This is a boiler plate for nodejs apps with typescript
- node version = 16.17.1, you can change it with you want
- postgre version = 12
- typescript version = 4.8.3
1. first you gonna need to use docker to run this boiler plate
2. on package.json you can change the app name and his description
3. on docker-composes change the names of containers and network from boilerplate to whatever you want
4. change the name of the container on command make shell, on make file, to works like a charm
- make build : will build and start the app with docker
- make serve : will start the app with docker
- make dev : will build and start the app with docker and use the ts-node-dev
- make shell : will open the container app shell on your terminal
- if you have any suggestions make a PR
- set ENVIRONMENT var on .env as **Dev**, to works on local usage. you dont need to set a value to this var if you are not using a local db