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Releases: voximplant/ios-sdk-releases-bitcode
Releases · voximplant/ios-sdk-releases-bitcode
- Improve stability of media connectivity within a call
- Fix: crash on [VIClient disconnect], if VIClient instance is destroyed before [VIClientSessionDelegate clientSessionDidDisconnect:] is invoked
- [VICall startInAppScreenSharing:] API now sends the video of the application screen in 1280:720 format. If a device screen resolution does not match 16:9 aspect ratio, the SDK fits the screensharing frames into 720p frames by adding black borders
- Fix: [VICallDelegate call:didReceiveStatistics:] event is not invoked after a call is connected
- Bugfix and stability improvements
- Introduce new APIs to restore the connection to the Voximplant Cloud if it was closed due to network issues during a call:
- [VIClientSessionDelegate clientSessionDidStartReconnecting:] - notifies that the connection to the Voximplant Cloud is lost and the client is reconnecting
- [VIClientSessionDelegate clientSessionDidReconnect:] - notifies that the connection to the Voximplant Cloud is restored
VIClientStateReconnecting - client state representing that the client is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud - [VICallDelegate callDidStartReconnecting:] - notifies that the SDK is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams may not be active
- [VICallDelegate callDidReconnect:] - notifies that the SDK is successfully reconnected to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams are restored
- VICallErrorCodeReconnecting - call error that informs that a call operation cannot be completed while a call is reconnecting
- Introduce [VIVideoRendererViewDelegate videoView:didChangeVideoSize:] API to detect video frame size change on [VIVideoRendererView]
- Introduce [VIEndpointDelegate didDetectVoiceActivityStart:] and [VIEndpointDelegate didDetectVoiceActivityStop:] API to handle voice activity of an endpoint in a conference call.
- Fix: [VIAudioManagerDelegate audioDeviceChanged:] methods are now always invoked reports VIAudioDeviceTypeNone instead of VIAudioDeviceTypeBluetooth if Air Pods are connected during a call (iOS 15 specific).
- Fix: available audio devices list does not contain VIAudioDeviceTypeReceiver if a Bluetooth device is disconnected while the audio session is inactive.
- Fix: local video from front camera captured by VICameraManager is not mirrored.
- Dependency update: VoxImplantWebRTC is updated to 93.0.0
- Fix: keep the connection to the Voximplant Cloud for 5 seconds in the background after a VoIP push notification is received before the call is answered.
- Dependency update: VoxImplantWebRTC is updated to 89.2.1.
- Improve available audio devices detection: [VIAudioDeviceManager availableAudioDevices] and [VIAudioDeviceManagerDelegate audioDevicesListChanged:] API handle the cases when AirPods are put to or removed from the case during a call.
- Fix: local video stream is removed if disabling video in a call via [VICall setSendVideo:completion] API is failed.
- Fix: SwiftPM may fail to resolve Voximplant iOS SDK version with error "TSCBasic.StringError error 1."
- Introduce VIInboundAudioStats.audioLevel API that represents the audio audioLevel of a remote audio stream in a call.
- Introduce VICallSettings.statsCollectionInterval API to configure the interval of [VICallDelegate call:didReceiveStatistics:] event.
- Fix: wrong calculation of VICallStats.videoPacketsSent
- Bugfix and stability improvements