Well to do this correctly you first need to run marbles locally.
Seriously make sure marbles on your local machine starts up and you have traded a marble successfully before you continue. You do not want to troubleshoot config settings with the Bluemix flow. It will take forever and you may lose your mind.
. This file is in the root of your marbles directory.- We need to change the application name in this file since "marbles" is taken. Try to pick a unique name (or else the next steps will fail, and you will have to try agian).
--- applications: - disk_quota: 1024M name: CUSTOM_NAME_HERE command: "node app.js" path: "." instances: 1 memory: 256M
Install the Cloud Foundry Command Line Tool
Download an installer for your OS
Run the installer
Lets test it by opening a command prompt or terminal window and typing
> cf
You should see a bunch of text.
If you get something like command not found, then your installation was either not successful or CF is not added to your system path. Windows/Linux/Mac have different ways to edit the PATH therefore look up instructions for your OS.
Login to CF
Open a command prompt or terminal window
> cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net > cf login (follow the prompts to enter your Bluemix ID and password)
Push the application by opening a command prompt and browsing to your marbles directory
This can take some time to complete (1-3 minutes). You will see logs from Bluemix, but they will stop once the app launches.
To see logs from marbles during and after its start up open a second terminal/command prompt and type:
If you missed the start up logs try:
cf logs YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE --recent
If all goes well you should see this message in the console:
--------------------------------- Server Up - ------------------------------------
Once you see the message below you are good to go:
---------------------------------------- Websocket Up ------------------------------------------
Marbles is running! Now continue the tutorial.