Core / generic parts of the CRDPPF project
This has to be used as a submodule in your own CRDPPF project.
For Linux, you will need python-dev and python-venv, which can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
In your Makfile, you should also overwrite the following variables:
VENV_BIN ?= .build/venv/bin
PYTHON_EXE ?= python3
When developping some Python code, you should run Flake8 on it, to be sure that your code follows pep8
buildout\bin\flake8 crdppf_core\crdppf\util
buildout\bin\flake8 crdppf_core\crdppf\views
buildout\bin\flake8 crdppf_core\crdppf\
buildout\bin\flake8 crdppf_core\crdppf\
(Do not run it on the whole package, because it contains a lot of external libs).
It might also be good to check the McCabe complexity from time to time.
buildout\bin\flake8 --max-complexity 10 crdppf_core\crdppf\util
buildout\bin\flake8 --max-complexity 10 crdppf_core\crdppf\views
buildout\bin\flake8 --max-complexity 10 crdppf_core\crdppf\
buildout\bin\flake8 --max-complexity 10 crdppf_core\crdppf\