3
    • Purging all read models from Elasticsearch for a specific type now deletes the index instead of doing a delete by query. Make sure to create a separate index for each read model. Delete by query has been moved to a plugin in Elasticsearch 2.x and deleting the entire index is now recommended
    • The default index for a read model is now eventflow-[lower case type name], e.g. eventflow-thingyreadmodel, instead of merely eventflow
  • Breaking: The following NuGet dependencies have been updated
    • Elasticsearch.Net v2.3.3 (up from v1.7.1)
    • Elasticsearch.Net.JsonNET removed
    • NEST v2.3.3 (up from v1.7.1)
    • Newtonsoft.Json v8.0.3 (up from v7.0.1)
  • Breaking: Several non-async methods have been moved from the following interfaces to extension methods and a few additional overloads have been created
    • IEventStore
    • ICommandBus

New in 0.31.2106 (released 2016-06-30)

  • New: EventFlow can now be configured to throw exceptions thrown by subscribers by options.Configure(c => c.ThrowSubscriberExceptions = true)
  • New: Added an ICommandScheduler for easy scheduling of commands

New in 0.30.2019 (released 2016-06-16)

  • Breaking: To simplify the EventFlow NuGet package structure, the two NuGet packages EventFlow.EventStores.MsSql and EventFlow.ReadStores.MsSql have been discontinued and their functionality move to the existing package EventFlow.MsSql. The embedded SQL scripts have been made idempotent making the upgrade a simple operation of merely using the new name spaces. To make the upgrade easier, the deprecated NuGet packages will still be uploaded, but will not contain anything
  • Fixed: When configuring Elasticsearch and using the overload of ConfigureElasticsearch that takes multiple of URLs, SniffingConnectionPool is now used instead of StaticConnectionPool and with sniff life span of five minutes

New in 0.29.1973 (released 2016-04-19)

  • Breaking: IAggregateRoot has some breaking changes. If these methods aren't used (which is considered the typical case), then the base class AggregateRoot<,,> will automatically handle it
    • CommitAsync has an additional ISnapshotStore parameter. If you don't use snapshot aggregates, then you can safely pass null
    • LoadAsync is a new method that lets the aggregate control how its loaded fromt the event- and snapshot stores
  • New core feature: EventFlow now support snapshot creation for aggregate roots. The EventFlow documentation has been updated to include a guide on how to get started using snapshots. Snapshots are basically an opt-in optimized method for handling long-lived aggregate roots. Snapshot support in EventFlow introduces several new elements, read the documentation to get an overview. Currently EventFlow offers the following snapshot stores
    • In-memory
    • Microsoft SQL Server
  • New: The IAggregateStore is introduced, which provides a cleaner interface for manipulating aggregate roots. The most important method is the UpdateAsync which allows easy updates to aggregate roots without the need for a command and command handler
    • LoadAsync
    • UpdateAsync
    • StoreAsync
  • New: IEventStore now supports loading events from a specific version using the new overload of LoadEventsAsync that takes a fromEventSequenceNumber argument
  • New: IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator now has a overloaded method named MigrateDatabaseUsingScripts that takes an IEnumerable<SqlScript> enabling specific scripts to be used in a database migration
  • New: Added suport to use EventStore persistence with connection strings instead IPs only
  • Obsolete: The following aggregate related methods on IEventStore has been marked as obsolete in favor of the new IAggregateStore. The methods will be removed at some point in the future
    • LoadAggregateAsync
    • LoadAggregate

New in 0.28.1852 (released 2016-04-05)

  • Critical fix: OptimisticConcurrencyRetryStrategy now correctly only states that OptimisticConcurrencyException should be retried. Before ALL exceptions from the event stores were retried, not only the transient! If you have inadvertently become dependent on this bug, then implement your own IOptimisticConcurrencyRetryStrategy that has the old behavior
  • Fixed: OptimisticConcurrencyRetryStrategy has a off-by-one error that caused it to retry one less that it actually should
  • Fixed: Prevent abstract ICommandHandler<,,,> from being registered in EventFlowOptionsCommandHandlerExtensions.AddCommandHandlers(...)
  • Fixed: Prevent abstract IEventUpgrader<,> from being registered in EventFlowOptionsEventUpgradersExtensions.AddEventUpgraders(...)
  • Fixed: Prevent abstract IMetadataProvider from being registered in EventFlowOptionsMetadataProvidersExtensions.AddMetadataProviders(...)
  • Fixed: Prevent abstract IQueryHandler<,> from being registered in EventFlowOptionsQueriesExtensions.AddQueryHandlers(...)
  • Fixed: Prevent abstract ISubscribeSynchronousTo<,,> from being registered in EventFlowOptionsSubscriberExtensions.AddSubscribers(...)

