Web3 social networks are built on the technology that powers Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies- blockchain, which is a transparent digital ledger that can store immutable data.
Being built on blockchain, web3 social networks are decentralized and are thus a class of decentralized applications(dApps).
-> We provide NFT.Storage as a form of storage.
-> We also give users access to a blog.
-> We also offer our consumers memberships so they may access the creators' unique stuff.
-> Account abstraction using Biconomy.
-> Filecoin
-> Biconomy
-> NFTStorage
-> Chingari
-> We limit the hours of usage of the user to avoid social media addiction.
-> We give an option to trimout the 18+ contents and horror contents.
-> we use NFt.storage to storing and retrieving images and videos from ipfs and filecoin.
-> We use Biconomy Social Login and Account Abstraction to avoid the recurrent use of the web3 authentication.
-> We allow only a signed user to access the media.
-> We use TableLand for the relational queries and the API calls.
-> We use the Chingari for the vedio media library
-> NFT.storage (includes the ipfs and filecoin)
-> TableLand
-> Biconomy
-> Truffle
-> We use Chingari for the vedio media library
-> npm install
-> npm run dev
-> npm i -g truffle
-> truffle compile
-> truffle migrate
-> truffle deploy
Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrsZIxkQAAZoGEOG8C0_7VVZWdmqamG8W
Canva Presentation Link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFTwgAp0xM/oVZ_qPSIIehDYqC3d_vP8Q/view?utm_content=DAFTwgAp0xM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton#2