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Puppet module to install and configure smokeping. Including target and slave definition


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SmokePing Puppet module

Puppet module to completely manage a SmokePing installation. Includes managing of Master/Slave or Standalone installation, and the menu hierarchy.

Some background information can be found here: Puppet module to manage SmokePing


  • Master/Slave/Standalone SmokePing configuration possible
  • Menu hierarchy implemented
  • Define Probes and Alert patterns
  • Config files managed with templates
  • Uses exported resources to configure Slaves on the Master (tag: smokeping-slave)
  • Automatically generates a shared secret for Master/Slave configuration (tag: smokeping-slave-secret)

Supported Platforms

Fully supported:

  • Debian, Ubuntu

Standalone only (no master/slave support yet):

  • Fedora 22+
  • CentOS 7+ (Note: requires third party repository to provide smokeping package).



Standalone SmokePing instance

# install a standalone instance on a server with default values (see init.pp for
# parameter documentation
class { 'smokeping':
  mode => 'standalone',

Master SmokePing instance

# install a master instance on a server with default values (see init.pp for
# parameter documentation. You must have a slave, or this will not work!
class { 'smokeping':
  mode => 'master',

Slave SmokePing instance

class { 'smokeping':
  mode           => 'slave',
  slave_name     => $facts['hostname'],
  master_url     => 'http://myserver.tld/smokeping/smokeping.cgi',
  slave_location => 'zurich',

This configures the server as slaves and adds the slave definition automatically to the master using exported resources.


Class['smokeping'] {
  probes => [
      name => 'FPing',
      binary => '/usr/bin/fping',
      name => 'FPing6',
      binary => '/usr/bin/fping6',


$alerts = [
    name        => 'bigloss',
    alert_type  => 'loss',
    pattern     => '==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%',
    comment     => 'suddenly there is packet loss',

    name        => 'startloss',
    alert_type  => 'loss',
    pattern     => '==S,>0%,>0%,>0%',
    comment     => 'loss at startup',

    name        => 'noloss',
    alert_type  => 'loss',
    pattern     => '>0%,>0%,>0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%',
    edgetrigger => true,
    comment     => 'there was loss and now its reachable again',
Class['smokeping'] {
  alerts => $alerts,


# Top Level
smokeping::target { 'World':
  menu      => 'World',
  pagetitle => 'Connection to the World',
  alerts    => [ 'bigloss', 'noloss' ],

smokeping::target { 'GoogleCH':
  hierarchy_parent => 'World',
  hierarchy_level  => 2,
  menu             => '',
  pagetitle        => 'Google',

smokeping::target { 'GoogleCHIPv4':
  hierarchy_parent => 'GoogleCH',
  hierarchy_level  => 3,
  menu             => ' IPv4',
  host             => '',
  slaves           => ['slave1'],

smokeping::target { 'GoogleCHIPv6':
  hierarchy_parent => 'GoogleCH',
  hierarchy_level  => 3,
  menu             => ' IPv6',
  host             => '',
  probe            => 'FPing6',
  slaves           => ['slave1'],

smokeping::target { 'GoogleCHCurl':
  hierarchy_parent => 'GoogleCH',
  hierarchy_level  => 3,
  menu             => ' Curl',
  host             => '',
  probe            => 'Curl',
  options          => {
    urlformat => 'http://%host%/',

License / Author

The module is written by

Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, Copyright 2015 by Tobias Brunner


See: Github Contributors