You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 65
Plugin System
Headunit Desktop comes with a plugin system that makes adding extensions to the system. Plugins need to be compiled into a library and placed in the sub-folder of the directory where HU is run from. If you'd like to add a plugin to the HU build then place your plugin in a folder that's named the same as the plugin the source directory's plugin directory ie: SOURCE_DIR/plugin/my-example-plugin. Then add the plugin to the headunit-desktop.pro file.
If you are writing a plugin then you need to extend the PluginInterface
abstract class and implement the getContextProperty()
can be found in the plugininterface.h file.
has to return an object with QObject as base type. This will be loaded to the QML context as a property and will be referred
to with the same name as the plugin.
Each plugin is configured using Q_PLUGIN_METADATA
, set the id to something unique, HU built-in plugins use org.viktorgino.headunit.PLUGINNAME
Each plugin should have a plugin meta data definition ie: Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.viktorgino.headunit.PLUGINNAME" FILE "config.json")
In your config.json you need to have a json object with each config having its own key. The name
key is the absolute minimum that needs to be in
there. The usage of the config file is as follows (you need to remove comments from the json file):
"name":"PluginName", //The name for the plugin, has to be an valid ES5 variable name
"config":{ //Add plugin to the settings page
"name":"plugin-name", //Internal name for plugin
"text":"Example Settings", //Item name displayed on the settings page
"source":"qrc:/ExampleSettings/settings.qml", //The url to the QML file that contains your custom settings
"iconImage": "qrc:/ExampleSettings/icon.png", //The url for the icon that will be used on the settings page
"section":"Examples" //The section the settings item will be displayed at **currently not used**
"menu":{ //Add plugin to the side menu
"text":"Example", //Item name displayed in the menu
"source":"qrc:/ExampleSettings/main.qml", //The url to the QML file that contains your custom plugin
"image": "qrc:/ExampleSettings/icon.png", //The url for the icon that will be displayed in the menu
"color":"#00BCD4" //The colour for the menu item
It is recommended that you create your own plugin's prefix in any QML resource file to avoid mixing with other plugins etc.
Let's call our plugin example-plugin. You'll need 4 files for the skeleton of the plugin: main class and it header, config.json and a qt project file. In a real plugin you will also need a qrc file with the used qml files linked. You can have more classes which you can then load with the constructor of your implementation of PluginInterface
CONFIG += c++11 plugin
QT += quick
TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(example-plugin)
INCLUDEPATH += ../../includes
DESTDIR = ../../plugins
RESOURCES += qml.qrc
# Default rules for deployment.
qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
!isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
#ifndef EXAMPLE_H
#define EXAMPLE_H
#include <QObject>
#include <plugininterface.h>
class Example : public QObject, PluginInterface
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.viktorgino.headunit.example" FILE "config.json")
explicit Example(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QObject *getContextProperty() override;
ExampleClass *exampleContextProperty; //ExampleClass is fake class with QObject that extends QObject
public slots:
#endif // EXAMPLE_H
#include "example.h"
Example::Example(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
exampleContextProperty = new ExampleClass();
QObject *Example::getContextProperty(){
return qobject_cast<QObject *>(exampleContextProperty);
"text":"Example Settings",
"iconImage": "qrc:/ExampleSettings/icon.png",
"image": "qrc:/ExampleSettings/icon.png",