This project analyzes death & vaccination count worldwide. The data used in this project lies between 2020-01-01 and 2021-04-30. The details helps to analyze the death and vaccination count by country, continent, infection percentage and many more
- Cleaning
- Analyzing death count by country and continent
- Countries with highest infection rate
- Vaccinations as per date and location
Here is the link: Link to Dataset: This is the guided project from AlextheAnalyst Youtube channel:
- Code: SQLQuery1 in
- Data: CovidDeaths and CovidVaccination in
- Azure Data Studio
- Docker
Columns in the dataset:
A. Covid_Vaccinations.csv:
- iso_code
- continent
- location
- date
- new_tests
- total_tests
- total_tests_per_thousand
- new_tests_per_thousand
- new_tests_smoothed
- new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand
- positive_rate
- tests_per_case
- tests_units
- total_vaccinations
- people_vaccinated
- people_fully_vaccinated
- new_vaccinations
- new_vaccinations_smoothed
- total_vaccinations_per_hundred
- people_vaccinated_per_hundred
- people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
- new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million
- stringency_index
- population_density
- median_age
- aged_65_older
- aged_70_older
- gdp_per_capita
- extreme_poverty
- cardiovasc_death_rate
- diabetes_prevalence
- female_smokers
- male_smokers
- handwashing_facilities
- hospital_beds_per_thousand
- life_expectancy
- human_development_index
B. Covid_Deaths.csv
- iso_code
- continent
- location
- date
- population
- total_cases
- new_cases
- new_cases_smoothed
- total_deaths
- new_deaths
- new_deaths_smoothed
- total_cases_per_million
- new_cases_per_million
- new_cases_smoothed_per_million
- total_deaths_per_million
- new_deaths_per_million
- new_deaths_smoothed_per_million
- reproduction_rate
- icu_patients
- icu_patients_per_million
- hosp_patients
- hosp_patients_per_million
- weekly_icu_admissions
- weekly_icu_admissions_per_million
- weekly_hosp_admissions
- weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million