New in 0.27.1765 (released 2016-02-25)

  • New: Configure Hangfire job display names by implementing IJobDisplayNameBuilder. The default implementation uses job description name and version

New in 0.26.1714 (released 2016-02-20)

  • Breaking: Renamed MssqlMigrationException to SqlMigrationException
  • Breaking: Renamed SqlErrorRetryStrategy to MsSqlErrorRetryStrategy as its MSSQL specific
  • Breaking: The NuGet package Dapper is no longer IL merged with the package EventFlow.MsSql but is now listed as a NuGet dependency. The current version used by EventFlow is v1.42
  • New: Introduced the NuGet package EventFlow.SQLite that adds event store support for SQLite databases, both as event store and read model store
  • New: Introduced the NuGet package EventFlow.Sql as shared package for EventFlow packages that uses SQL
  • New: Its now possible to configure the retry delay for MSSQL transient errors using the new IMsSqlConfiguration.SetTransientRetryDelay. The default is a random delay between 50 and 100 milliseconds

New in 0.25.1695 (released 2016-02-15)

  • Fixed: Deadlock in AsyncHelper if e.g. an exception caused no async tasks to be scheduled. The AsyncHelper is used by EventFlow to expose non-async methods to developers and provide the means to call async methods from a synchronous context without causing a deadlock. There's no change to any of the async methods.

    The AsyncHelper is used in the following methods.

    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IJobRunner.Execute
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
    • IQueryProcessor.Process

New in 0.24.1563 (released 2016-01-17)

  • Breaking: The following NuGet references have been updated
    • EventStore.Client v3.4.0 (up from v3.0.2)
    • Hangfire.Core v1.5.3 (up from v1.4.6)
    • RabbitMQ.Client v3.6.0 (up from v3.5.4)
  • New: EventFlow now uses Paket to manage NuGet packages
  • Fixed: Incorrect use of EventStore.Client that caused it to throw WrongExpectedVersionException when committing aggregates multiple times
  • Fixed: Updated NuGet package titles of the following NuGet packages to contain assembly name to get a better overview when searching on
    • EventFlow.RabbitMQ
    • EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore
  • Fixed: Updated internal NuGet reference dbup to v3.3.0 (up from v3.2.1)

New in 0.23.1470 (released 2015-12-05)

  • Breaking: EventFlow no longer ignores columns named Id in MSSQL read models. If you were dependent on this, use the MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn attribute
  • Fixed: Instead of using MethodInfo.Invoke to call methods on reflected types, e.g. when a command is published, EventFlow now compiles an expression tree instead. This has a slight initial overhead, but provides a significant performance improvement for subsequent calls
  • Fixed: Read model stores are only invoked if there's any read model updates
  • Fixed: EventFlow now correctly throws an ArgumentException if EventFlow has been incorrectly configure with known versioned types, e.g. an event is emitted that hasn't been added during EventFlow initialization. EventFlow would handle the save operation correctly, but if EventFlow was reinitialized and the event was loaded before it being emitted again, an exception would be thrown as EventFlow would know which type to use. Please make sure to correctly load all event, command and job types before use
  • Fixed: IReadModelFactory<>.CreateAsync(...) is now correctly used in read store mangers
  • Fixed: Versioned type naming convention now allows numbers

New in 0.22.1393 (released 2015-11-19)

  • New: To customize how a specific read model is initially created, implement a specific IReadModelFactory<> that can bootstrap that read model
  • New: How EventFlow handles MSSQL read models has been refactored to allow significantly more freedom to developers. MSSQL read models are no longer required to implement IMssqlReadModel, only the empty IReadModel interface. Effectively, this means that no specific columns are required, meaning that the following columns are no longer enforced on MSSQL read models. Use the new required MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn attribute to mark the identity column and the optional (but recommended) MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn to mark the version column.
    • string AggregateId
    • DateTimeOffset CreateTime
    • DateTimeOffset UpdatedTime
    • int LastAggregateSequenceNumber
  • Obsolete: IMssqlReadModel and MssqlReadModel. Developers should instead use the MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn and MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn attributes to mark the identity and version columns (read above). EventFlow will continue to support IMssqlReadModel, but it will be removed at some point in the future
  • Fixed: Added missing UseElasticsearchReadModel<TReadModel, TReadModelLocator>() extension

