A promise API for executing Elm function calls in JavaScript (experimental)
This package includes an Elm port module that wraps visotype/elm-eval and a Node module that provides a JavaScript interface to the compiled Elm program. It is designed for use with the ES2017 async/await syntax.
const { expr } = require('node-elm-eval');
(async () => {
try {
const result = await expr('(+)', 1, 2);
} catch (error) {
Returns a promise for the JavaScript value type corresponding to the Elm function's return value.
Type: string
The name of an Elm function. The module name should be included, as in
or 'List.append'
, but may be omitted for functions in the
Basics module like 'always'
or 'round'
. Operators should be enclosed in
parentheses like '(+)'
or '(::)'
Arguments to f. Types must correspond to the Elm function's type signature. Will return a rejected promise if there are too many or too few arguments or type decoding fails.
Same as expr
, but takes a call object as its argument.
Type: string
Same as above.
Type: array
Same as with expr
, but given as an array.
Returns a function that will evaluate to a promise when the missing argument is supplied.
Type: string
Same as above.
Same as with expr
, but missing the last (rightmost) argument
Same as partialExpr
, but takes a call object as its argument.
Type: string
Same as above.
Same as with partialExpr
, but given as an array.