Vilnius city municipality administration (VCMA) interactive maps based on ArcGis API 4.x and Angular 6.x
Dowload and run the following at the command line to run the app in development mode:
npm install
npm start
Create dev build:
npm run build
Create production build:
npm run build --prod
Note: currently using express js and ejs in production
Check the npm packages described in the package.json.
Add default funcionality themes with Dynamic layers based on ArcMaps *.mxd project and REST services to and existing options.ts file
// Create new theme with default Dynamic layer funcionality
export const MapOptions: any = {
themes: {
buildings: { // add new unique theme
url: "", // while migrating to ArcGis 4.x is not completely finished use url for static navigation to ArcGis 3.x app
production: true, // if theme is ready for production
custom: true, // true if theme funcionality is custom
name: "Pastatai ir statyba", // theme name
id: "pastatai-statyba", // theme id class and theme URL query name
imgUrl: "./app/img/statyba.png", // image URL
imgAlt: "Pastatai ir statyba", // image alt attribute
layers: {
administravimas: { // layer unique name
dynimacLayerUrls: // dynamicService URL, only 1 url per uniquer Layer
featureLayerUrls: [
teritory: {
production: true, // if theme is ready for production
name: "Teritorijų planavimas", // theme name
id: "teritoriju-planavimas", // theme id class and theme URL query name
imgUrl: "./app/img/teritorijos.png", // image URL
imgAlt: "Teritorijų planavimas", // image alt attribute
layers: { // best practise to use 1 layer service per theme in order to save as much as possible ArcSOC processes, multiple layers works as well.
teritorijuPlanavimas: { // layer unique name //
dynimacLayerUrls: // dynamicService URL, only 1 url per uniquer Layer
name: "Teritorijų planavimas:", //name of service
isGroupService: true, // deprecated in ArcGis API 4.x version
opacity: 0.9 // opacity from 0 to 1
- VMCA Maps built with Esri ArcGis API 3.x
- Example app using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript v3 in an Angular2 app
- Using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript in Applications built with webpack
- Create Angular applications with a Webpack based tooling.
For older commits use package.json with match version exactly instead of compatible with version, see following commit
NPM 6.1.0
Node v10.x
Webpack 4.x
add Angular CLI
JIT instead of AOT
switch to esri-loader
bundle esri api libraries
remove unnecessary styles, move to sass
add tests
add external options configuration application with OAuth
refactor :)