New in 0.21.1312 (released 2015-10-26)

  • New: Added Identity<>.NewComb() that creates sequential unique IDs which can be used to minimize database fragmentation
  • New: Added IReadModelContext.Resolver to allow read models to fetch additional resources when events are applied
  • New: The PrettyPrint() type extension method, mostly used for verbose logging, now prints even prettier type names, e.g. KeyValuePair<Boolean,Int64> instead of merely KeyValuePair'2, making log messages slightly more readable

New in 0.20.1274 (released 2015-10-22)

  • Breaking: Entity<T> now inherits from ValueObject but uses only the Id field as equality component. Override GetEqualityComponents() if you have a different notion of equality for a specific entity
  • Breaking: Entity<T> will now throw an ArgumentNullException if the id passed to its constructor is null
  • Breaking: Fixed method spelling. Renamed ISpecification<T>.WhyIsNotStatisfiedBy to WhyIsNotSatisfiedBy and Specification<T>.IsNotStatisfiedBecause to IsNotSatisfiedBecause
  • New: Read model support for Elasticsearch via the new NuGet package EventFlow.ReadStores.Elasticsearch

New in 0.19.1225 (released 2015-10-19)

  • Breaking: AddDefaults now also adds the job type definition to the IJobsDefinitonService
  • New: Implemented a basic specification pattern by providing ISpecification<T>, an easy-to-use Specificaion<T> and a set of extension methods. Look at the EventFlow specification tests to get started
  • Fixed: IEventDefinitionService, ICommandDefinitonService and IJobsDefinitonService now longer throw an exception if an existing event is loaded, i.e., multiple calls to AddEvents(...), AddCommand(...) and AddJobs(...) no longer throws an exception
  • Fixed: DomainError.With(...) no longer executes string.format if only one argument is parsed

New in 0.18.1181 (released 2015-10-07)

  • POTENTIAL DATA LOSS for the files event store: The EventFlow internal functionality regarding event stores has been refactored resulting in information regarding aggregate names being removed from the event persistence layer. The files based event store no longer stores its events in the path [STORE PATH]\[AGGREGATE NAME]\[AGGREGATE ID]\[SEQUENCE].json, but in the path [STORE PATH]\[AGGREGATE ID]\[SEQUENCE].json. Thus if you are using the files event store for tests, you should move the events into the new file structure. Alternatively, implement the new IFilesEventLocator and provide your own custom event file layout.
  • Breaking: Event stores have been split into two parts, the IEventStore and the new IEventPersistence. IEventStore has the same interface before but the implementation is now no longer responsible for persisting the events, only converting and serializing the persisted events. IEventPersistence handles the actual storing of events and thus if any custom event stores have been implemented, they should implement to the new IEventPersistence instead.
  • New: Added IEntity, IEntity<> and an optional Entity<> that developers can use to implement DDD entities.

New in 0.17.1134 (released 2015-09-28)

  • Fixed: Using NuGet package EventFlow.Autofac causes an exception with the message The type 'EventFlow.Configuration.Registrations.AutofacStartable' is not assignable to service 'Autofac.IStartable during EventFlow setup

New in 0.16.1120 (released 2015-09-27)

  • Breaking: Removed HasRegistrationFor<> and GetRegisteredServices() from IServiceRegistration and added them to IResolver instead. The methods required that all service registrations went through EventFlow, which in most cases they will not
  • Obsolete: Marked IServiceRegistration.RegisterIfNotRegistered(...), use the keepDefault = true on the other Register(...) methods instead
  • New: Major changes have been done to how EventFlow handles service registration and bootstrapping in order for developers to skip calling CreateResolver() (or CreateContainer() if using the EventFlow.Autofac package) completely. EventFlow will register its bootstrap services in the IoC container and configure itself whenever the container is created
  • New: Introduced IBootstrap interface that you can register. It has a single BootAsync(...) method that will be called as soon as the IoC container is ready (similar to that of IStartable of Autofac)
  • Fixed: Correct order of service registration decorators. They are now applied in the same order they are applied, e.g., the last registered service decorator will be the "outer" service
  • Fixed: Added missing ICommand<,> interface to abstract Command<,> class in EventFlow.Commands.

