Code to convert sporthive csv files to gpx files.
- Eddy Merckx Wielerpiste (Strandlaan 3, 9000 Gent, Belgium)
You can add your own velodrome with
import trackpy as track
velodrome = track.velodrome.Velodrome(
center_utm=(x, y),
You need to specify the geometric center of the velodrome in UTM coordinates. These are local Cartesian coordinates. You can find UTM coordinates with a tool such as geoplaner. Optionally, you can define the elevation of the velodrome. Elevation can be found with e.g. the Open Elevation API. The start_finish
argument determines where the the start and finish line lies on the velodrome, expressed in arc length. For a velodrome of 250 meters, this must be a value between 0 and 250.
Currently only velodromes with a length of 250 meters are supported. The exact geometry of a velodrome can be quite complicated. We approximate a velodrome as two semicircles connected by two straight lines.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Change to the cloned repo
cd trackpy
- Install the dependencies with
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 --input="example.csv" --output="example.gpx"
import trackpy as track
# construct velodrome
filename = "eddy_merckx_wielercentrum_wgs84.csv"
arc_length_wgs84 = pd.read_csv(filename)
wielercentrum = track.velodrome.BaseVelodrome(
"Eddy Merckx Wielercentrum",
start_finish=np.round(np.pi * 27.7 + 2 * 38, decimals=1),
# parse the csv file and convert to gpx
transponder = track.parse_transponder("example.csv")
interpolation = track.map_interpolation_to_velodrome(transponder, wielercentrum)
track.write_gpx("example.gpx", interpolation, velodrome=wielercentrum)
The sporthive csv files can contain multiple sessions if the rider takes a rest. It's possible to only use a subset of the sessions available in the sporthive csv file with the sessions
keyword argument.
python3 --input="example.csv" --output="example.gpx" --sessions=2,3
transponder = track.parse_transponder("example.csv", sessions=[2,3])