Releases: vimsh/mafscaling
Release v2.7.1 - minor enhancements
Added support for mouse zoom in / zoom out to 2D plots
Added drag-n-drop support to OL/CL columns selection
Added ability to save/load filters in LogStats
Changed code to allow loading multiple log file to LogStats if columns logged do not exactly match
Revisited loading logs in OL/CL to make it more streamlined.
Release v2.7.0 - MAF OL/CL merging
Added MAF OL/CL merge tab
Removed unused files
Minor fixes related to UI issues and Java changed class names and deprecated methods
This version requires at least Java 15, so please install latest Java JDK (since Java 9 there is no more JRE)
For Java 8 - I had attached a zip file built with Java 8.
Release v2.6.2 - minor changes and RomRaider copy/paste fix
Throttle Maps changes:
Disabled "Requested Torque Base (RPM)" table auto-expansion horizontally to indicate this is a vertical layout table.
Added 'Paste Vertical' to the right-click cell menu to allow paste-convert horizontal RomRaider "Requested Torque Base (RPM)" table to vertical layout.
Enabled tables cell editing.
Removed calculation and referencing to other tables from all tables except "Requested Torque (Accelerator Pedal)" table.
Fixed mouse right-click selection reset
Release v2.6.1 - minor change
Added code to process new Cobb on/off Cl/OL status
Release v2.6.0 - Throttle Maps
Added Throttle Maps tab
Added X/Y axis highlighting of active/selected cells
Release v2.5.3 - minor change
Changed how the log file(s) name is displayed on LogStats tab.
Release v2.5.2 - bug fix
Fixed LogStats Standard Deviation calculation
Release v2.5.1 - minor changes
Changed code for WOT Pulls plot markers to be displayed the same way as for main log view
Release v2.5.0 - WOT Pulls Y-Axis linking
Added Y-Axis linking for WOT Pulls
Increased maximum integer digits for input boxes on Rescale tab
Fixed exception in settings on large number parsing due to grouping commas
Fixed Load Comp and MAF IAT Comp if log file is less than default table row count
Fixed displayed error row index on error
Release v2.4.3 - minor changes
Revisited VVT TAB logic and added smoothing checkbox and max rpm filter to VVT Tab filters
Added a cell hit minimum count text box to LogStats view to help filter out unreliable/discardable data