New in 0.15.1057 (released 2015-09-24)

  • Fixed: Added UseHangfireJobScheduler() and marked UseHandfireJobScheduler() obsolete, fixing method spelling mistake

New in 0.14.1051 (released 2015-09-23)

  • Breaking: All EventFlowOptions extensions are now IEventFlowOptions instead and EventFlowOptions implements this interface. If you have made your own extensions, you will need to use the newly created interface instead. Changed in order to make testing of extensions and classes dependent on the EventFlow options easier to test
  • New: You can now bundle your configuration of EventFlow into modules that implement IModule and register these by calling EventFlowOptions.RegisterModule(...)
  • New: EventFlow now supports scheduled job execution via e.g. Hangfire. You can create your own scheduler or install the new EventFlow.Hangfire NuGet package. Read the jobs documentation for more details
  • New: Created the OWIN CommandPublishMiddleware middleware that can handle publishing of commands by posting a JSON serialized command to e.g. /commands/ping/1 in which ping is the command name and 1 its version. Remember to add authentication
  • New: Created a new interface ICommand<TAggregate,TIdentity,TSourceIdentity> to allow developers to control the type of ICommand.SourceId. Using the ICommand<TAggregate,TIdentity> (or Command<TAggregate,TIdentity>) will still yield the same result as before, i.e., ICommand.SourceId being of type ISourceId
  • New: The AddDefaults(...) now also adds the command type definition to the new ICommandDefinitonService

New in 0.13.962 (released 2015-09-13)

  • Breaking: EventFlowOptions.AddDefaults(...) now also adds query handlers
  • New: Added an optional Predicate<Type> to the following option extension methods that scan an Assembly: AddAggregateRoots(...), AddCommandHandlers(...), AddDefaults(...), AddEventUpgraders(...), AddEvents(...), AddMetadataProviders(...), AddQueryHandlers(...) and AddSubscribers(...)
  • Fixed: EventFlowOptions.AddAggregateRoots(...) now prevents abstract classes from being registered when passing IEnumerable<Type>
  • Fixed: Events published to RabbitMQ are now in the right order for chains of subscribers, if event A -> subscriber -> command -> aggregate -> event B, then the order of published events to RabbitMQ was event B and then event A

New in 0.12.891 (released 2015-09-04)

  • Breaking: Aggregate root no longer have Aggregate removed from their when name, i.e., the metadata property with key aggregate_name (or MetadataKeys.AggregateName). If you are dependent on the previous naming, use the new AggregateName attribute and apply it to your aggregates
  • Breaking: Moved Identity<> and IIdentity from the EventFlow.Aggregates namespace to EventFlow.Core as the identities are not specific for aggregates
  • Breaking: ICommand.Id is renamed to ICommand.AggregateId to make "room" for the new ICommand.SourceId property. If commands are serialized, then it might be important verify that the serialization still works. EventFlow does not serialize commands, so no mitigation is provided. If the Command<,> is used, make sure to use the correct protected constructor
  • Breaking: IEventStore.StoreAsync(...) now requires an additional ISourceId argument. To create a random one, use SourceId.New, but it should be e.g. the command ID that resulted in the events. Note, this method isn't typically used by developers
  • New: Added ICommand.SourceId, which contains the ID of the source. The default (if your commands inherit from Command<,>) will be a new CommandId each time the a Command<,> instance is created. You can pass specific value, merely use the newly added constructor taking the ID. Alternatively you commands could inherit from the new DistinctCommand, enabling commands with the same state to have the same SourceId
  • New: Duplicate commands can be detected using the new ISourceId. Read the EventFlow article regarding commands for more details
  • New: Aggregate names can now be configured using the attribute AggregateName. The name can be accessed using the new IAggregateRoot.Name property
  • New: Added Identity<>.NewDeterministic(Guid, string) enabling creation of deterministic GUIDs
  • New: Added new metadata key source_id (MetadataKeys.SourceId) containing the source ID, typically the ID of the command from which the event originated
  • New: Added new metadata key event_id (MetadataKeys.EventId) containing a deterministic ID for the event. Events with the same aggregate sequence number and from aggregates with the same identity, will have the same event identity
  • Fixed: Identity<>.With(string) now throws an ArgumentException instead of a TargetInvocationException when passed an invalid identity
  • Fixed: Aggregate roots now build the cache of Apply methods once, instead of when the method is requested the first time

