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File metadata and controls

247 lines (201 loc) · 6 KB


Helper tools to work with Elasticsearch and Kafka. The tool is best used as a CLI.

Quick Start

Start e.g. reindexing:

./ket reindex -f examples/reindex-settings.json

See available options:

$ ./ket -h
  -o, --operation OPERATION      A name of a supported operation. One of: [kafka-to-kafka, kafka-to-ndjson, kafka-to-elasticsearch, elasticsearch-to-elasticsearch, reindex, elasticsearch-to-kafka, elasticsearch-to-ndjson, krp-to-ndjson, replay, deep-replay, polyglot, server]
      --defaults                 Print to STDOUT the default configuration of the operation
      --docs                     Print to STDOUT the docstring of the operation
  -f, --config-file CONFIG_FILE  Path to the JSON file with operation config
  -h, --help
$ ./ket reindex --docs

Will print the doc string of the operation. To pretty print it you can:

$ printf "$(./ket reindex --docs)\n"

To get the default configuration of the operation:

$ ./ket reindex --defaults

To store the defaults into a file that later can be passed to ket as --config-file

$ ./ket reindex --defaults | jq > config-file.json

Native Executable

Either compile for yourself (for linux):

make build-ket

Download binary for your architecture from here

Supported operations

  • reindex
  • profile slow queries
  • replay slow queries with various profiles
  • send data from one kafka topic to another (possibly between cluster)
  • send data from a Kafka topic to Elasticsearch index
  • send data from Elasticsearch to Kafka
  • store data from Elasticsearch or Kafka as ndjson file
  • polyglot transforms


./ket reindex -f examples/reindex-settings.json

Reindex operation config file basic example:

  "max_docs" : 1200,
  "source" : {
    "remote" : {
      "host" : "http://localhost:9200"
    "index" : ".kibana"
  "dest" : {
    "index" : "destination-index-name",
    "remote" : {
      "host" : "http://localhost:9200"

Config file format is based on the Elasticsearch Reindex API.

reindex operation supports:

  • reindexing between clusters;
  • reindexing between clusters that are running different versions of Elasticsearch.
  • when starting disables refresh interval and at the end enables it.

Copy Kafka topic(s) data to another Kafka topic

./ket kafka-to-kafka -f examples/kafka-to-kafka.json

Example config:

  "max_docs": 1,
  "source": {
    "topic": "source-topic",
    "bootstrap.servers": ""
  "sink": {
    "topic": "dest-topic",
    "bootstrap.servers": ""

source and sink maps are for Kafka consumer and producer options respectively. All available options are supported.

Elasticsearch to Kafka

./ket elasticsearch-to-kafka -f examples/es-to-kafka.json

Example configuration:

  "max_docs": 10000,
  "source": {
    "remote": {
      "connect_timeout": "10s",
      "host": "http://localhost:9200",
      "socket_timeout": "1m"
    "index": ".kibana",
    "query": {
      "sort": [
      "size": 2000
  "sink": {
    "topic": "kibana-data",
    "bootstrap.servers": ""

source is the same as in reindex, sink is Kafka Producer option map.

Elasticsearch to ndjson

./ket elasticsearch-to-ndjson -f examples/es-to-ndjson.json

Example configuration:

  "max_docs": 10000,
  "source": {
    "remote": {
      "host": "http://localhost:9200"
    "index": ".kibana",
    "query": {
      "size": 2000
  "sink": {
    "filename": "es-docs.ndjson"

Kafka to ndjson

./ket kafka-to-ndjson -f examples/kafka-to-ndjson.json

Example configuration:

  "max_docs": 10000,
  "source": {
    "bootstrap.servers": "",
    "topic": "topic-name",
    "impatient": true
  "sink": {
    "filename": "es-docs.ndjson"

ndjson to Elasticsearch

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @file.ndjson

Polyglot transforms

Try it for your self, e.g.:

./ket polyglot --data='{"foo":"bar"}' --file="my-script.js" --lang=js | jq '.result | fromjson'
  "foo": "bar",
  "a": 123

as seen in the example, the script can be stored in a file.

Supported languages are ['js' 'sci'].

A useful trick is to provide data JSON string directly from a file.

./ket polyglot --data="$(jq "." data-file.json)" --file="my-script.js" --lang=js | jq '.result | fromjson'

Also, in the same fashion the script can be provided:

./ket polyglot --data="$(jq "." data-file.json)" --script="$(uglifyjs my-script.js)" --lang=js | jq '.result | fromjson'


Logging is controlled by the logback library. Logger logs to System.err. The output layout is JSON (you can query it with jq or collect logs with logstash). Default logging level is INFO. When executed as a binary, i.e. ./ket OPERATION, then logging levels are controlled by an environment variable called: ROOT_LOGGER_LEVEL, e.g. ROOT_LOGGER_LEVEL=WARN ./ket operation -f config.json Acceptable values of the ROOT_LOGGER_LEVEL are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. When an unknown value is provided, e.g. ROOT_LOGGER_LEVEL=foo ./ket operation -f config.json, then logback defaults to DEBUG logging level.

Supported Elasticsearch Versions

  • 7.x.y


Development requires GraalVM 20.3.0+, Docker and Docker Compose, GNU Make, and Clojure CLI tools.


Copyright © 2021 Vinted.

Distributed under BSD 3-Clause License