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Repository files navigation

Marvel - Mobile Exercise

This is a iOS app created using Swift and the Marvel Developer API. You can search and save the chracteres you like most.


  • Xcode 11.2
  • iOS 12.4 +
  • Swift 5.1

For security reasons I did not leave the public and private keys of the Marvel api in the project, so it is necessary to create an account on the site Site Developer Marvel


This app is using MVVM, with Coordinators on navigate between screens. Also this app is using Repository to abstract the datasource from the viewModel. The Repository transform the service model (or database model) to app model for the purpose of isolate this layers.


An iOS navigation coordinator written in Swift 5.1.

Click to expand!


There are a lot of implementations floating around the iOS community of using Coordinators to remove the burden of navigation from UIViewControllers. The Coordinator pattern is so broad, however, that there a lot of different interpretions of how to implement it.

This is my own take on the Coordinator pattern.


In my opinion, a Coordinator serves three main purposes:

  1. Handle the preparation, navigation between, and presentation of at least one - but often many - view controllers.
  2. Liase between different services, like a Networking Service, in order to pull business logic out of our view controllers.
  3. Optionally manage child Coordinators, in order to divy up responsibilities of complex navigation routes.

How To Use

My article explain this implementation


  • No Storyboard: Views develop using view code, with no broken contraints.
  • Unit Tests: 59 (code coverage: ~79%)
  • UITests: 0
  • Devices: iPhone 5s, iPhone11.
  • iOS: 12.4+.
  • Cache: using cache for data requested.

🌟 💯 All tests passed using above configurations. 🌟

This project takes advantage of Protocols and Generics to reuse views and cells.

On Swift 5.1 I can use Result type to handle network responses better.

You can favorite a character right from the catalog screen, just do a long press over any item and the options to that character will show up.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects

Click to expand!

pod 'VService'

is an HTTP networking library written in Swift.

pod 'VCore'

is an library with extensions and generics functions to helper development, written in Swift.

pod 'SnapKit'

Less verbose Auto-Layout constraints link.

pod 'Hero'

is a library for building iOS view controller transitions link.

pod 'CollectionKit'

A modern Swift framework for building composable data-driven collection view link.

pod 'RxSwift, RxCocoa'

An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams link.

pod 'CryptoSwift'

CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift link.

pod 'cocoapods-keys'

A key value store for enviroment and application keys link.

How to install

  • Clone or download the project to your machine.
  • At the project directory run: bundle install and then bundle exec pod install.
  • Open XCode11+ and build the project using: Cmd+ Shift + B.
  • Build the project for testing using: Cmd+ Shift+ U.
  • Run the tests using: Cmd + U




Screens: thiagolioy/marvelapp-SketchProject
cocoa-keys: thiagolioy/tools-pods-tricks

Next Steps

  • Add screens
  • Add travis CI
  • Implementing unit tests with RxTest and RxBlocking.
  • Create code documentation with Jazzy.


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