Little Lemon Demo Little Lemon Demo is an iOS app developed with SwiftUI, showcasing the skills acquired during the Meta iOS Professional Developer Certification program. This application offers a seamless user experience and is packed with a range of features:
Key Features
- Onboarding: Collect user's personal information, including first name, last name, and email.
- Login: Users can securely log in to the application, and easily return to the onboarding section after logging out.
- Home Section: This section presents a mock menu for users to explore.
- Demo Menu: Offers a comprehensive list of items for users to explore.
- Filtering: Users can filter the demo menu list by category buttons and/or by using a text search.
- Profile Management: Users have the ability to view and edit their personal information, including first name, last name, and email.
- Profile Picture: Users can change and update their profile picture.
- Local Storage: All changes and profile pictures are saved locally, utilizing UserDefaults and the document directory for data storage.
- Logout: Easily log out from the app.
- The Little Lemon Demo app is designed to provide a complete and interactive user experience, allowing users to manage their profile and explore a variety of features.
- Xcode 13 or later.
- iOS 14.0 or later.
Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
Open the project in Xcode.
Build and run the app on your iOS simulator or a physical device.
- Launch the application.
- Progress through the onboarding process, which consists of three informative pages.
- Utilize the text field to filter the menu items based on their titles.
- Make use of the pill buttons to filter the menu by category.
- Tap the image located in the upper right corner to navigate to the User Profile section.
- Modify your first name, last name, and email as needed.
- Select "Change Avatar" to update your profile picture.
- Opt to either capture a new photo or select an existing one from your photo library.
- Save the changes made to your profile or choose to log out from the app.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.