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Vladimir Mandic edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 45 revisions

Extensions Development

Common Mistakes

  • Execution on import:
    Other than trivial code, there should be NO CODE that executes on import
    All code should be in functions/classes and executed on application callbacks
    Failure to do so results in slow server startup (at best) or even server crashes (at worst)
  • Keeping all Python code in /scripts:
    That folder should have a single entry point file and that file should import any other file that may reside anywhere else EXCEPT /scripts folder
    Failure to do so results server loading and executing each and every file during startup and then extension itself performs imports again
    If extension fails to do so results in slow server startup (at best) or even server crashes (at worst)
  • Browser namespace collisions:
    All JS code is imported as-is and lives in an global browser namespace
    Do not define functions like log() - use a unique prefix for all your functions and variables
  • Incorrect usage of callbacks:
    For example, JS code can be executed onUiLoaded or onUiUpdated
    First one is triggered once, second one is triggered hundreds of times during server startup
    Choosing wrong callback to perform initialization work results in initializaton work being performed hundreds of times resulting in slow page loads
    Typical problem is why is my browser page loading so slow or why is autolaunch not working? Because browser is asked to do the same things hundreds of times
    This applies to both Python and JS code - always check if you're using correct callbacks
  • Executing code when disabled:
    If extension is not enabled, it should not perform any work in callbacks it is registered for and always perform early-exit when work is not needed
    This can result in pre/during/post generate delays for no apparent reasons
    Typical problem would be ~0.5sec delay before generate start - which quickly adds up to overal time-to-generate regardless of how fast generate actually is
  • Unsafe references:
    Extensions can access server variables either directly or as provided via callbacks, but content of those variables should be handled with care
    For example, extension can access property, but there is no guarantee that property will exist for all images - always use safe access methods like get() or getattr()
    This also applies to server settings - extensions cannot assume settings never change, otherwise its not viable to ever improve underlying server at all
  • Unsafe patching:
    Extensions can patch server code by providing overrides for some methods, but should do so with care
    For example, extension can replace forward functions, but always consider there may be other extensions that do the same
    So patching should never be done globally on in a way that breaks other extensions

Unfortunately, looking at top-20 most popular extensions, most of them are guilty of not just one or two, but majority of the above cases and this is not isolated only to extensions that are considered broken
Always remember that by installing extension you give it full access to do anything and you're relying on extension author to perform all the work correctly and safely

Extension vs Script

  • Script is a single module that implements a script
  • Script object is inherited from Script class and implements several mandatory and any of the optional methods for well-defined callbacks
  • Extension is a larger implementation that exists as its own folder with a well-defined folder structure
  • Extension code can further define any number of Scripts or work on its own

Extension Folder Structure

Note: any of the files are optional

  • /
    Loaded early during server startup to provide additional command line parameters
    Extension should define a preload(parser: argparser) function to extend parser as needed
    Preload should perform no other work or access any other modules
  • /
    Loaded early during server startup to install any optional requirements
    Must use well defined server functions such as launch.run_pip and access only modules explictly marked as safe at the early stages of server startup
    Do not do direct OS calls or perform any other work other than basic installation
  • /javascript/*.js
    All JS files in a folder are added as-is There should be no work done in JS scripts other than definining functions/variables and registering callbacks that will be executed at appropriate time
  • /style.css
    Style is added as-is
  • /scripts/*.py
    This is intended as a main entry-point for extension and every file is loaded by the server durign startup There should be no work done in Python scripts other than definining functions/variables and registering callbacks that will be executed at appropriate time
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