New in 0.11.751 (released 2015-08-24)

  • Breaking: EventFlowOptions.AddDefaults(...) now also adds event definitions
  • New: RabbitMQ is now supported through the new NuGet package called EventFlow.RabbitMQ which enables domain events to be published to the bus
  • New: If you want to subscribe to all domain events, you can implement and register a service that implements ISubscribeSynchronousToAll. Services that implement this will automatically be added using the AddSubscribers(...) or AddDefaults(...) extension to EventFlowOptions
  • New: Use EventFlowOptions.UseAutofacAggregateRootFactory(...) to use an Autofac aggregate root factory, enabling you to use services in your aggregate root constructor
  • New: Use EventFlowOptions.UseResolverAggregateRootFactory() to use the resolver to create aggregate roots. Same as UseAutofacAggregateRootFactory(...) but for when using the internal IoC container
  • New: Use EventFlowOptions.AddAggregateRoots(...) to register aggregate root types
  • New: Use IServiceRegistration.RegisterType(...) to register services by type

New in 0.10.642 (released 2015-08-17)

  • Breaking: Updated NuGet reference Newtonsoft.Json to v7.0.1 (up from v6.0.8)
  • Breaking: Remove the empty constructor from SingleValueObject<>
  • New: Added SingleValueObjectConverter to help create clean JSON when e.g. domain events are serialized
  • New: Added a protected method Register(IEventApplier) to AggregateRoot<,> that enables developers to override how events are applied. Use this to e.g. implement state objects
  • New: Create AggregateState<,,> that developers can use to create aggregate state objects. Call Register(...) with the state object as argument to redirect events to it
  • New: Allow AggregateRoot<,>.Apply(...), i.e., methods for applying events, to be private and protected
  • New: Made AggregateRoot<,>.Emit(...) protected and virtual to allow overrides that e.g. add a standard set of metadata from the aggregate state.
  • New: Made AggregateRoot<,>.ApplyEvent(...) protected and virtual to allow more custom implementations of applying events to the aggregate root.
  • Fixed: Updated internal NuGet reference Dapper to v1.42 (up from v1.38)

New in 0.9.580 (released 2015-07-20)

  • Braking: IEventStore.LoadAllEventsAsync and IEventStore.LoadAllEvents now take a GlobalPosition as an argument instead of a long for the starting position. The GlobalPosition is basically a wrapper around a string that hides the inner workings of each event store.
  • New: NuGet package EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore that provides integration to Event Store. Its an initial version and shouldn't be used in production.

New in 0.8.560 (released 2015-05-29)

  • Breaking: Remove all functionality related to global sequence numbers as it proved problematic to maintain. It also matches this quote:

    Order is only assured per a handler within an aggregate root boundary. There is no assurance of order between handlers or between aggregates. Trying to provide those things leads to the dark side.

    Greg Young

    • If you use a MSSQL read store, be sure to delete the LastGlobalSequenceNumber column during update, or set it to default NULL
    • IDomainEvent.GlobalSequenceNumber removed
    • IEventStore.LoadEventsAsync and IEventStore.LoadEvents taking a GlobalSequenceNumberRange removed
  • Breaking: Remove the concept of event caches. If you really need this then implement it by registering a decorator for IEventStore

  • Breaking: Moved IDomainEvent.BatchId to metadata and created MetadataKeys.BatchId to help access it

  • New: IEventStore.DeleteAggregateAsync to delete an entire aggregate stream. Please consider carefully if you really want to use it. Storage might be cheaper than the historic knowledge within your events

  • New: IReadModelPopulator is new and enables you to both purge and populate read models by going though the entire event store. Currently its only basic functionality, but more will be added

  • New: IEventStore now has LoadAllEventsAsync and LoadAllEvents that enables you to load all events in the event store a few at a time.

