- Dictionary has now higher priority than DevelopmentLanguageId
- Dictionary is now alfabetically sorted using [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]
- Added [B]reak option to ExtendedStringConfirmation
- Added progress indicator; files without changes are not reported to the console
- Fixed bug when saving DeepL credentials; .deepl folder created if not exists
- Fixed bug when saving dictionary; .dictionary folder created if not exists
- Added .gitignore with /.deepl and /.dictionary folders
- Other minor changes
- Adding Manifest to give more information about the module
- Importing depenency module Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools directly
- Change LanguageId from String to Integer (as of Windows LCID) for better clarity and extensibility
- Removing LanguageOption.psm1 file as no need to store language options any more
- DeepL API usage implementation
- DeepL API key storage implementation
- Updated Help and README
- Rename functions to use approved verbs
- Code refactoring and optimizations
- Core module created with GitHub repository