Source code for the 4k intro "Adam" by brainlez Coders!
See dist/ for more details.
Following tools should be in path:
- Go
- Shader-minifier
- Crinkler Note: As crinkler.exe, not link.exe
- Optionally: glslangValidator
The actual build was done with VSCommunity2019. Make sure you also installed CMake with it as the build was automated with CMake.
- Open the repository folder using Visual Studio
- Choose the configuration (min-heavy-1080 is the compo version). Min means minified, light/med/heavy refers to compression level, 720/1080/2160 the resolution.
- Build & run.
Note that CMake is configured to output the exes into the dist/ folder.
In case you want dump a 60 fps video, there's the x64-Release configuration, under which you find capture-* executable. Dumps an output.avi & song.raw which can be combined and encoded using encode.bat. Required ffmpeg in path and OpenCV for builds.