  • New: IMetadata.TimestampEpoch contains the Unix timestamp version of IMetadata.Timestamp. Also, an additional metadata key timestamp_epoch is added to events containing the same data. Note, the TimestampEpoch on IMetadata handles cases in which the timestamp_epoch is not present by using the existing timestamp

  • Fixed: AggregateRoot<> now reads the aggregate version from domain events applied during aggregate load. This resolves an issue for when an IEventUpgrader removed events from the event stream

  • Fixed: InMemoryReadModelStore<,> is now thread safe

New in 0.7.481 (released 2015-05-22)

  • New: EventFlow now includes a IQueryProcessor that enables you to implement queries and query handlers in a structure manner. EventFlow ships with two ready-to-use queries and related handlers
    • ReadModelByIdQuery<TReadModel>: Supported by in-memory and MSSQL read model stores
    • InMemoryQuery<TReadModel>: Only supported by in-memory read model store, but lets you search for any read model based on a Predicate<TReadModel>

New in 0.6.456 (released 2015-05-18)

  • Breaking: Read models have been significantly improved as they can now subscribe to events from multiple aggregates. Use a custom IReadModelLocator to define how read models are located. The supplied ILocateByAggregateId simply uses the aggregate ID. To subscribe to other events, simply implement IAmReadModelFor<,,> and make sure you have supplied a proper read model locator.
    • UseMssqlReadModel signature changed, change to .UseMssqlReadModel<MyReadModel, ILocateByAggregateId>() in order to have the previous functionality
    • UseInMemoryReadStoreFor signature changed, change to .UseInMemoryReadStoreFor<MyReadModel, ILocateByAggregateId>() in order to have the previous functionality
  • Breaking: A warning is no longer logged if you forgot to subscribe to a aggregate event in your read model as read models are no longer strongly coupled to a specific aggregate and its events
  • Breaking: ITransientFaultHandler now takes the strategy as a generic argument instead of the Use<> method. If you want to configure the retry strategy, use ConfigureRetryStrategy(...) instead
  • New: You can now have multiple IReadStoreManager if you would like to implement your own read model handling
  • New: IEventStore now has a LoadEventsAsync and LoadEvents that loads IDomainEvents based on global sequence number range
  • New: Its now possible to register generic services without them being constructed generic types, i.e., register typeof(IMyService<>) as typeof(MyService<>)
  • New: Table names for MSSQL read models can be assigned using the TableAttribute from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
  • Fixed: Subscribers are invoked after read stores have been updated, which ensures that subscribers can use any read models that were updated

New in 0.5.390 (released 2015-05-08)

  • POTENTIAL DATA LOSS for files event store: Files event store now stores its log as JSON instead of an int in the form {"GlobalSequenceNumber":2}. So rename the current file and put in the global sequence number before startup
  • Breaking: Major changes has been made regarding how the aggregate identity is implemented and referenced through interfaces. These changes makes it possible to access the identity type directly though all interface. Some notable examples are listed here. Note that this has NO impact on how data is stored!
    • IAggregateRoot changed to IAggregateRoot<TIdentity>
    • ICommand<TAggregate> changed to ICommand<TAggregate,TIdentity>
    • ICommandHandler<TAggregate,TCommand> changed to ICommandHandler<TAggregate,TIdentity, TCommand>
    • IAmReadModelFor<TEvent> changed to IAmReadModelFor<TAggregate,TIdentity,TEvent>
    • IDomainEvent<TEvent> changed to IDomainEvent<TAggregate,TIdentity>
  • New: ICommandBus.Publish now takes a CancellationToken argument
  • Fixed: MSSQL should list columns to SELECT when fetching events

New in 0.4.353 (released 2015-05-05)

  • Breaking: ValueObject now uses public properties instead of both private and public fields
  • Breaking: Aggregate IDs are no longer string but objects implementing IIdentity
  • Breaking: MSSQL transient exceptions are now retried
  • Breaking: All methods on IMsSqlConnection has an extra Label argument
  • New: ITransientFaultHandler added along with default retry strategies for optimistic concurrency and MSSQL transient exceptions
  • New: Release notes added to NuGet packages
  • New: Better logging and more descriptive exceptions
  • Fixed: Unchecked missing in ValueObject when claculating hash
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException thrown if null was stored in SingleValueObject and ToString() was called

New in 0.3.292 (released 2015-04-30)

  • First stable version of EventFlow