Swift implementation of redux-undo for Swift to use with ReSwift 4.0
Work in progress
Suppose the state of your app is like this:
struct State: StateType, Equatable {
var counter: Int = 0
static func ==(lhr: State, rhr: State) -> Bool {
return lhr.counter == rhr.counter
Notice: it's important that your State conforms to the Equatable protocol.
And your reducer looks like this:
func reducer(action: Action, state: State?) -> State {
var state = state ?? initialState()
switch action {
case _ as Increase:
state.counter = state.counter + 1
case _ as Decrease:
state.counter = state.counter - 1
return state
With ReSwiftUndo you can trigger actions that lets you go back to your previous state and back to the recent one.
Wrapping your state with undoable
makes the state look like this:
public struct UndoableState<T>: StateType {
public var past: [T]
public var present: T
public var future: [T]
Now you can get the current state like this: state.present
let appReducer = undoable(reducer: reducer)
var store = Store<UndoableState<State>>(reducer: appReducer, state: nil)
If you only need a substate of your app to be undoable you can do something like this:
func appReducer(action: Action, state: State?) -> State {
let folderUndoableReducer = undoable(reducer: foldersReducer, filter: filterCondition)
return State(
authenticationState: authenticationReducer(action: action, state: state?.authenticationState),
commonState: commonReducer(action: action, state: state?.commonState),
foldersState: folderUndoableReducer(action, state?.foldersState)
You can now trigger the Undo
and Redo
actions and do things like these:
print(store.state.present.counter) // 0
print(store.state.present.counter) // 1
print(store.state.past[0].counter) // 0
print(store.state.present.counter) // 0
print(store.state.future[0].counter) // 1
print(store.state.present.counter) // 1
Notice that only actions resulting in a new state are recorded. But if you want to discard some actions in the undo/redo history, or to only record history if a certain part of the state is changed you can
add a filter
function to undoable
If you want to create your own filter, pass in a function or closure with the parameters of type
(Action, T, UndoableState<T>)
where you receive the action dispatched, the new currentState and the previous history. For example:
let filterCondition: UndoableFilter<FoldersState> = { (_, new, previous) in
let previousPresent = previous.present
let sameFolder = previousPresent.folder?.itemId == new.folder?.itemId
return !sameFolder
let folderUndoableReducer: (Action, UndoableState<FoldersState>?) -> UndoableState<FoldersState> =
undoable(reducer: foldersReducer, filter: filterCondition)
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