inspired by iTyped, but 1/2 the size
- extra tiny: 1kb minified, 0.5kb gzipped
- no dependencies
- just works
- drop-in replacement for iTyped
- Placeholder input support
not yet
also not yet
uses the same .ityped-cursor
class as ityped for maximum compatibility
you can style it to blink, etc.
Note: has not been tested with react or anything so just use iTyped if you use react since it'll be bloat anyway
wiatal("#element", {
* @param {Array} strings An array with the strings that will be animated
strings: ['Put your strings here...', 'and Enjoy!']
* @param {Number} typeSpeed Type speed in milliseconds
typeSpeed: 100,
* @param {Number} backSpeed Type back speed in milliseconds
backSpeed: 50,
* @param {Number} startDelay Time before typing starts
startDelay: 500,
* @param {Number} backDelay Time before backspacing
backDelay: 500,
* @param {Number} loopDelay Time before looping
loopDelay: 0,
* @param {Boolean} loop The animation loop
loop: false,
* @param {Boolean} showCursor Show the cursor element
showCursor: true,
* @param {Boolean} placeholder Write the string in the placeholder content
placeholder: false,
* @param {Boolean} disableBackTyping Disable back typing for the last string sentence
disableBackTyping: false,
* @property {String} cursorChar character for cursor
cursorChar: "|",
// optional: The callback called (if `loop` is false)
// once the last string was typed
* @property {Function} onFinished The callback called , if `loop` is false,
* once the last string was typed
onFinished: () => {},
lmk if use use it, that'd be pretty epick