The project was created to demonstrate the speed of creation and operation of applications for watches.
There is no huge logic in the project, static information is on one screen. The number of lines does not exceed two hundred, but completely covers my need to view the course without any advertising and payment.
The project will, if possible, be supplemented to test the functionality, which may be:
- Keeping a list in memory
- Adding and saving new currencies in memory
- Develop the simplest analogue for a phone
Clone the repository and cd the working directory:
cd watchOs_ccy
Build and run the program:
pod install - intel
arch -x86_64 pod install - m1
Run project in Xcode
Name: Nikita
Company: SmartWorld
Position: TeamLead
TG: @nikitavoryet
Year of birth: 1999
FullStack: JS/GO